Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2045: Yang Chengyu is dead


In an instant, the huge fingers fell one after another.

At the beginning, the divine body in front of Yang Chengyu, the divine body that was firmly blocked, was indestructible and could not be damaged.

However, the fingerprints are too powerful for the conferred gods.

Yang Chengyu can't take it.

A strong force is better than one.

At this moment, Yang Chengyu's face suddenly turned into a blank sheet of paper.


Accompanied by a bang, the divine body condensed with the blood of the sacred tree suddenly burst and turned into invisible.

And then, one after another shattered sounds, one after another.

These cracking sounds gave people an indescribable harsh sound.

At this moment, Mu Yun's figure rushed out directly.

In the blink of an eye, his figure appeared in front of Yang Chengyu.

"The Five Elements God Lord, but so..."

The palm of the hand was shot directly, and a tyrannical swallowing force sealed Yang Chengyu's whole body up and down at this moment.

In an instant, Yang Chengyu could clearly feel it.

The power in his body was lost one by one, disappearing one after another.

Mu Yun was devouring everything about him.



Yang Chengyu looked at everything, but couldn't resist.

"Relax, don't worry about my life or death, I can't die!"

The palm of the hand was waved, and the powerful force burst directly at this moment.

At this moment, Yang Chengyu clearly felt that the vitality of his whole body was constantly passing by.

This passage made him feel that death has never been so close.


In the end, Yang Chengyu's body became a corpse.

Mu Yun waved his palm and immediately sat down cross-legged.

In the body, the essence and blood were almost squandered at this moment, and even the blood was consumed a lot.

Under this circumstance, Mu Yun was holding on and beheading Yang Chengyu.

Slowly, after successively swallowing the divine pills that he had obtained in the Five Elements Realm over the years, Mu Yun's expression only recovered a little.

Just about to stand up, a feeling of dizziness swept over him.

But at this moment, a jade arm supported Mu Yun at this moment.

"It's you!"

Looking at the woman who was about 18 or 9 years old in front of her, Mu Yun smiled and said, "You haven't run yet?"

"Why should I run!"

The woman smiled lightly: "I'm looking for you, Your Royal Highness!"


"The little girl's name is Mu Qianshi, she is a child of the Shepherd clan, but a collateral disciple, so she can't compare to your Highness!"

Mu Qianshi shallowly bowed, regarded as a salute.

"Are you a shepherd child?"

Mu Yun was taken aback at this moment, and smiled: "No wonder, you don't look like a child of the nine ancient tribes."

"His Royal Highness!"

At this moment, a few people from Xuanfengzi came galloping over.

"Then Zhu Yuxiang is dead, but Xue Ze ran away!"

"If you run away, just run away!"

Mu Yun looked around, recalled the Bone Guards and Bone Spirits, and said, "We will leave this place immediately!"


There was a slurping sound, and several figures galloped away.

Mu Qianshi and Xuanfengzi, supporting Mu Yun, left all the way...


At this moment, on the other side, the **** face was pale, and the figure staggered toward the front.


Suddenly, a shout sounded.

Only seeing that front, nearly a hundred figures, the auras are all the gods, and the leading man is the blood spirit son.

"The son!"

Seeing Xue Lingzi, Xue Ze thumped and fell to his knees: "The son has committed a crime, his subordinate is incompetent, Yang Chengyu is dead, Zhu Yuxiang is also killed, only his subordinate flees!"


Hearing this, there was a touch of blood in the eyes of Xue Lingzi, and it disappeared in a flash.

It wasn't that he was sad because Yang Chengyu died in battle, but the blood fled to this place, which is enough to show that Mu Yun... has already run away!

And this time, Mu Yun was able to kill Yang Chengyu unexpectedly.

This guy has become stronger again!

"Tell me carefully!" The blood spirit said indifferently.

Xueze narrated what happened before.

Xue Lingzi's eyes gradually became cold.

"This shows that this guy, who is now in the realm of the two-element **** master, can kill the five-element **** master."

"If you let it go one step further, I'm afraid... it will be even stronger!"

At this moment, Xue Lingzi had a deep jealousy in his heart.


He didn't expect that Mu Yun would actually rise to this point in such a short period of time.

This is enough to show that this guy's current cultivation and strength have exceeded his expectations by a lot.

It's a pity that I couldn't find him sooner, and let this guy grow into such a climate.

"My son, what should I do now?"


Xue Lingzi said: "You must find him before he recovers, otherwise, I'm afraid... even I can't kill him!"

Nowadays, in the Five Elements Realm, Mu Yun has appeared, but obviously not many are interested in Mu Yun. ,

In this way, if Mu Yun, Mu Yuanqing, and Mu Yuanfeng converge, it will be even more difficult to kill Mu Yun.

In this way, it is the most troublesome!

Can't let Mu Yun have the slightest breathing time anymore.

But when he heard this, Xue Ze and Xue Ke frowned.


Where to chase?

The Five Elements Realm is so vast, comparable to the land of the God Realm, how can it be able to catch up with Muyun?

This guy, there are hundreds of puppet guards now.

Even if he catches up, Mu Yun releases hundreds of puppets, which makes them a headache.

As long as Mu Yun wants to run, killing him is really not easy!

But even though they thought so in their hearts, the two of them absolutely didn't dare to speak out.

Three figures directly lead a hundred people at this moment, and fly directly out.

Following the death of Yang Chengyu, all parties in the Five Elements Realm once again showed different attitudes.

However, everyone still did not act.

It seems that everyone has already acquiesced that this is a battle between the blood race and the herder.

They don't need to participate!

At this moment, within the Five Elements Realm, on a vast grassland.

A figure slowly stood up.

"Big Brother Wang Xuan!"

Several figures flew over at this moment.

The leader of the young man arched his hands and said, "Then Mu Yun, he really made his move and murdered again."

"Yang Chengyu died this time!"


Wang Xuan is well-proportioned, giving people a sense of fitness.

"This guy, he really went to the blood clan!"

"Brother Wang Xuan, shall we rush over?"

"What did you do in the past?"

Wang Xuan said indifferently at this moment: "Just let those guys fight."

"But Sister Wang Yushi was killed by Mu Yun!"

"Xue Lingzi, do you really believe it?"

Wang Xuan sneered and said, "This guy just wants to pull me and fight Mu Yun with him."

"Between the blood and the herdsman, it can be described as a sea of ​​blood and deep enmity."

"Especially back then, Blood Owl and Mu Yun, the two princes, that are in the God Realm, the existence of the wind and rain, the ten princes of the gods, only two of them, are the ancestral gods in the Nine Transformation realm, tyrannical."

"But in the battle between the blood owl and Mu Yun, they were defeated in the hands of Mu Yun. This blood owl, but arrogant, would never be willing to admit his failure!"

"In those days, the nine clans were cutting their pastures, but the blood clan took the lead. Our royal clan was just a deputy!"

"This is nothing!"

"Let Xue Lingzi and Mu Yun fight hard, as for who killed my sister..."

Wang Xuan's face was cold, and he hummed, "Whoever sacrifices to the **** of the town is the murderer."


At this moment, Wang Xuan's anger spread.

"This time, the top ten on the Shenying list are almost all gathered in the team. Those guys, all of them want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight."

Wang Xuan shook his hand and hummed: "After leaving the customs this time, I will return to the clan, and I am sure to hit the realm of the ancestral gods. At that time, the Shenying list, Bi Yichen, and Xue Lingzi will give it to me. Abdicated!"

"Congratulations, Brother Wang!"

"Congratulations, Brother Wang!"

Several people looked happy.

They all followed Wang Xuan, and Wang Xuan reached the ancestor god, and that was the core member of the ancient clan, and then they could also follow Wang Xuan and get infinite benefits.

"This trial, the most interesting time, right now, has just begun..."

A smile appeared at the corner of Wang Xuan's mouth.


Mu Yun's move can be said to shock the Five Elements World again.

It's just that the Lord now is quite miserable.

In the water travel world, within a water curtain cave, Xuan Fengzi, Lu Yun, Shen Ke, and Mu Qianshi guarded Mu Yun firmly in the cave.

The rest of the people were secretly hiding in the surroundings, observing the surroundings, not daring to careless.

"His Royal Highness, how do you feel?"

"It's better!"

Mu Yun's complexion just recovered some stability at this moment.

"It's just that the essence and blood disappeared too much, and the blood was consumed by the way. You don't have to look at me like this?"

Mu Yun joked.

Several people, Xuanfengzi, were not happy at the moment.

As Xuantian Wanshi, the master is wounded, that means they are incompetent!

"Okay, stop crying and chirping!"

Mu Yun waved his hand, looked at several people, and said: "What is the situation outside now?"

"His Royal Highness!"

Xuanfengzi arched his hands and said, "Similar to the last time, Xue Lingzi jumped on his own, and the other ancient disciples had no attitude."

"They won't have an attitude!"

Mu Qianshi smiled slightly at this moment, believing himself.

"Huh? You little girl, seems to know a lot?"

"His Royal Highness doesn't know anything!"

Mu Qianshi respectfully said: "The little girl will introduce herself again!"

"My father is the commander of the herdsmen's guards, and my mother is from the land of China. He entered the herdsmen and got married with my father."

"So I am in the herd, and can only be regarded as a collateral."

"Also, my elder brother's name is Mu Qian, and my second brother's name is Mu Ze. This trip is accompanied by two young masters, Mu Yuanqing and Mu Yuanfeng!"

Mu Qianshi introduced herself carefully.

"The herdsmen are divided into collateral and direct lines!" Mu Yun joked.

"Of course!"

Mu Qianshi looked at Mu Yun in front of him, and said patiently: "His Royal Highness may have forgotten many things."

"In the pastoral clan, the patriarch has a line, plus the second master, third master, fourth master, etc., this belongs to the direct line. The other shepherd disciples are all side lines, but there are also different side lines!"

"Oh? Come and listen!"

Mu Yun was interested.

Unexpectedly, there are such divisions within the herdsmen, which makes him quite curious.

"His Royal Highness wants to hear, let me talk about it carefully!"

Mu Qianshi smiled slightly, and a pair of dimples appeared, which added a bit of charm.

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