Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2049: Wait!

"Including the nine ladies of your Highness!"

A sly look in Mu Qianshi's eyes flashed past, and he smiled and said: "His Royal Highness is still really charming. In this life, there will be eight confidantes!"

"Back to the clan, I'm afraid Madam Bi will be sulking in her Highness!"

"Mrs. Bi?"

"Biqingyu, the young patriarch of the Bi clan!"

Mu Qianshi's words fell, and she shook her head and smiled: "Yes, your memory has not yet been completely integrated!"

"Ms. Bi has left the God Realm several times in the past ten thousand years. Your Royal Highness should have seen it..."

Hearing this, Mu Yun's mind showed the appearance of green jade.

A long green gown, it looks quite reluctant to speak, there seems to be a stubbornness in his bones, and the most eye-catching pair of eyes is full of expression.

She is indeed a unique beauty, but when we met in the past, this woman seems to have always been sad, and she has added a touch of love and affection.


Looking ahead, several people paused.

Mu Yun looked forward at the moment, with a touch of peace between his face.

For some reason, the closer he is, the more he feels that the attraction is gradually diminishing.

Everyone only saw that in front of him, the field of vision suddenly became wider.

Among them, a wave of majestic breath is better than a wave.

Moreover, in the open area, at a glance, five peaks stand majestic.

Each of the five peaks is thousands of meters high.

Moreover, when you look carefully, the five peaks seem to have been cut off from the top of the head with a sword, leaving only halfway up the mountain.

Moreover, the top looks smooth and flat, refracting light and converging to the center.

At this moment, everyone looked at the five mountains and yearned.

"These five mountains are scattered here, isn't anyone paying attention?" Xuan Fengzi couldn't help but said.

"It's not that no one noticed, but someone has already probed, but there is nothing to gain!"

Mu Yun stepped out carefully and came to the center of the five mountains.

"It looks really weird here, but I can't say how weird it is."

Everyone raised their spirits at this moment and looked around.

But for half a day, there was still nothing. ‘

As if there is really nothing to look forward to here.

Mu Yun stood on the spot and looked around. Slowly, the golden glass beads, the **** of peace flags, the axe of the sky, and the sword of cold soul floated slowly around Mu Yun's body at this moment.

Suddenly, a strong suction force spread at this moment.

The four peaks are radiant, and the four great artifacts at this moment actually have a strange feeling of being out of Mu Yun's control.

"It seems that there is still something missing!"

Mu Yun slowly said, "Here, it should be the secret of the Five Elements Realm, but it is impossible to open it with these four artifacts."

"The last artifact of good fortune, the Baoyan Lantern, also needs to be turned on completely."

Hearing this, all of them looked weird.

The news of the Baoyan Lantern did not spread at all within the Five Elements Realm.

I'm afraid I don't know who got it, so I put it away.

If it is within the Five Elements Realm, if this person does not take out the Baoyan Lantern, it will be extremely difficult for them to find it.

"What should I do now, Your Highness?"


Mu Yun searched for a mound, sat down, and said with a smile: "Wait, naturally someone will come here with a treasure flame lantern."

As soon as this remark came out, a few people all looked at me, and I looked at you, I don't know why.


Only the last more than ten years are left, and none of these guys in the front have exposed the news of the Baoyan Lantern. At this last moment, I am afraid that they will not expose the news about the Baoyan Lantern.

Waiting here is not good news.

But Mu Yun had already spoken, and the few people naturally had nothing else to say.

Everyone sat down at this moment and waited quietly.

There is not much time, and the sound of breaking through the air sounded at this moment.

Suddenly, hundreds of figures gathered one by one at this moment.

The headed person, dressed in blood, with long blood-colored hair, drifted in the wind at this moment.

The grinning wind, accompanied by the formation of the hundreds of people, made people really feel unstoppable.

"how is it?"

Mu Yun smiled and said, "I said, someone will come, right?"

Hearing this, the people of Xuanfengzi didn't even smile at all on their faces.

It is indeed someone here, but here is the blood spirit!

This guy is not so messy!

Xue Lingzi has been looking for His Royal Highness all these years, and now he has come here, and he still can't fight.

"Mu Yun, finally let me find you!"

"I'm waiting for you too!" Mu Yun smiled indifferently.


Xue Lingzi's eyes are red at the moment.

"Today is the day you die!"

With a low drink, the blood spirit shot directly out.

"That's not sure, who died."

Stepping out, Mu Yun's body rushed out at this moment.


In an instant, in midair, the two played against each other.

Strong waves of air are better than one.

The sound of bang bang continued to sound. At this moment, the two of them did not know how many times they fought, and the sound of blasting filled the entire five peaks.

The figure of the blood spirit child, put it on and then withdrew.

At this moment, Mu Yun's figure flew back faintly.

"Have you reached the realm of the Four Elements God Lord?"

Xue Lingzi's eyes were filled with surprise.

After a lapse of several decades, Mu Yun actually reached the realm of the Four Elements God Lord directly.

how can that be!

"It's not too late to know!"

Mu Yun clenched his palms tightly, his expression unchanged: "If you want to kill me now, I'm afraid you will have to pay a heavy price!"


Xue Lingzi was very upset and shouted: "Why, you can improve your realm so quickly."

With these words, he seemed to be asking Mu Yun, and he seemed to be asking himself.

However, there was only a gust of wind to answer him.

"Do you think that this way you can be carefree?"

Xue Lingzi shouted: "The people gathered around me are all God Lord and God Emperor. You can't escape death today!"

"I don't agree with this!"

Mu Yun waved his palm.


A group of figures appeared at this moment.

Three hundred bone guards!

Five Hundred Bone Spirit Guards!

In an instant, more than 800 people were scattered, and when you looked carefully, the more than 800 people were all at the level of God Lord.

Xue Lingzi's face suddenly became ugly.


Mu Yun smiled and said: "Is it, it feels like killing me, it's a little harder?"

Hearing this, Xue Lingzi bit his angry teeth secretly.

This guy is really disgusting!

"What do you want to do, say!"

Xue Lingzi hummed: "Even if you gather these people around you, but if you want to kill me, you are delusional."

"Since you are here, you should know what I want to do!"

Mu Yun said again: "The Baoyan Lantern, is it on you?"


Xue Lingzi looked at Mu Yun, his eyes flashing sullenly.

"It's on me."

"Here, there may be a secret involved. I think these four artifacts, plus the flame lantern in your body, are enough to unlock the secrets of this place!"

"You and I, open up the secret here first, deciding whether to live or die, I think, would you mind?"

When Xue Lingzi heard this, he immediately understood.

Mu Yun wanted to join hands with him to unlock the secrets of this place.

"it is good!"

Xue Lingzi nodded and said, "I'm joining hands with you, but you better understand that after you turn it on, you must protect your life."

"Relax, I am most afraid of death!"

Mu Yun smiled indifferently and waved his palm.

Colored glaze golden beads, god-of-town flags, cold soul sword, and sky-opening axe appeared completely.

Suddenly, four artifacts of good fortune returned to the top of the four peaks.

Seeing this scene, Xue Lingzi's face changed slightly.

The four artifacts of good fortune were really in Mu Yun's hands.

"Go and inform Wang Xuan, the **** of the town flag appears, he won't come out again, his sister's hatred, don't want to avenge it in this life!"


Xue Lingzi's words fell, and he waved his palm directly, and the Baoyan Lantern appeared.

The Baoyan Lantern is about 18 feet high, like a lantern in a folk lantern festival, but inside, it is sizzling, burning with a flame that will never go out.

From time to time, the flames spit out, the hot breath, one wave beats another wave.

This is the Baoyan Lantern!

Mu Yun stood calmly on the spot at the moment, looking at the means of the blood spirit.

"How to do?"

"Don't worry!"

At this moment, Mu Yun was urging four artifacts of good fortune, and said with a smile: "It seems that there are a lot of people gathered around you, but there are always some people who are doing things like snipes and clams competing for fishermen's profit! "

Mu Yun glanced around, looked around, and shouted: "If I don't come out now, I don't think Xue Lingzi likes this feeling of being stared at."

Mu Yun's meaning is very obvious, if the people in the dark don't come out, he doesn't mind teaming up with the blood spirit, and first eliminate these guys who are doing little calculations.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

Suddenly, a laugh sounded and said: "We just passed by. It seems that you have new discoveries, and we also want to join in!"

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of figures appeared again.

The first three people have a strong breath, and they are all in the realm of the Five Elements God Lord.

"Shi Pofeng, Kan Zhonghuo, Murong Enthalpy, the three of you are really a wishful thinking!"

Xue Lingzi hummed: "Although I will kill Mu Yun, but the three of you are not honest, I don't mind, I will kill you!"

As soon as the words came out, the trio's expressions remained unchanged.

The blood spirit child is indeed very strong, this is true.

But the three are not vegetarian.

Together, it is impossible to say who wins and who loses!

After all, the three of them are in the realm of the Five Elements God Lord. Although they used to be ranked 12th, 14th, and 16th respectively on the Shenying List, they are now at the realm of the Five Elements God Lord, blood spirit son, Not necessarily better than them.

"Blood Lingzi, why is it so murderous? When you say this, I feel that this shepherd prince doesn't seem to be that annoying..."

Kan Zhonghuo smiled slightly, the words were clear.

If you are fooling around, we can also join hands with Mu Yun. At that time, your **** soul will not be able to eat and walk around.

At this moment, you look at me and I look at you, each making their own calculations.

Even so, Murong Enthalpy and Kan Zhonghuo. The three of Shi Pofeng clearly felt the breath of Muyun's Four Elements God Lord.

This guy really... has become terrifying!

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