Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2053: The fight begins

At the same time, on the other side, Kan Zhonghuo, Shi Pofeng, and Murong Enthal also gave orders, and hundreds of disciples of the three ancient tribes directly rushed out.

This battle is destined to start.

Just like ten thousand years ago, kill Mu Yun.

The only difference is that this is not a fight by the top ancient clan powerhouses in the God Realm.

However, many gods strangling at this moment, even if they are on the land of Shenzhou, it is enough to be recorded in the annals of history!

"Mu Yun, let's take your life!"

The blood stained mountain shouted: "If I don't kill you today, I won't have peace in this life!"

"It's a dead person, so what else are you talking about?"

The animal husbandry field spread, and the killing and cutting aura flowed.

"I wonder if you still remember Blood Lingyuan?"

"Deputy Chief!"

"Yes, I didn't die, I saw him in Tu Demon Mountain, but in the end... I was energized by a heavenly soul, which was directly shocked into powder, and there was no place to bury him!"

"Ten thousand years ago, I was able to kill you easily, ten thousand years later, I... still can, no matter what the **** you become!"

After the words fell, Mu Yun appeared directly with a golden spear in his hand.


A shot swept out, the long spear turned into a spear light, and it was swept away in an instant.

At this moment, the children of the Murong, Shi, and Kan clan are also participating in the fight.

At the same time, three hundred bone guards and five hundred bone spirits rushed out and merged with Gu Qingsong.

Fighting is inevitable at this moment.

"Brother Zhao, how are we?" Zhan Tianhe asked slightly in surprise at the moment.

No one thought that at this point, things would become what they are now.

"The three tribes of Kan, Murong, and Shi are all in the same spirit. Now that the three old weirdness appear, the three of them are naturally going to kill!"

Zhao Ji smiled slightly at the moment: "Why do we mix in?"

Hearing this, Zhan Tianhe nodded.

The Zhao family and the Zhan family were originally united. The Zhao family faced the provocation of the Zhu family and the Yang family, while the Zhan family faced the threat of the Kan family.

The situation of the two ancient tribes is not optimistic. This time, if the herdsmen really come back, the three ancient tribes and the herdsmen will have a bad relationship, for them, it will relieve some of the pressure!

At the same time, on the other side, thousands of meters away from the old castle, hundreds of figures stood on the top of a mountain.

Wang Xuan is impressively listed.

"Damn it, it really is Mu Yun, who killed my sister!"

Wang Xuan clenched his palms tightly, his face pale.

"Elder An, this son is the shepherd prince, who is reborn and returned. This trial killed Yushi!"

At this moment, Wang Xuan looked respectfully at an old man beside him.

The whole body of the old man was covered by a black robe, and the exposed eyes were not a trace of flesh and blood, and were glowing with a faint green light.

"The old man knew that it was impossible to die easily!"

The old man's name is Wang An, and he is the originator of the high power of the royal family.

Moreover, back then, Wang An was his father's master, and Wang Xuan did not expect that he would encounter An Lao here.

"Back then, the nine tribes who came to the base camp of the herdsmen were only one of the twelfths of the people who fell into the animal husbandry camp, and all the large troops were besieging Muyun!"

"The old man felt weird at the beginning. Mu Qingyu's training for this son is almost a heinous training of life and death!"

"But on that day, the shepherd came to the rescue late."

"Furthermore, when Mu Yun died, the news spread, and the Mu clan immediately retreated, disappearing without a trace, and the nine clans that led him could not find a hiding place at all."

"These things are too weird. Mu Qingyu, this person is not that simple. In the entire God Realm, only the blood patriarch's lineage, and my royal family patriarch Wang Qinglin can compete with one of them!"

The old man slowly said: "This matter is quite weird. Over the past ten thousand years, I have not been a human or a beast. I have been thinking about it for thousands of years. Gradually, I have something to understand."

"What's the meaning of Elder An?" Wang Xuan couldn't help but said.

"Back then, maybe Muyun's death was due to another reason besides the cooperation of our nine ancient tribes!"

"what reason?"

"This guy died on purpose!"

Wang Anyu is not surprising and endlessly dying, saying: "He is the emperor of nine lives. After nine lives and nine lives, he can achieve Consummation, surpass the ancestors, and rank with the heavens and the earth."

"But to this day, I still don't understand two things."


"First, if he deliberately died, the death of Xuantian Wanshi would be meaningless. Second, even if this son died, he would have achieved the experience of the first immortal king, but there is still the current one, but it is only two lives. That's it!"

"This is far from his ninth consummation, but he is still short of his seventh!

Hearing this, Wang Xuan also nodded, but he was puzzled: "It is rumored that the prince did not display his external incarnation until he died. It is strange!"

"Incarnate outside!"

Suddenly, Wang An's face paled.

"Elder An, what's the matter?"

"I understand!"

Wang An instantly trembled and said: "This son, the ninth life is already complete. Although his body has only experienced two lives, but... his external incarnation can completely help him to experience the seventh life!"

The mystery in Wang An's heart was solved in an instant, but he said lonely: "But it's not right, he was nine lives and ninth times, and he has been consummated, but Xuantian Wanshi, like his flesh and blood, how can he be willing to abandon him to death?"

"That's because, what you think is wrong!"

Suddenly, a cold voice suddenly sounded.


"Why is Elder An so surprised!"

A faint laughter sounded at this moment, and the figure of Xue Lingzi suddenly appeared.

And behind Xue Lingzi, he carried a black iron box nearly three meters long.

"Blood Spirit!"

Seeing Xue Lingzi, Wang Xuan's expression suddenly became uncomfortable.

On the Shenying list, he ranked third, and the blood spirit child ranked second, overwhelming him, which made him very unhappy.

"Blood Spirit..."

Wang An looked at Xue Lingzi and said with a smile: "It has the courage of the Bloodlord Prince."

"Boy, even if you are a descendant of the blood clan and the old man is here, if he wants to kill you, kill you!"

Wang An's tone was cold at the moment.

"You do not dare!"

Xue Lingzi smiled indifferently: "You can't kill me either!"

"You can give it a try!"

In this regard, Xue Lingzi sneered.

"I didn't come to fight with you. What you said is true. In the beginning, Mu Yun was indeed incarnate outside the body. He has gone through the seventh life. But when the seventh life is consummated, there is a problem!"

"what is the problem?"

"The Nine Clan's deforestation has begun!"

Xue Lingzi smiled and said: "So at that time, Mu Yun had to recall the clone, merge into one, and fight with the powerful of the nine races. This matter was unprecedented in his history!"

Upon hearing this, Wang An suddenly understood.

"Your prince did a good thing, right?" Wang An sneered: "Get close to the shepherd prince and become a close friend, and then by surprise, attack at its critical moment!"

"I think if Mu Yun had been prepared at the beginning, plus Mu Qingyu, father and son joined forces, and the nine tribes cut down on the animal husbandry, I'm afraid the chances of winning would not be great!"


Xue Lingzi didn't deny it, and smiled: "At first, Mu Yun hurriedly recalled the clone. Although the seventh life was over, because the clone had not been freed from the experience of the seventh life, he was killed by my crown prince, and he died! "

In this regard, Wang An did not have much surprise.

Xue Lingzi's words confirmed his thoughts.

Mu Yun won't let Xuantian Shi die in vain, but it can only explain that Mu Yun had a plan long ago, and his body was in the realm of God.

But at this time, something went wrong, and he had to withdraw the clone.

But does experience mean that it is withdrawn when it is withdrawn?

The combination of the clone and the body was not strong, causing Mu Yun to lose, and Xuantian Wanshi almost died and wounded.

It seems that all this is really done by the blood prince Bloodlord.

"I thought that my prince killed Mu Yun, and the three souls and seven souls were scattered. Did you know that the Zhan clan secretly collected and suppressed Mu Yun's heavenly soul and life soul!"

"And Mu Yun's strength is indeed beyond ordinary people's expectations. He relies on the atmosphere in Tu Demon Mountain to integrate his earth and soul, and now he is completely integrated with this life!"

"Although it is impossible for his seven souls to condense again, but the three souls have been set, the soul will not disperse, and the person will not die. When he condenses his life and soul, the real Mu Yun will return completely!"

"This is a way to reach the sky!" Wang An couldn't help sighing.

"If it weren't for Mu Qingyu's three-life reincarnation curse, he wouldn't be able to always be reborn with a broken soul."

Xue Lingzi hummed: "This time, it's the last chance!"

"Killing Mu Yun, completely shattered the three souls and seven souls of this guy in this life, it is impossible for him to not die."

Xue Lingzi looked at Wang An and said, "The four of them, who can't kill Mu Yun, will take care of you if you are old!"

Hearing this, Wang An suddenly burst into laughter.

"It took a long time to talk, you just want the old man to do it!"

Wang An grinned and said, "Blood Lingzi, do you think that if the old man is dead, he can be ordered by you?"

"Not by me, but by it!"

Xue Lingzi waved his palm and opened the iron box behind him.

A burst of black light flashed slowly.

"Chi Ling!"

"Yes, Chi Ling!" Xue Lingzi sneered: "Wang An, I think, you should know that Chi Ling is here, you can get a new life, right?"

"Little Wawa, your prince is here, and he is not qualified to negotiate terms with me!"

When Wang An saw the black light, his palms turned into claws, and he directly grabbed the blood spirit child.

"Elder An, this is not something an elder should do!"

Xue Lingzi grinned at the moment, holding Heimang in his hand.


Suddenly, a scream sounded, and Wang An hugged his head with both hands, and his whole body rolled over.

"Blood Lingzi, you are looking for death!" Wang Xuan was furious at the moment.

"Wang Xuan, if you don't want this old thing to die, you'd better calm down!"

Xue Lingzi didn't care at the moment.

"Xuan'er, stop!"

Wang An blocked the road at this moment.

"Elder An..."


Wang An looked at Xue Lingzi with a gloomy and terrible expression.

Seeing this scene, Xue Lingzi retracted the black light, the iron box was closed at this moment, Blood Lingzi clapped his hands, and smiled: "Back then, when the Chi Ling came out, my prince could only temporarily avoid the sharp light."

"And Muyun relied on Chi Ling to directly tear apart the three souls and seven souls of your top ancestor gods, half of which were sealed in Chi Ling, and the other half, although some remained in the bodies of your old antiques, but it made you and Chi The souls in the spirit are connected and cannot be reborn, but can only wait for death slowly!"

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