Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2055: Chi Ling


In an instant, Wang Xuan wanted to resist, but that Ling Tian Yi Jue, extremely domineering, and condensing spear, was the most powerful killer.

He could not resist at all.


The blood soared, as soon as Wang Xuan appeared, Mu Yun directly penetrated his body and fell to the ground.

All this happened just after Wang An appeared and Mu Yun was stopped.

No one thought that when Mu Yun resisted Wang An, he could actually be distracted to kill Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan, third on the Shenying list!

When Mu Yun shot, directly beheaded.

Such unexpected reactions are really incomprehensible.

How did Muyun do this!

"The reaction... is fast!"

However, at this moment, a ridiculous laugh suddenly sounded.


In an instant, the black light flashed, and a bang sounded at this moment.

"I knew you would show up!"

Mu Yun's face became cold at the moment, and he shot directly with one hand.

"Fuyao Guizhi!"

One pointed out, the powerful blood power, directed at that figure, it was the blood spirit child.

"But, it's useless!"

Xue Lingzi grinned, and between his palms, a black light suddenly appeared.

Bang bang bang...

That black glow hit Mu Yun's body directly, and the banging sound continued. At this moment, Mu Yun felt that his body seemed to explode.

Suddenly, a cold breath penetrated directly into his chest.

That black light, at this moment, slowly dissipated.

In the blink of an eye, a black spear appeared on Mu Yun's chest.

The spear penetrated Mu Yun's body, blood gurgling out.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

This scene happened too quickly.

From Wang An's shot, to Wang Xuan's attack, to the appearance of the blood spirit child.

It's just a few breaths of time.

But Mu Yun's instant reaction power was fast enough.

He resisted Wang An and directly turned around to kill Wang Xuan, even when the blood spirit shot, Mu Yun also resisted.

However, he did not resist the spear that was the only one shot.

Even Fuyao Guizhi, such a domineering might, couldn't resist it.

"Chi Ling!"

"Chi Ling!"

"Chi Ling!"

At this moment, everyone who fought against each other stopped.

Mu Yun's body crashed to the ground.

"Uncle Yun!"

In the void, a figure, as fast as lightning, shot out directly at this moment.

"Uncle Yun, Uncle Yun..."

Mu Yuanqing directly hugged Mu Yun's fallen body at this moment, his face pale.

"Brother Yun!"

And at this moment, Miao Xianyu and Mu Yuanfeng, including the Mu Clan and Shengyun Academy, all slammed out one by one.

The black spear penetrated Mu Yun's chest, a breath of ruining the world, continuously destroying Mu Yun's vitality from the inside out.

"Chi Ling!"

Mu Yuanqing and Mu Yuanfeng both face pale.

"What red spirit?" Miao Xianyu hugged Mu Yun in his arms at this moment, and said anxiously.

"It's Uncle Yun's former sage soldier, Chi Ling. This gun was brought by the patriarch from nowhere. Since Uncle Yun was a child, he has been by Uncle Yun's side!"

"But in a battle ten thousand years ago, Uncle Yun died in the battle, and this red spirit also disappeared..."

Mu Yuanqing's face was very ugly.

As a herder, he naturally knows how terrifying the powerful destructive Chi Ling can bring.

Being slashed by the Chi Ling, not to mention the qi and blood in the body is absorbed, even more so, the soul will be constantly twisted.

"Since it is Brother Yun's magic weapon, it will definitely not cause any harm to Brother Yun!" Miao Xianyu said at the moment.

"If it turns out, definitely not, but now, both Uncle Yun's soul seal and soul breath have changed. This Chi Ling... will never recognize this changed master!"

Mu Yuanfeng also had a heavy tone at the moment.

"How can this be good?"

Miao Xianyu's face was pale at the moment.

"You must leave this place immediately, find the patriarch and them, and there is a way to save Uncle Yun!" Mu Yuanfeng said seriously without any joking gesture at this moment.

This time, it's miserable!

Uncle Yun was slightly surprised. Thinking of the appearance of his father and grandfather, Mu Yuanfeng only felt cold in his back.

I have been looking forward to it for thousands of years. I don't know how many people in the herdsmen are looking forward to the return of the prince. Now there is a problem. If they two return to the clan, they will get cramped.

Especially that Yunyi.

"But how to get out?"

Miao Xianyu can't wait: "It's more than ten years before this place will open!"

"You can go out!"

On the side, Gu Qingsong shouted: "Relying on the old castle, you can leave this place directly."


As soon as these words came out, Mu Yuanqing and several people hurriedly looked at Gu Qingsong.

"However, there is a price to pay!"

Gu Qingsong's face was dull, with a loud voice, and said: "Two young masters, you take your Highness away, I'll stop these guys!"

Gu Qingsong's face was solemn at this moment, and a decisive emotion broke out.


Although Mu Yuanqing and Mu Yuanfeng didn't know what was going on, the rescue of Mu Yun was the most important thing now.

"it is good!"

Several people immediately surrounded Mu Yun.

"Want to run?"

Seeing this scene, Xue Lingzi suddenly shouted: "Stop these guys, if Mu Yun doesn't get rid of them, it will be difficult for the God Realm to stabilize!"


Suddenly, the disciples of the three tribes of Sanguine, Zhu and Yang slammed out in an instant.

Murong, Shi, and Kan also followed closely.

At this moment, Gu Qingsong, Zhu Kuo, and Zhu Sheng took the lead and stopped everyone.

Hundreds of Xuantian scholars, one by one, came out at this moment.

Suddenly, although the number of people was small, they all fought to the death and became completely crazy.

These guys didn't regard their own physical life as physical life, but completely became a weapon of war.

Gu Qingsong, Zhu Kuo, and Zhu Sheng gathered together.

"Two young masters, next, it's up to you, take your highness out safely, and you must save your highness!"

Gu Qingsong's figure flickered, and the three of them glanced at each other.


In an instant, three figures smashed into deep pits at this moment.

The triangular shaped pit burst completely at this time.

At that moment, as the ground trembled, the five mountain peaks were shining brightly at this moment, and suddenly a five-pointed starburst array was condensed.

Above the five-pointed starburst array, radiance was radiant, and a strange spatial fluctuation blasted away at this moment.

"Go!" Gu Qingsong roared.


Several people in Mu Yuanqing understood that at this moment they were not saying anything that they did not want to leave behind.

If you don't go, all the herdsmen will die here.

"Five Hundred Bone Spirit Warriors, listen to my orders!"

At this moment, the three of Rong Qinghe shouted in a low voice: "Stop these **** and let them know that our Xuantian, even if it is dead, will scare them!"


"Luo Tianxing, you leave with Your Highness, and protect Your Highness!"

Rong Qinghe looked towards Luo Tianxing's Three Hundred Bone Guards, and shouted at this moment.


No one said at this moment that they should stay and go, but everyone understands that who should stay and who should go, there is no need to fight.

Mu Yun's life crisis is the most important thing.

"Want to run?"

Xue Lingzi's face twitched at this moment, and he said coldly, "Then leave all his life!"

Swish's figure rushed out one by one.

But at this moment, the Bone Spirit Guards rushed into the crowd one by one, and started to blew themselves one by one.

The rumbling voice continued to sound, and the entire Five Elements Realm seemed to begin to tremble at this moment.

Mu Yuanqing, Mu Yuanfeng, and even the children of the Mu clan who came to see this scene, their eyes turned red.


Mu Yuanqing secretly resented: "Blood Lingzi, if it weren't for the crisis of Uncle Yun, Laozi would have taken his head with his own hands!"

"Don't worry, take Uncle Yun back to the clan first and let the patriarch take action. It shouldn't matter!"


"Just what?"

Mu Yuanfeng hesitated: "It's just that we came out more than ten years earlier than the scheduled time. I'm afraid now in Zhanyun Canyon, grandfather and father are not there, and the dean of the nine major courtyards is always waiting... …"

"It's okay!"

Mu Yuanqing said: "Isn't Elder Shengcang here? After all, he is in the second change state of the ancestor god, so he should..."


As Mu Yuanqing spoke, the five-pointed starburst array flashed with light at this moment, and it flashed with a palpable aura, a space twisted, hundreds of figures, and the next moment, disappeared above the five-pointed starburst array.


At this moment, Xue Lingzi was stopped by Gu Qingsong, very angry.

What made him even more annoyed was that the Chi Ling hit Mu Yun without a fake, but now, he was unable to collect it back. He could only watch the Chi Ling inserted into Mu Yun’s chest, and was carried by the Mu Clan and others. Leave here.

"Wang An, what is this five-pointed starburst array?"

Xue Lingzi said coldly.

"A teleportation formation can directly leave the Five Elements Realm. That's how we came in back then, but there is no way to get out!" Wang An calmly said: "This time the castle appeared, and the teleportation formation was opened. We gathered here just to get Chi Ling. , And then leave this place and return to the God Realm!"

"Since they can be turned on, then you can also be turned on, right?"


At this moment, Wang An immediately greeted Murongzhe and gathered together.

"Want to go, no way!"

The three of Gu Qingsong, with Xuantianshi, stopped the others again.

"A bunch of ants-like things, looking for death!"

Xue Lingzi was completely angry at this moment.

At a critical juncture, Gu Qingsong actually came and took these guys away with such a hand.

If Mu Yun left here and returned to the herdsman, it would be difficult to get to the sky if he wanted to kill him.


The majestic aura up and down the body of Xue Lingzi, one wave is better than one wave.

A flame rose directly at this moment, and in front of him, a precious lantern rose directly.

"The Baoyan Lantern, burn the wasteland!"

In an instant, fire waves spread over the sky, and cracks appeared on the ground at this moment.

The earth cracked one by one, turning into a lava hell.

The figures of Gu Qingsong and others were immediately restricted.

Xue Lingzi stepped forward, put away the sword and fell, and the sound of chuchi chuchi suddenly sounded.


The long sword collided with Gu Qingsong's sword body. In an instant, Gu Qingsong let out a muffled snort, and a crack in that sword suddenly appeared at this moment.


"Yes, I have already reached the ancestral **** realm!"


On the side of Xue Lingzi, a figure almost equal to Xue Lingzi, shot out directly at this moment, and grabbed it with a palm.


That long sword, at this moment, suddenly shattered.

"Old Valley!"

"Old Valley!"

Seeing this scene, the few people present were completely dumbfounded.

Brother Zhu Kuo and Zhu Sheng were shaking.

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