Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2061: One... don't stay!

No one could have imagined that the shepherd prince who returned from rebirth would actually hide in the Zhenwu Academy instead of returning to the shepherd.

On the contrary, now, under the exposure of his identity, he appeared here!

At this moment, several ancestor gods, Ling Li Xukong, Ling Ling's aura fluctuated at this moment.

"Big Boundless Palm!"

"Quiba shakes the mountain!"

"Seal of Heaven!"

"Poisonous Jade Cold Palm!"

In an instant, above the midair, voices sounded, and the seven masters of the ancestor gods changed their realm, and at this moment they have already begun to perform their ultimate moves.

The fierce and domineering breath, wave after wave, swept down.

The aftermath dispersed, and the ground below was already riddled with holes.

"This is the realm of the ancestor god..."

Arbitrary Tian sighed at this moment, eyes full of bitterness.

His top talent in this life is the realm of the gods. If he wants to reach the ancestor gods, unless there is a great opportunity.

From the beginning to the present, a martial artist needs to go through layers of tribulations!

If the foundation is not well laid, there will be gaps in steady improvement.

The ultimate top will also be restricted.

He is now restricted, reaching the realm of the gods, and has already reached the top.

This is the gap of genius.

Genius, spiritual realm, self-consummation, no problems will arise.

And he will!

"Prince of herdsmen..." Lin Tongtian, the dean of the Tianpu Academy on the side, said bitterly, "It was so dazzling thousands of years ago, and it is still the same now!"

"If this goes on, in the future, the shepherd..."

The two looked at each other, and they both said nothing.

The Zhan Clan and the Zhao Clan are not present now, and the two gods do not have the right to speak at all.

Now, at least the ancestor **** can come up with an idea.

What the two of them can do is to protect their disciples from persecution as much as possible.

However, this time on the road to the sky, the Five Elements Realm has been destroyed. There were nearly 100,000 people, but now there are fewer than 10,000 people.

The rest of the people were killed.

This is a huge loss!

At the moment, the two are also quite painful.


It's just that when everyone was watching the battle from a distance, suddenly, a bang sounded, and a figure suddenly fell to the ground in the air.


The blood mist exploded, and another figure fell straight down, spearing straight down.

Mu Yun!

Who is the fallen man?

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

With one enemy seven, in the end, one died, but Mu Yun was fine!

"What a big tone!"

Mu Yun retracted the spear at this moment, and said: "Unfortunately, your strength and your tone are not in line, Xue Mingke!"


Suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded.

The one who died was actually Xue Mingke, the only powerhouse with the second change of the ancestor god.

At this time, the surrounding area was completely exploded.

No one would have thought that it would be Xue Mingke who died here.

Xue Ming Ke is the second change of the ancestor god, and it is the realm of the second change of the ancestor **** who has been famous for a long time.

Seven people besieged and killed Mu Yun's fingertips, this person was also killed?

At this time, everyone was completely confused.

The sound of breaking through the sky sounded, and the soul Wutian, Wang Yu and others were also falling at this moment.

The six figures looked at Mu Yun, and at this moment they didn't dare to make another mistake.

Mu Yun, the ancestor god's changed, cooperated with Chi Ling, it was simply unstoppable.

When did this guy become so strong?

A few of them, they all stepped into the realm of the ancestor **** early, but they were actually no better than Mu Yun, the hairy boy who had just stepped into the ancestor god!

Although he is the prince of the shepherd, he is not ten thousand years ago after all!

This scene is really unacceptable to everyone.

"You guys, don't you want to kill me?"

Looking at those figures, Mu Yun said indifferently.

At this moment, Kan Xiong, Shi Fengfang, Yang Kuo, Zhu Fengyu, Wang Yu and Hun Wutian were completely silent.

They couldn't stop Mu Yun at all.

From the very beginning of Mu Yun, when the blood spirit child was killed instantly, they felt bad, so they joined hands and wanted to kill Mu Yun.

However, it failed.

Xue Mingke is dead!

Mu Yun's meaning is obvious.

He just wanted to tell them that even if the seven of them joined forces, he was not afraid and could still kill the strongest Xue Mingke.

In his eyes, they were nothing but poor arrogance!

At this moment, several people looked ugly.

"Since you can't kill it, I'll kill you all!"

Mu Yun snorted, with an angry voice: "My Xuantian, my Mu Yun's brother, if you kill them, I will let you pay for it!"

In an instant, Chi Ling seemed to feel the master's anger. At this moment, the black light condensed into crazily black shadows, like human shadows, directly bound to the six great ancestors.

"Mu Yun, you dare to be so presumptuous!"

"Do you really think that you are still the prince of the shepherd who lived ten thousand years ago?"

A roar sounded at this moment.

The earth trembled slowly.

On the edge of the sky, a group of figures are coming in speed.

Look carefully, there are hundreds of figures, divided into two camps.

One of them, the leader, has a pale complexion and short **** hair, very capable.

Another person, slender, with a cold face, released a chill.

With the hundreds of figures, the breath of the whole body spread out, and everyone present who was depressed couldn't breathe.

"Ancestral God!"

Among the crowd, I didn't know who it was, and said blankly.

The hundred figures that appeared were all...the ancestors!

Right now, the disciples of the Ninth Courtyard were completely stunned.

They have never seen such a formation in their entire lives.

Hundreds of ancestors!

In the realm of ancestor gods, every appearance is a level that shakes the land of China.

But now, there are hundreds of Taoists.

Hundreds of ancestor gods are enough to destroy the entire land of China!

This battle is really incredible.

"Brother Changkong!"

"Yueying Law Protector!"

Seeing those two Dao leading a man and a woman, Soul Wutian and Wang Yu looked happy.

Bloody sky!

Wang Yueying!

Two famous giants of ancestors.

And seeing those two people, Kan Xiong, Shi Fengfang, Zhu Fengyu, and Yang Kuo, also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

These two people are both in the realm of the Three Changes of the Ancestor God.

It's great that they can arrive in time.

It is estimated that there is still some time before the arrival of several great ancient clan high-levels. Taking advantage of the contrast during this time, kill Mu Yun.

Even if Mu Qingyu arrived, he couldn't make it back.

This time, the shepherd prince must be completely buried!

"Blood sky, Wang Yueying..."

Looking at the two figures, Mu Yun narrowed his eyes.

"I thought these two guys died when they fought ten thousand years ago..."

After all, at that time, all he was facing were giants above the Five Transformation Realm of the Ancestor God, and he really didn't have the patience to remember these small characters.

Wang Yueying was slender, with a lip, red and hot, and her eyes were silky. She looked at Mu Yun, but looked carefully.

"Mu Qingyu has so many ways. I didn't expect the prince of the shepherd clan to be really not dead!"

Wang Yueying pursed her mouth and chuckled lightly: "This is still a troublesome thing, you are not dead, we are not at ease."


Mu Yun sneered and said, "After all, you are still afraid of me!"

"Afraid of you?"

The blood of the blood clan sneered and said: "Mu Yun, is it meaningful for you to return now? My prince is no longer what you can compare!"

"Oh? You are talking about that, are my old men defeated?"

Mu Yun laughed and said: "In order to take into account his affection, he didn't have a reputation to the outside world. He was beaten up by me."

"Who knows, on the contrary, it made the God Realm think that the blood owl could be longer and shorter with me!"

"Blood sky, right? Excuse me, go back and tell Xue Xiao, ten thousand years ago, I was able to beat him like a turtle grandson, ten thousand years later, so too!"

"The trick behind the scenes, I will hit once, the second time..."


In Mu Yun's eyes, a murderous intent, slowly blooming.

"I forgot, since I'm here, don't even think about leaving!"

"The matter of spreading the word, I think, everyone present here can be an individual!"


Xue Zhangkong suddenly became furious.

"Sharp teeth, really as arrogant as ten thousand years ago, annoying!"

Wang Yueying also said coldly at this moment.

The two looked at each other, and the figures stepped directly out.

Hundreds of ancestor gods behind him followed closely, and surrounded the shepherds firmly.

"Anyone who is a shepherd can kill you without mercy!"

Wang Yueying ordered.

"You go first in a while!" Sheng Cang said with a solemn expression at the moment.

Although he has reached the realm of the Second Transformation of the Ancestral God, he understands the **** sky and the horror of the Three Transformation of the Ancestral God in front of Wang Yueying.

The realm of the ancestral gods, once changed into one heaven, nine changes reached the peak, and can seize the good fortune of the sun and the moon.

Even the princes of the nine ancient tribes nowadays, after tens of thousands of years, they are nothing but a change or two.

Nowadays, the princes of the nine races, apart from the bloodlord, have never heard of the strength to reach the level of the nine changes of the ancestor god.

Back then, Mu Yun also reached the realm of the Nine Transformations of the Ancestor God, which was comparable to the strength of a clan.

"Go? Where can you go!" Xue Changkong shouted.

"I'm not going to leave!"

Mu Yun's spear stood up and shouted: "Today, don't let you remember that Mu Yun is back. I see you, it will never be possible to be honest."

The spear stood up, Mu Yun's eyes, murderous intent emerged.

"Hundreds of ancestor gods have changed, how can they stop me?"

Suddenly, Mu Yun's expression was cold.



Xue Zhangkong and Wang Yueying laughed endlessly.

Mu Yun really thought that he was still the old prince?

If this is the case, then the two of them would never show up.

Today, killing Mu Yun is a great thing for the two races, no matter which side they are.

Nowadays, in the God Realm, only the royal family and the blood family are fighting.

But when Muyun returns, that herder will definitely be the way to rise.

When the time comes, the blood family and the royal family want to suppress, I'm afraid they can't be suppressed.

To solve the problem, we must start from the root cause.

To destroy Muyun is to pull out the root cause!

The foundation of the herder is Mu Qingyu, but Mu Yun is like a tree trunk. If you don't remove it, it will hardly hurt the root of Mu Yun!

"Everyone listen to the order!"

Wang Yueying and Xue Changkong shouted almost at the same time.

"Today, none of the pastoralists can stay!"


Hundreds of ancestor gods directly attacked at this moment.


Mu Yun grinned and shouted: "Falling to the sky!"


In an instant, beside Mu Yun, three hundred bone guards suddenly appeared.

Different from before, the flesh and blood of the body of the three hundred bone guards dissipated at this moment, and the whole body was like jade, and the upper and lower bodies were shining with traces of space and time fluctuations.

"Today, the royal family and the blood family, one... don't stay!"

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