Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2065: Cloud Wing Guard

"What do you want to do?" Yang Yu sneered: "Prince shepherd, even if you have the power to reach the sky, the ancestor **** can change the realm, and deal with my ancestor god's six changes and cultivation bases is wishful thinking!"

In Yang Yu's eyes, murderous aura gathered, and a mysterious aura in his palm was constantly rotating at this moment.

The whirling breath reached the extreme, spreading directly, patted out with a palm, and greeted Mu Yun.

Seeing this scene, the rest and others looked shocked.

But at this moment, no one can resist.


Boom boom boom...

In an instant, the profound energy blasted out, and the entire earth was torn at this moment, and the ground cracks were a hundred meters thick, spreading over a long distance.

Broken earth was flying, dust was boiling, and huge boulders shattered on the ground, like a tragic picture after an earthquake. At this moment, this place has become a **** on earth.

"Your Highness!"


Suddenly, a group of people waited, and their faces were pale at this moment.

Yang Yu, the shot was too ruthless!

This trick, but the Yang Clan’s secret recipe, its power, not to mention the ancestor god’s first change state, even the ancestor god’s five changes realm, is simply unbearable.

At the moment, the faces of several people were full of annoyance.

"The trivial change of the ancestor **** is really not worth mentioning in front of this prince!"

Yang Yu clapped his hands at this moment and sneered.


However, the next moment, just before Yang Yu's words fell, a bang suddenly sounded at this moment.

At this moment, the earth, with fine lines, like snakeskin, like a spider web, wandered away.

"My master, can you also talk about it?"

A voice suddenly sounded.

At this moment, everyone only saw that Yang Yu's figure was stepped on the ground by a figure, half of his body was plunged into the mud below, and the aura of wanton wind just now disappeared.

And that figure, dressed in a stern battle armor, on top of the battle armor, a black cloak, shrouded the slender body.

Behind the cloak, a pair of white wings crossed, like the wings of a bird, shining brightly.


In an instant, everyone outside of Fangyuan was completely silent.


At this moment, hundreds of figures landed one by one.

A soft armor close to the body, a black cloak, lightly fluttering in the wind, and white wings on the back, shining with a unique light.

Yunyi Baiwei, here comes!

The hundreds of figures landed one by one at this moment, looking around with cold eyes.

As long as all the gazes being shot, at this moment, one by one bowed their heads, and even Wang Zihao's face changed slightly at this moment.

"Yun Yi, knock on your Highness!"

A strong voice came through at this moment.

That head figure, kneeling on one knee at this moment, there are hundreds of figures, kneeling one by one at this moment, with a touch of scrutiny in their eyes, looking around.

"Yun Yi, knock on your Highness!"

The voices of a hundred people are shaking mountains and rivers, making everyone feel trembling.

This is Yunyi Baiwei!

"Bah, baah..."

At this moment, from between the mud, a light mask slowly dissipated.

"Mist in the clouds, next time, you should do something like this, I don't want to do it!"

A red-haired woman with a fiery figure stepped out, patted the dirt on her body, cursed and said: "The old lady is a prestigious sage jade, anyhow, it is shameful to be arranged to do this kind of thing all day long!"

Hearing this, the man who knocked on one knee gave a bitter smile.

"Holy Duyu, you are content, what do I have to step on... Yang Yu, the prince of the Yang clan, right? The little ancestor of the six changes realm, playing majestic in front of the temple, I really don't know who gave him confidence."

The man standing on Yang Yu's body smiled helplessly at this moment.

"Qin Yuanhang, just your shit, next time we change, I feel that this is pretty handsome."

"You finally admit that I am handsome!" Qin Yuanhang laughed.

At this moment, the field is completely quiet.

Everyone looked at the hundreds of figures and said nothing.

At this moment, no one dared to say more.

Yunyi Baiwei, a terrible team.

Unlike Xuantian Wanshi, the team of ten thousand people, killing and decisively, this Yunyi Hundred Guards did not belong to the Mu Yun guards, but Mu Yun's own guards.

Mu Yun established by himself, and selected disciples layer by layer.

Moreover, among them, it is said that there are also Heavenly Vessels.

A warrior who was born with the power of blood, appeared in the God Realm, and that was definitely the existence that made the ten ancient tribes hollow out all their minds and thoughts to win over.

But in this guard team, more than one is the Celestial Vessel.

No one knows the horror of the Cloud Wing Guards.

Wang Zihao's face was pale at the moment.

He didn't expect that the Cloud Wing Guards had disappeared for thousands of years, and now they actually appeared here.

Now, things are difficult!


At this moment, between the dust, a figure stepped out.

His body was stained with some dirt, but that quiet face, at this moment, looked extremely calm, and a touch of joy appeared in his eyes.

"Your Highness!"

Seeing that figure walk out, Sheng Duyu hurried up to help.

"It's okay!"

Mu Yun shook his head at the moment, and smiled: "But if you don't come again, I will be fine!"

"Your Highness, forgive me!"

Saint Duyu Archway.

"Well, how have you been all these years?"

"The days without your Highness are a bit too boring. These dull gourds are not open to their eyes, and they are boring." Saint Duyu smiled and said: "His Royal Highness is back this time. That would be very interesting. I'm tired of Yunzhong a long time ago. Fog is giving orders."

At this moment, the mist in the cloud also stepped out in one step and came to Mu Yun's body.

"His Royal Highness..."

"If you remember the old days, let's talk about it later!"

Mu Yun looked at the front and said: "More and more people are coming, but at the right angle, they haven't played yet!"

Hearing this, Yunzhongwu also nodded.

But, in any case, Mu Yun is back, this matter is better than anything else.

"His Royal Highness, this kid, what should I do?" Qin Yuanhang smiled bitterly at this moment: "I can't keep kicking him, right?"

"Don't kick, all right, just kill it!"

Mu Yun said lightly at the moment.


When these words came out, Wang Zihao and Zhu Chen looked shocked.

"Mu Yun, do you think about the consequences?" Zhu Chen shouted: "Kill Yang Yu, the herd, there will be no peace."

"Don't talk about this kind of nonsense. Those who want to kill me, I just want to get rid of them. Ten thousand years ago, you raised the pain over the herdsmen, and I will take them back one by one!"

"Today, this guy is my determination!"

"Qin Yuanhang, do it!"


Qin Yuanhang grinned at this moment, he didn't care about the ten ancient tribes, what Mu Yun said, and what he did.

Raising his hand, the murderous intent gathered, and a forceful wave of air directly swept towards Yang Yu.

"Father, save me!"

In an instant, Yang Yu's face was shocked at this moment, and the whole person was completely frightened.

Mu Yun actually ordered someone to kill him directly, which was simply Chi Guoguo's ferocity.

This guy is crazy.

He thought that he was the prince ten thousand years ago, the prince of the shepherd who was aloof and no one dared to get involved.


In an instant, a violent wind swept away. At this moment, Qin Yuanhang's body exploded as the sky and the earth changed.

In the next moment, Qin Yuanhang's location just now burst open.

At the same time, a figure appeared like a ghost, and then appeared in the air, standing firmly.

That figure, held in his hands, was Yang Yu.

"Who am I? It turns out to be the patriarch of the Yang clan." Qin Yuanhang clapped his hands and laughed: "I'm really careful enough to appear quietly. I'm really afraid that your son will be killed?"

Seeing that figure with a somewhat refined atmosphere, Qin Yuanhang grinned.

"The Three Cloud Wings are indeed well-deserved, but I don't know if I am qualified to learn the methods of the Three Cloud Wings!"

The man's voice has a hint of anger and prestige.

"Yang Chenfeng, when did you become so confident? The top ten ancestor gods on the gods' fate list are different in their aura!"

Saint Duyu also coldly hummed at this moment: "If I hadn't been in Yunyi back then, you Yang Chenfeng would be afraid that you might not be able to live until now."

Regarding this, Yang Chenfeng smiled slightly and didn't say much.

The Yang clan is one of the ten ancient clan. As the patriarch of the Yang clan, if Yang Chenfeng doesn't even have this aura, then he really can't stir up the main beam.

"Uncle Yang!"

Zhu Chen also stepped forward at this moment.

"Are you okay?"


"Take care of Yu'er!" Yang Chenfeng threw Yang Yu out of his hand.

But at this moment, looking at the situation in the field, Zhu Chen also understood that Yang Chenfeng is here, and the rest of the matter does not need to be handled by people of their generation.

Everyone became cautious when he said this.

Yang Chenfeng, but an outstanding patriarch of the Yang Clan, the most important thing is that this person is the ninth in the list of gods.

God's Fate List is the list of the pinnacle figures in the entire God Realm.

In the God Realm, it is a ranking recognized by everyone.

Different from the Shenying List, the statistics of the Shenying List are the powerful figures of the ancestral **** level of the entire God Realm.

The ancestor **** is already above all living beings, and even the ruler between heaven and earth!

"Mu Yun, originally, the herders came back, and our ancient tribes actually acquiesced!" Yang Chenfeng looked at Mu Yun and said directly: "However, your appearance made us unable to acquiesce."

"Emperor of the Nine Lives, the threat is too great. If it weren't, we wouldn't be able to unite in the first place and crusade against your herder."


Hearing this, Mu Yun shook his head.

"Speaking nicely, but I don't know how much of your united power can you now come up with!"

As soon as he said this, Yang Chenfeng's face was slightly cold.

It's not helpful to talk more about it now.

"how is it?"

Mu Yun said again: "Today, I want to kill me and see how much your Yang clan is going to pay."

"Since I'm so stubborn, don't blame me for being cruel!"

In between, an indifferent voice sounded again.

Between the sky and thunder, flames came from the sky, and murderous aura permeated.

The flames condensed like a big river, directly descending from the sky, the big river rolled and fluctuated, and the flame aura spread.

The dull sound of boom boom sounded one after another.

A group of people, stepping out at this moment.

The head of the person, with long red hair, moved slowly like a blue wave of fire.

That face looked cold.

"Zhu Xiaotian!"

Seeing the people coming, the three of Yun Zhongwu, Sheng Duyu, and Qin Yuanhang leaned against Mu Yun.

Two ancient clan chiefs appeared, this is a bit complicated.

However, their Cloud Wing Guards were not afraid.

Protecting Muyun is their mission!

At this moment, the scene suddenly became more depressing.

Now, the patriarchs of the ancient clan have all appeared.

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