Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2070: Throne

At the same time, the royal army slowly withdrew.

"Father, why withdraw?"

The prince snorted: "The herd, it is impossible to resist the alliance of several of our ancient tribes. Today is the best chance to kill Mu Yun!"

"There is also that **** woman, Qin Mengyao, who is stronger than me in her cultivation. Where did this woman come from!"

At this moment, Wang Zihao was completely angry.


At this moment, Wang Qinglin suddenly patted Wang Zihao on the shoulder, and solemnly said: "When will you be able to be like a blood owl, let me rest assured, I can pass this patriarchal position to you!"


Hearing this, Wang Zihao looked stunned.

"Do you know the legend of the gods?"


"Yes, a million years ago, the ancient tribes had just gained a foothold, when the eight ancient tribes stood side by side!"

"At that time, from the small world, a talented person of the sky walked out step by step. After suffering, layer upon layer, crossing the big world, walking to the **** realm, he stood at the top of the **** realm. At that time, the eight ancient tribes were right. A person is scornful."

"But this person slapped the eight ancient tribes in the face fiercely!"

"This son, with his own strength, singled out the patriarchs of the eight ancient clans. In the end, even some of the ancestors who were about to sit down were shocked and born."

"But this son, after repeated fierce battles, in the end, with his own strength, defeated the heroes and disregarded the realm of God!"

"This person's name is... Ye Xiaoyao!"

Ye Xiaoyao...

The appearance of these three words made Wang Zihao excited.

"Later, this person disappeared. When I heard the news from him again, he was the title of the first **** emperor, and the ten thousand worlds, the splendid and colorful ten thousand worlds..."

Wang Qinglin said fascinated: "Later, we learned that the so-called God Realm is just us humans, sitting in the well and watching the sky."

"Beyond this vast human world, there are many powerful dragon worlds, phoenix worlds, soul worlds, etc..."

"Human ignorance has created his own ridiculousness!"

"And since then, we have known that God is just a ridiculous name that humans call themselves. Among the ten thousand races, the human race is at the bottom!"

Hearing this, Wang Zihao turned pale.

This feeling is like being kicked directly from the top of the cloud to the bottom of the valley.

It's like a person walking between mountains.

Seeing the mountain peak in front of me, it was straight, tall and majestic, so I tried my best to climb to the top of the mountain.

But when I look around, there is a mountain a hundred times taller than the mountain at my feet.

That sense of frustration, insignificance... depressing!

"Since then, all the eight ancient tribes have known a secret. I cannot tell you this secret for the time being."

"But, what I can tell you is that the realm of gods is just a ridiculous name for us humans, and above the realm of gods, it is... the throne!"


Wang Zihao's face paled.

There is a realm that is stronger and more incredible than the **** realm!

"And since Ye Xiaoyao left, today, millions of years, but in these millions of years, the eight ancient tribes, together with the two new protoss, Yang and Zhu, did not have a single person... Bit!"

"But today..."

Upon hearing this, Wang Qinglin was completely stunned at the moment.

He already knew what his father was going to say.

Mu Qingyu... has reached the legendary realm of the throne!

He has already broken that step.

"Father, if that's the case, you can't let Mu Yun go!"

"Child, don't be foolish!"

Wang Qinglin said again: "The God Realm space does not allow supreme masters of the throne level to exist."

"Mu Qingyu did not use his full strength in today's battle, but he was able to equalize with me and the bloodline."

"If he exerts his full power, the two of me will join hands, not to mention that the two of me, even if the patriarchs of the Nine Clans join hands, will definitely lose!"

"That said, isn't the Nine Clan... in danger!"

"It's not!"

Wang Qinglin said again: "Although Mu Qingyu can break through the divine realm, but this is the human world. His throne is overwhelming and too powerful. If he displays the power of the throne, the entire divine realm will collapse. Completely extinct!"

"He doesn't dare to do this, unless he is driven to a dead end!"

"But that's what we don't want to see, after all, no one wants to die together."

"I think that pedigree, like me, doesn't want to be like that, so I just stopped today."

Wang Zihao was even more resentful at this moment.

"Father, so to speak, this time Mu Yun, just... returned to the Mu Clan like this?"

"rest assured!"

Wang Qinglin patted his son on the shoulder, and said, "That Mu Qingyu is right to reach the throne, but if he reaches the throne, the throne will definitely appear in the gods."

A sneer appeared between Wang Qinglin's eyebrows and Yu.

"I don't kill Mu Yun now, but in the end, he can't escape death."

In the God Realm, there will definitely be a throne?

What does it mean?

At the moment, Wang Zihao didn't understand.

But Wang Qinglin left here with everyone.

This time, I originally thought that Mu Yun's return might be an explosive barrel that detonated everyone.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, it stopped abruptly.

The three tribes of Kan, Shi, and Murong are the most confused at this moment.

Why would the two of Bloodline Tian and Wang Qinglin give up?

This is really unpredictable.

Shouldn't the people who hate Muyun the most be the royal family and the blood family?

The three patriarchs immediately sent someone to inquire about the news...

A dispute is finally over.

Everyone of the herdsmen, turned back at this moment, and headed to the secret world!

One by one, there were silhouettes on the birds, looking around vigilantly.

At this moment, Mu Qingyu and Mu Yun sat looking at each other.

"Just ask!"

Looking at her son, Mu Qingyu smiled faintly.

"Nothing to ask!"

Mu Yun smiled at the moment: "Almost all of them have recovered their memories, and I have understood them, but only a little..."


"Where is mother?" Mu Yun said.

When these words came out, Mu Qingyu's figure was slightly startled.

"If Dad doesn't want to say it, don't say it. Sooner or later I will find my mother."

"Smelly boy..."

Mu Qingyu scolded with a smile, and said, "Your mother is capable of being in the Holy Ruins of Xiaoyao, the pearl in the palm of the Ye Family, the daughter of Ye Xiaoyao, father accidentally left the human world and arrived in the Holy Ruins of Xiaoyao, and met your mother."

"Then a good relationship was born, and I appeared, didn't you?" Mu Yun said with a smile: "Then, the Ye family's great cause, and the father's little shepherd's person, was looked down upon, and she eloped with her mother, and was taken by the Ye family. Caught it back?"

"Boy, what do you think?"

"Isn't it? I thought it would be a bitter joy and sorrow!"

"It's the separation of joys and sorrows, and it's not your kid who said that!" Mu Qingyu said again: "Your mother, you were not caught in the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins."

"Back then, I wanted to be with your mother and take you back to the herdsman. After all, this is our home, but on the way, I encountered some people's obstruction!"

"As for those people, I don't know who they are, but their strength... is terrifying!"

"It's so terrible that you can't stop Dad being called a human emperor?"

Mu Yun's face changed slightly.


Mu Qingyu nodded, and said: "I have been investigating for tens of thousands of years, but I still don't have any clues. This is indeed something I didn't expect."

"I can only say that the person who took your mother is very strong, very strong, but I am already a little bit eye-catching, but I'm not sure!"

"Because of me, it was delayed!" Mu Yun said again at this moment.

"Not really. If you explain these things to you now, you won't understand them. In the future, when you step out of the human world, you will naturally understand them!"

Mu Yun scratched his head at this moment.

"With my father's strength, let alone the nine races, it is the God Realm. It is not difficult to unify, right?"

"It's that simple!"

Mu Qingyu smiled bitterly at this moment and said: "I will arrive at the throne as soon as I am. However, the space barrier of the God Realm cannot withstand the strong pressure. If I exert my full strength, the God Realm will collapse, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless the God Realm seal is unlocked!"


Mu Yun was even more unsure, so he looked at Mu Qingyu.

"Can't untie it?"

"Naturally not!" Mu Qingyu said cautiously: "Yun'er, you must remember that the ten races fight, no matter how fierce it is, it is also a human matter, but once the seal of the gods is lifted, the gods will be targeted by the ten thousand clans. At that time, humanity will be completely reduced to slaves!"

"Even I... can't protect!"

"Canglan Ten Thousand Realms, what is the situation?"

Mu Yun wanted to ask this question a long time ago.

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingyu spoke slightly.

"Since you have asked, I am not afraid of hitting you. The world we live in is isolated from each other, the small world, the big world, and the gods. These three worlds, in fact, after all, are a big world, but they are People are separated by means of the sky, and those of different levels are in different worlds."

"A low-level warrior can reach a high-level plane, yes, but a high-level warrior can reach a low-level plane and die in nine deaths."

"Canglan Ten Thousand Realms, in fact, the original name was Canglan World. Within the Canglan World, such as the Human Realm, there are too many to count."

"For example, in the dragon world, all those who live are giant dragons, and in the phoenix world, those who live are the Phoenix clan."

"There are countless gods and countless great emperors in the ten thousand realms and ten thousand races. They are the pinnacles of the entire Canglan ten thousand realms!"

"Behind this is an invisible palm that locks the destiny of all of us!"

Mu Qingyu exhaled and looked at Mu Yun.

Mu Yun smiled slightly at this moment and looked at the tea cups on the table in front of the two.

Reach out and take out the tea cups one by one.

Mu Yun looked at the plate and said with a smile: "This is the world of Canglan, but the whole world we are in!"

After the words fell, Mu Yun put a teacup into the plate and said with a smile: "This is the dragon world!"

Immediately afterwards, he put several tea cups into the plate one by one.

"This is... the Phoenix World, the Bone World, the Soul World..."

Mu Yun pointed to the teacup and plate, and said with a smile: "Canglan ten thousand worlds, fusion of ten thousand races, and our human world..."

A small wine glass appeared in Mu Yun's hand, and he smiled: "Between these powerful dragon worlds and phoenix worlds, it's just so big, or even smaller..."


Mu Qingyu nodded.

"In that case, the so-called fairy world, the small world, is actually nothing more than the tea in this cup, scattered and isolated from each other!"

As soon as these words came out, Mu Qingyu nodded: "The truth is such a truth."

"What about Xiaoyao Saint Ruins?"

Mu Yun asked at this moment.

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