Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2075: Magic cave ridge

After Mu Qinglang thought deeply, "Fourth brother, think about it, the Sea-Monster clan has been fighting with us for thousands of years and is familiar with anyone in our herd!"

"Send our children in the next generation to go, but it will be eye-catching!"

"Who is going to send?"

Mu Xuanji's voice was startled.

Mu Qingye smiled slightly at the moment.

"Brother, what are you laughing at?"

Mu Qingye said, "Isn't there a right person beside us?"

"Mu Yun?"

Mu Xuanji shook his head and said, "No way, no way, Xiao Yunzi has only reached the ancestor god's transformation realm, and even the external incarnation has not yet condensed, how to go?"

"This is too dangerous, we can't make the same mistake again!"

"The Prince is indeed the most suitable candidate!"

Mu Qingyu also nodded at this moment: "The Sea-Monster clan is not familiar with them, but we can take this opportunity to let Mu Yun know a little bit!"

"Furthermore, now that his ancestor **** has changed his realm, he really needs training."

"But, the patriarch..."

"Well, that's it!"

Mu Qingyu waved his hand and said, "In a few days, let Mu Yun come to see me, this kid, let him rest and get familiar with the things in the herd."


As soon as these words came out, Mu Qinglang and the three retired.

Mu Qingyu stood in the hall, sitting upright.

"You can rest assured!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

In the hall, a figure suddenly appeared.

A clean white gown, a slightly thin figure, an almost maddening handsome appearance, almost enchanting.

It was Mo Shushu Jiuyou Kunpeng who had disappeared for a long time.

" can be regarded as showing up!"

Seeing Mo Shushu, Mu Qingyu nodded slightly.

"There was no need for me to show up that day. You made up your mind to go out, beat and beat the Nine Clan, I didn't show up, it didn't matter."

Mo Shushu smiled slightly and said, "But, Mu Qingyu, you really plan to do that?"

"If the nine races are really united, your herdsmen can't bear it at all, you will leave you outside..."

"Mo Shushu, you are too wide-minded!"

Mu Qingyu spoke suddenly, with a slightly bad voice.

Hearing this, Mo Shushu was startled and then smiled.

"Okay, okay, I don't bother to care what you think, anyway, something happened, it was your Emperor's son, not me Mo Shushu!"

Mo Shushu waved his hand and said, "I'm slowly practicing the Kunpeng Nine Changes anyway, just stay in the human world!"

"You don't stay in the human world, so it seems that there is nowhere to go, right?" Mu Qingyu smiled and said, "Now you, don't you dare to leave the human world, otherwise..."

"Mu Qingyu!"

Mo Shushu said, "I don't care about your business, but don't interfere with my business, right?"


Mu Qingyu slowly stood up, turned and left.

"Oh, right!"

Suddenly, Mu Qingyu looked at Mo Shushu and said, "My business, I hope you don't tell Yun'er..."

"Do not worry."

Mo Shushu waved his hand and said, "I'm not so disappointed. Moreover, I don't think Muyun is a fool. He should always think, how could he be so powerful? Do you think he wouldn't doubt it?"

"Even in doubt, he can't think of it."

Mu Qingyu said loudly: "How about you and I keep each other's secrets?"


Mo Shushu waved his hand and said impatiently: "Then I'll take a look, this kid, how the Nine Clan was destroyed, take a look at it, if the Nine Clan really rushed on desperately, you Mu Qingyu, what should I do! "

When these words came out, Mu Qingyu's figure was startled, but disappeared...

In the hall, finally fell into calm.

For the next month or so, Mu Yun accompanied his deceased every day, walked around the palace by the way, and chatted with his brothers, elders, nephews and generations, and the days were rarely relaxed.

It's just that the ease of this has only lasted this month.

On this day, Mu Yun's figure appeared in the palace hall.

Accompanied by the nine daughters of Meng Zimo and Qin Mengyao.

Above the hall, Mu Qingyu sat upright.

"How are you feeling?"

"It's okay!" Mu Yun joked: "If there is no opponent, it would be good to live the life of His Royal Highness like this."

"You kid..."

Mu Qingyu smiled and cursed: "Okay, it's time to do business next!"

"Do you deal with the Sea-Monster Clan?"

"It's necessary to deal with the Sea-Monster Clan, but it's not yet. We need to seize an opportunity!"

Mu Qingyu slowly said: "This matter, let's not mention it for the time being, the six sacred steles are on the body, right?"


"Then you should have found out, the three ancestors?"

"Yes! But..."

"But when the next three pieces are untied, there is no Shizu there, right?" Mu Qingyu smiled lightly.


Mu Yun looked at Mu Qingyu at the moment, waiting for an explanation.

"My herdsmen have passed on for millions of years, and the nine ancestors are all dragons and phoenixes!"

"The herdsmen started the world ancestors and herdsmen war, and they used their own power to break the top power of the gods at that time and build the herdsmen!"

"The second generation ancestor Mufeng, inherited the sharpness of the founding ancestor, and expanded the herdsmen!"

"The third generation ancestor Donghua created a prosperous God Realm grand occasion, helping mankind to cultivate and reach the peak again!"

"Fourth generation ancestor Mu Tianming, fifth generation ancestor Mu Tianming, sixth generation ancestor Mu Wentian, they are all first-class heroes!"

"As for the seventh, eighth, and ninth generation ancestors, I think you should know..."

Mu Yun nodded.

"In the God Realm, the herdsmen have risen and their status cannot be shaken. With the birth of ancient tribes, my herdsmen have never interfered. It is our ancestors who have humans in their hearts!"

"Hundreds of schools are in full bloom, and it is the prosperity of mankind, otherwise, it can only be the end of the road!"

"It's a pity that the Nine Races can't see through this point. They just focus on the human world, but they don't know that human beings are at stake!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun smiled and said: "They don't know now, it doesn't mean they won't know in the future."

"They know it!"

In response, Mu Qingyu just smiled faintly.

Slowly, Mu Qingyu said again: "The three ancestors are still there, but as for the other six ancestors, they have completely disappeared between heaven and earth!"

"But my shepherd sacred monument is involved in a big secret!"

"The big secret?"


Mu Qingyu looked at Mu Yun and the nine daughters, and said with a smile: "The ten of you are already a husband and wife. My son is not expert, but it makes you wronged!"

The faces of the nine women are all reddened at the moment.

"Is this a charming son, okay?" Mu Yun was dissatisfied.

The words fell, but the nine women's eyes were instantly exchanged.

"As a father, I should hold a wedding for my son, but his mother is still in danger. I always hope that his mother will be there with this matter."

"Father, son is not in a hurry!"

"You are not in a hurry, you will be anxious when my grandson comes out?"

Mu Qingyu looked at Mu Yun irritably.

"So, this time, I can be regarded as making up for you!"

Mu Qingyu smiled slightly.

With a wave of the palm, a few people just felt that, with a sway in front of their eyes, everyone's figures disappeared in the hall and appeared between a mountain range.

"This... is Demon Cave Ridge!" Biqingyu said.

"Magic Cave Ridge..."

Xiao Yun's children and daughters also shook slightly at this moment.

"This place, come in once, I don't want to come in again!" Ye Xueqi couldn't help but said.

"Have you been here?" Mu Yun was very curious.

Wang Xinya replied: "At the beginning we were honing our strength here. After all, our cultivation base is rapidly improving. If we don't carry out corresponding training, it is difficult to control all our strength."

"This place is horrible..."

The women are still ashamed at the moment.

"Is it that scary?"

Mu Yun whispered.

Biqingyu covered his mouth with a chuckle and said, "Of course you don’t feel horrible anymore, but the things in the Devil’s Cave Ridge are afraid of you, Muyun, who made you stay here for thousands of years, those guys, you are Killed, I want to run when I see you!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other women changed slightly.

Mu Yun has been here for a thousand years?

This place is like hell, full of endless dangers, endless fierce beasts, demons, monsters, etc., here, if you don't pay attention, you will die!

Mu Yun has been in such a dangerous place for more than a thousand years?

"I improved my strength here a few years ago. At that time, I was forced by my father. I only knew how to practice. I didn't do anything. I just practiced every day!" Mu Yun scratched his head, somewhat complacent.

Demon Cave Ridge, but the most unfathomable place in the herdsmen.

Within the entire herdsmen, this place is not only a place of demon refining, but also a place of punishment.

If a tribe makes a mistake, it is possible to throw it in for three to five years, three to five hundred years.

For the pastoral disciples, this is the land of demons.

"It was indeed a bit harsher back then, but even so, the dangerous training here is nothing more than average in the Canglan Ten Thousand Realms!" Mu Qingyu said seriously.

Such dangers are still average?

The faces of several women changed slightly.

"I think Qin Mengyao should understand this point better!"

Mu Qingyu looked at Qin Mengyao and smiled lightly.


Qin Mengyao nodded slightly: "I haven't entered the Ten Thousand Realms, but only in the Holy Ruins of Xiaoyao, there are more terrifying places than this place!"

"Have you been to Xiaoyao Saint Ruins?"

Mu Yun said nervously.

There, it can be said to be the epitome of Canglan Ten Thousand Realms, and it is the gathering place and trading place of the entire Canglan Ten Thousand Realms.

Qin Mengyao actually went?

"It's just some of the most marginal areas, why are you so excited, kid?"

Mu Qingyu stopped, looked ahead, and said, "Just be here!"

"Yun'er, call out the six sacred tablets in your body!"


Mu Yun did so, and six sacred tablets appeared at this moment.

Slowly, on the three sacred steles, Mu Fengchen, Mu Fengxiao, and Mu Guifan appeared one after another.



"Grandpa Grandpa!"

Looking at the three figures, Mu Qingyu respectfully saluted.


Mu Fengchen nodded in satisfaction.

He has four sons in his life, and Mu Qingyu is the most responsible and outstanding one. As an old man, there is no one who is not proud of his son.

"Three ancestors, I am going to completely unseal the nine sacred monuments. I think the three ancestors will agree?"

Hearing this, the three ancestors now look at me and I will look at you.

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