Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2078: Go to Spirit Snake Island

"Well, let's talk about business!"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "Ling Snake Island is one of the 36 islands of the herdsman. That Zitongming, the ancestor **** has changed his realm, is the island owner."

"It is said that this time it was the master of Batian Island, Ba Tianjiang, under King Xuan Ming Crab!"

"This guy, the Three Transformation Realm of the Ancestor God, is deeply cultivated by King Xuan Ming Crab."

Mingyue smiled and said, "Isn't it very simple? I just killed Naha Tianjiang directly. If Xuanming Crab King comes, I will kill them all at once!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun scratched Mingyue Xinqiong's nose and said with a smile: "It's as simple as that!"

"The nine demon kings are all nine levels of the ancestor gods, and the three demon emperors belong to the top ancestral **** realm, at least a third-rate level, right? That demon emperor, I am afraid that it is equal to the patriarch of the ten ancient clan!"

"If you really kill the Xuanming Crab King, I'm afraid that Xuan Tiance and the three major demon emperors will immediately attack them and tear their faces with our herdsmen!"

"This is not what our herder wants to see."

Mu Yun understood that the purpose of his father letting him come this time was obvious.

If it really fights against the Sea-Monster clan, the herd is afraid it will consume too much power to swallow the Sea-Monster clan.

Especially the Demon Emperor Xuantian Ce, if he let him run away, the shepherd would definitely leave a big disaster in the future.

A top-notch first-rate ancestor **** can cause too much threat.

So this time, it was not arbitrary, but outsmart.

He and Mingyuexin are both fresh faces, and no one knows them in the boundless sea, which is easy to handle.

"Do you have any plans?"

"No!" Mu Yun said truthfully: "Let's take a step and take a step, I think, Naha Tianjiang will not suddenly attack the Spirit Snake Island and occupy the Spirit Snake Island for no reason."

"If you want to know why, go to Spirit Snake Island first!"

"it is good!"

The two speeded up, and they were still marching over the sea for about a day.

In the evening, the two found a deserted island and stopped.

The small island is not big, it is only a few kilometers in radius. Some trees have risen from the ground. The night is coming, and the weather is getting colder. The two of them sat down by the island and looked at the night sky.

Mingyue's heart was rare and quiet, leaning on Mu Yun's side, without saying a word.

"I like such a quiet time very much." Mingyue said unconsciously.

"I've always forgotten to ask you, what does the reincarnation of the water **** mean?"

Mu Yun opened his mouth and said: "I thought you were the water **** of the God Realm, but now, it seems otherwise, the God Realm, I'm afraid it still doesn't belong to the place where you are!"

"I'm from Canglan Ten Thousand Realms!"

Mingyue smiled lightly and said: "Moreover, the water **** mentioned is what our water spirit clan calls it!"

"Water Spirit Race?"

"Well, the Water Spirit Race, born with a strong affinity for the water of the world, is unique among the Five Spirit Race!"

"Five Spirits?"

"Yes, the Five Spirit Clan is also a relatively powerful clan in the Canglan Ten Thousand Realms. Within the Canglan Ten Thousand Realms, it is comparable to the Qilin Clan!"

Mu Yun nodded.

Kylin tribe, he knows.

The six tribes of golden unicorn, wooden unicorn, water unicorn, fire unicorn, earth unicorn, and ink unicorn, united together, are also a force that cannot be underestimated in the vast world.

The Water Spirit Clan seems to be the same as the Wood Spirit Clan, and it is also very powerful, and the Five Spirit Clan twisted into a rope should be relatively strong.

"Canglan Myriad Realms, there are many races, human races are just one of the 10,000 races. It cannot be called a blessed, heaven and earth overlord." Mingyue said earnestly: "If it weren't for Ye Xiaoyao, the human race would have been destroyed or destroyed For the slaves of the ten thousand races!"

"Ye Xiaoyao..."

Mu Yun whispered slightly.


At this moment, Mingyuexin's face changed slightly.

"someone is coming!"

Mingyuexin pulled Muyun up, and immediately galloped towards the island, hiding his figure.

Slowly, in the night, a group of figures, galloping over.

"My son, there is no one here!"

An old man's voice sounded at this moment.

At this moment, those dozens of figures galloped down one by one, leading an old man, arching his hands and looking at a young man beside him.

"Well, it's hard work, the enthalpy is old!"

The young man was dressed in a black robe, round face, big eyes, and piercing spirit.

"Everyone has a rest here, and we will rush to Spirit Snake Island tomorrow!" The young man said lightly.

Spirit Snake Island!

Mu Yun and Ming Yuexin, who were hiding between them, were stunned when they heard this.

These guys also went to Spirit Snake Island.

"My son, please sit down!"

At this moment, the old man moved a few stones, and a few people sat down and formed a group.

"Old Enthalpy, this time I went to Spirit Snake Island to negotiate terms with the guy from Batianjiang. This Batianjiang, the Three Transformation Realm of the Ancestor God, is the powerful officer of the Xuan Ming Crab King, who has always been proud and arrogant. It is estimated that this time, the lion will speak loudly again!"

"The son can rest assured!"

Na Yan said with a smile: "Our blood, it's not that we can't afford it. It just so happens that the Sea-Monster clan is holding back the development of the herdsman. Only at this moment, we can prepare a perfect solution!"

"I don't know, what exactly happened that day." The young man said bitterly, "Can't even the patriarch and the royal patriarch join forces to suppress Mu Qingyu?"

"This matter is still unclear, but the clan makes its own decisions, and we just follow the instructions."


Listening to the narration of a few people outside, Mu Yun suddenly moved in his mind at this moment.

"How are we acting?"

Mu Yun looked at Mingyuexin in front of him, and smiled: "I think it should work."

Muyun whispered, and not long after, Mingyue smiled and cursed: "You are really bad!"

"Really?" Mu Yun slapped his palm and smiled: "When it was worse, you haven't seen it before!"

The two of them prepared for a while, and disappeared slowly.

"Old Enthalpy, I heard that the Yang and Zhu tribes also sent people to the Spirit Snake Island at this moment. I think their two ancient tribes should be more anxious than us?"

"Zhu and Yang have always been attached to our blood clan, but they have drifted freely over the years. They think they can be compared with my blood clan, which is really ridiculous!"

The old enthalpy snorted, "This time, it happens to be hitting them too!"

"The herder has appeared. Without my blood, his Zhu and Yang are unable to resist!"

"Enthalpy is correct!"

The young man hummed: "This time, I want to see who the Zhu and Yang will send!"


At this moment, two breaking sounds suddenly sounded.


The two figures fell directly at this moment.

That enthalpy old face sank, and said cautiously.

This boundless sea, after all, many islands are the land of herdsmen, and their entry into the boundless sea this time can be said to be cautious and low-key, and they should not be the people of the herdsman.


Suddenly, a cold female voice sounded.

A powerful breath spread directly.

That powerful breath directly shrouded everyone, and the pressure that was difficult to breathe was released at this moment.

Nine changes of the ancestors!

That enthalpy old face changed in shock.

"This senior is walking through the boundless sea and wants to explore some treasures. I don't know how to offend this senior?"

"Stop being sloppy here!"

Mu Yun, clad in blood, said at this moment: "You go to Spirit Snake Island. You have to do important things on this trip. His Royal Highness is worried that the Xuan Ming Crab King will come back and send me to follow him in secret!"

As soon as this remark came out, both the old man and the young man were startled.

"Dare to ask this young man, are you..."


Hearing this, Mu Yun wiped out his killing intent, and a powerful soul-retaining aura was crushed away.

Yuhun talent!

People of the blood family!

These two are really blood people.

In addition to the people of the blood race, who else has the talent of Yuhun?

"Under the blood enthalpy, you offend the envoy, and please forgive the envoy."

"See the envoy of the blood forest!"

The young man also arched his hands at the moment.

It is not difficult for him to see that Muyun's breath is the realm of the ancestor god's change.

Although this is not enough for him to treat each other squarely, but the woman beside him is the Nine Changes of the Ancestor God.

In the blood clan, the disciples of the Ancestral God's Changed Realm are dispatched, and the guards of the Ancestral God's Nine Changes are followed by him. Who can have such great power?

In addition to the core disciples within the blood clan, who else can it be?

Xuesen can only treat each other respectfully at this moment.

The other party said that it was sent by His Royal Highness, and the Crown Prince Blood Owl, in the blood clan, was extremely majestic.

"Going to Spirit Snake Island, Naha Tianjiang, is extremely greedy, are the belongings prepared by the clan for you, is it appropriate?" Mu Yun spoke with a hoarse voice at this moment.

"It's ready, please don't worry!"

The blood enthalpy nodded slightly, and said, "I don't know what is the relationship between the envoy and His Royal Highness?"

As soon as he said this, Mu Yun's eyes fell cold.

"Are you doubting my identity?"

A powerful breath was released from Mingyue's heart, his blood enthalpy turned pale, and he staggered back.

"Don't dare, your subordinates don't dare!"

Blood Enthalpy hurriedly said at this moment: "It's just a matter of great importance, and the subordinates are worried..."

"To shut up!"

Mu Yun said indifferently: "You don't deserve to know who I am. I came this time because the prince told him secretly, and no one else knew it!"

"The reason for appearing is to tell you that this time, it is said that Prince Mu Yun, the herdsman prince, went to Spirit Snake Island by himself.

"You must remember that if this matter is disturbed by Mu Yun, my blood clan will suffer a huge loss!"


As soon as these words came out, their faces changed slightly.

Mu Yun, the herder prince, actually dispatched himself?

"I came here in secret. I didn't want to meet you, but I am just a reminder when I appear now!"

"You continue to do what you should do, and I will not stop it. As for the treasures you bring, I will not look at it. These are your business. I will only take action unless the shepherd shows up!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Hearing this, Blood Enthalpy and Xuesen were old and young, and he was relieved immediately.

It seems that this is really a high-level child of the blood clan.

"You guys do it for yourself!"

Mu Yun flicked his long sleeves, and his figure flickered, with a bright moon in his heart, and left directly, disappearing into the night.


Mingyuexin took off her veil at this moment, pursing her mouth and grinned: "You are so bad!"

"Coax them like this, but why don't you **** those treasures over?"

"I was going to kill people, but if I think about it, it's boring!"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "Since the blood, Zhu, and Yang have all sent people to the Spirit Snake Island, it is probably an agreement with the Sea-Monster Clan."

"In this way, I am really curious about what agreement will be..."

"If you are doing something secretly, you will stir the muddy water when the time comes, so that these guys, the cooperation will be messed up first, and it will have a greater effect than killing these people now!"

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