Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2081: Interview

For Mu Yun, this is tantamount to opening up a new world.

Biluohuangquantu, but completely integrated with him, if it can really create a new world and can accommodate ten thousand people, then his body can be transformed into a world!

This kind of thing, even in the realm of the top ancestor god, is an unimaginable existence.

In Mu Yun's heart, at this moment, there was a glimmer of hope.

In the next few days, Mu Yun has been exploring the changes in his blue and yellow spring map.

The benefits brought by the growth of the World Tree continuously condense his external incarnation.

Moreover, the birth of the power of the world played a key role in the blue and yellow spring map, stabilizing the Nine Yuan Tianbao and condensing the aura of the world.

Makes everything in the Biluohuangquan map become orderly.

Three hundred bone guards, at this moment, stand still.

Without the holy stele, they could no longer continue to absorb blood.

However, Mu Yun and the nine sacred monuments all established a unique connection, but he was able to make a wonderful connection with the three hundred bone guards steadily using his own energy and blood.

He could feel that the three hundred bone guards were undergoing transformation at this moment.

It is not only the lifting of the seal, but also an essential change.

With this change, Mu Yun could clearly feel that Bone Guard was even more connected to him.

Mo Yu and Huang Yan, the two unicorn beasts, also calmed down at this moment, quietly practicing.

The world in the picture of the blue sky and the yellow spring is the best practice ground for them.

Now, the two of them can't get rid of the shackles of Mu Yun. It's good to just practice quietly and quietly here.

Mu Yun deeply understands that the changes in the blue and yellow spring map are related to his life.

Everything is inseparable from his backbone.

When I woke up that day, outside the door, Zijifeng and Mu Shenming were already waiting quietly.

"Your Highness!"

Seeing Mu Yun appearing, Mu Shenming respectfully said: "Inquired about the news. Today, Ba Tianjiang will entertain Zhu Fengchen and Yang Yu in Lingtian Pavilion on Ling Snake Island."

"People of the blood race should also go!"

"it is good!"

Mu Yun nodded, and said: "You can just wait here, don't expose yourself."

"Your Highness..."

"My wife and I will go see the excitement!"

Mu Yun stretched out and smiled: "After all, it's a pity not to go and see such a big thing."

"Your Royal Highness, let your subordinates go with your Royal Highness!"

Mu affirmed respectfully.

He was really worried that in the unlikely event that Mu Yun had an accident, he would be unforgivable, and he would become the sinner of the entire shepherd, bearing the eternal infamy.

"Do not worry!"

Mu Yun beckoned: "Madam is here, don't you worry about it?"

"This Spirit Snake Island has been under the control of Ba Tianjiang for several years. It looks like this. Can it take a long time?"


"It's nothing!"

Mu Yun whispered loudly: "By the way, hide all the guards of the former Spirit Snake Island, so that they don't be impulsive."


Mu declared that he took Zijifeng and retreated respectfully.

The two left, both frowning.

"Declare, isn't there always a guard next to Your Highness?" Zi Jifeng said, "Yunyi is famous, this time, why didn't he follow?"

"It may be something else!"

Mu declared that he was still worried, and said: "The hall's acting style is different from the past. I am always worried."

"Even if you are worried, this is not something you and I can manage!"

The two left slowly.

Not long after, Mingyue walked out slowly.

"Did you rest well?"

"It's okay!"

Mingyue's heart stretched lazily, and the moving curves showed no more.

"Let's go, go to the banquet!"


Two figures, stepping away...

Ling Snake Island, Ling Tian Pavilion!

Ling Tian Pavilion, as the most luxurious restaurant on Ling Snake Island, was originally managed by a herdsman.

However, the Batianjiang led people to occupy the Spirit Snake Island, and this place became under the control of the Sea-Monster Clan.

Today, there is no figure in Lingtian Pavilion.

Outside the gate, sea-monsters stood still, half-human and half-demon, all in the realm of gods, carefully watching the crowds around, with sharp eyes.

In the Lingtian Pavilion, a group of figures were seated.

In the wide hall, there is only one long table.

On the table, delicacies are placed.


A loud laughter sounded, and dozens of figures outside the Lingtian Pavilion stepped forward one by one.

"I have long heard that Zhu Fengchen of the Zhu clan and Yang Yu of the Yang clan are two famous talented young men in the two ancient clans!"

"As soon as I saw it today, as expected, at a young age, I was in the realm of the ancestral gods, and I was embarrassed to dominate the Tianjiang!"

Haha laughter fell, a figure, tall and burly, sitting on the main seat with a big horse with a golden sword.

On the left and right sides, Zhu Fengchen of the Zhu family and Yang Yu of the Yang family greeted each other with smiles.

"Overlord of the island!"

"Overlord of the island!"

When the two saw the Batianjiang, they both politely bowed their hands.

"Sit, sit, you're welcome!"

The Batianjiang laughed and said, "Two sons, coming from a long way, this Spirit Snake Island is no better than my Batian Island, but also looking at Haihan!"

"The Lord of the Overlord is polite. This Lingtian Pavilion is located on the Lingsnake Island. It is very famous. I have heard of the boundless sea. The food is unique. I naturally want to taste it!"

"Good, good!"

Ba Tianjiang laughed.

"Isn't it said that people from the blood race have also come? Where are they?"

Ba Tianjiang looked at the two of them and said.

"The blood race is the **** son this time, but the **** son has been delayed for some time, it should be coming soon!"


Ba Tianjiang still smiled and said: "I'm afraid I don't look down on my identity as Spirit Snake Island, don't you want to condescend to come here?"

Ba Tianjiang's words contained a different meaning.

He was originally an effective general under the Xuan Ming Crab Throne. The Xuan Ming Crab King suffered the most losses during herding struggles. He originally occupied 17 islands, but now only Xuantian Island, Fengtian Island and Tyrant Island are left. Three islands.

This matter was among the nine demon kings, and it also made Xuan Ming Crab King ridiculed.

Since then, the Xuanming Crab King among the nine demon kings has been quite vilified.

This has also led to a lot of contempt for the outside world.

"Island Lord's words are very bad, my blood forest represents the blood race, how can I look down on the Lord of the Overlord?"

A gentle voice sounded outside the door.

Xuesen walked out one by one at the moment with more than a dozen figures waiting for his blood enthalpy.

The two seem to be quite confident today.

After all, originally negotiating with Ba Tianjiang was a chore, and Xuesen took orders from the blood clan, and Ba Tianjiang was uncertain.

In the unlikely event that the agreement is not reached, a great disturbance may occur.

But now, Xuesen is full of confidence, for no other reason.

This time, the blood clan came with an extremely powerful backup. As long as that person is there, his safety can at least be guaranteed.

"Well, now that the three of you are here, let's talk straight to the point!"

Ba Tianjiang laughed at the moment.

"First of all, your blood, Zhu, and Yang are all promises. As long as we, the Sea-Monster clan, deal with the herdsmen and involve them, your so-called agreement remuneration!"

"Brought it!"

With a wave of Xuesen's palm, a space ring appeared.

Ba Tianjiang took over the Space God Ring and investigated it carefully.

Slowly, Ba Tianjiang's expression turned cold.

At this moment, Zhu Fengchen and Yang Peng each took out their space ring and handed them over to Batianjiang.

Only after investigating them one by one, Ba Tianjiang's expression became colder.

"The amount is wrong!"

Ba Tianjiang said gloomily: "It was originally agreed, but it was 100,000 Supreme God Crystals, but now, you only paid 30,000 each. What do you mean?"

"Overlord of the island!"

Xuesen said calmly: "This Spirit Snake Island, which is taken care of by the herdsmen, is several times more prosperous than it was in the hands of your monsters."

"Your demons have swallowed such a good place now, and the remaining 70,000 are also included. I think, although we have a little less here, but after all, your Sea-Monster family still earned it!"

"Don't tell me anything else!"

The smile on Ba Tianjiang's face disappeared, and he hummed: "A promise is a promise!"

"You only see the benefits of my Sea-Monster Clan occupying the Spirit Snake Island now, but when the Spirit Snake Island was taken, my subordinates of Tyrant River were hurt a lot."

"And, we offended the shepherd!"

"In the face of possible revenge from the herdsmen at any time, this is a big problem!"

"I can't see it, am I?"

Xuesen smiled lightly: "Now that the herder has returned, the prince has completely become the target of the Nine Clans. Where else can I separate my mind and fight back against your Sea-Monster tribe?"

"This matter, our three tribes, is just to help your Sea-Monster clan start!"

"Take a Spirit Snake Island, how much benefit do your Sea-Monster tribe benefit from? Our three tribes each produced 30,000 best crystals, which is already a huge concession!"

As soon as these words came out, the murderous intent in Ba Tianjiang's eyes was slowly released.

"So, are you making up your mind to fall back on the bill?"

Ba Tianjiang said coldly: "Everyone, the agreement is the agreement. Our Sea-Monster Clan did it, but your three ancient clans are shameless. What does this mean?"

"Means nothing!"

Xuesen still said indifferently: "This matter, you Sea-Monster Clan, didn't suffer any losses at all!"

"I think there is nothing wrong with our cooperation."

"Furthermore, Overlord, I have to tell you that you have already violated the herdsmen. If you offend the Zhu Clan in the south and the Yang Clan in the north, plus my blood clan, I'm afraid... It's not easy."

As soon as these words came out, Ba Tianjiang's eyes were wiped out of murderous intent and slowly released.

"Yellow-mouthed kid, is it a fool to be Laozi?"

Ba Tianjiang shouted: "Threat Lao Tzu? You humans are indeed a treacherous."

"Back when the herdsmen settled down, our Sea-Monster tribe should be killed directly, without leaving any future troubles. Now, your three ancient tribes are still so rascal."

"Batianjiang, this is not a threat!"

Xuesen clearly said: "I need to tell you about this matter. The wise choice is to subordinate the gods. Otherwise, you will be a Tyrant Island island owner and the ancestors of the Three Transformation realms, and cannot bear our three ancient tribes plus animal husbandry. The anger of the family."

"Fuck your mother shit!"

While Ba Tianjiang roared, he opened the table with a palm.

The rumbling voice suddenly sounded.

"Why, want to do it?" Xuesen said indifferently.

Behind him, the breath of the seven changes of the blood enthalpy ancestor **** slowly released.

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