Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2089: Chattering

The words of that ancestor **** realm warrior had just fallen. Suddenly, a group of figures landed on the island and appeared directly under the central mountain range of Batian Island.

The island palace, at this moment, is directly surrounded.

Although it is a team of thousands, at this moment, there is the coercion of tens of thousands of people.

This kind of power caused all the people present to suddenly look slightly changed.

Over the entire Batian Island, there were breaking winds everywhere, and some warriors in the realm of the gods and ancestors appeared one by one at this moment.

Who is such a bold person who dared to rush to the Batian Island directly with such an aura?

This is the territory of King Xuan Ming Crab.

The entire sea-monster clan, including the warriors who came here, did not know that Xuan Ming Crab King was one of the nine demon kings.

Wasn't he looking for death when he came to his site so aggressively?

"That person...seems to be the shepherd prince?"

"It seems to be true, isn't that Xuan Tianshi?"

"Does the herder want to launch another attack on the Sea-Monster clan?"

"It's good to launch an attack. Those of us, under the rule of the Sea-Monster tribe, are not regarded as adults at all. Each of the 36 islands of the herder tribe is prosperous."

"Yeah, Lao Tzu has long thought about when the shepherd will attack again."

"Unexpectedly, right now, the shepherd patriarch definitely wants to put pressure on the prince, so this time let him take the shot himself!"

"But it's not right, why is there only Xuantian?"

"That's right. Although the elite of Qingyu Army, Ye Wei, and Xuanjiying are not good enough, at least the shepherd fighters should send some people to come? This guy, after all, is the Xuanming Crab King, but he ranks in the top two hundred of the gods. Inside!"

At this moment, the crowd completely exploded.

Some human beings were full of discussions and filled with righteous indignation.

And some sea monsters are also angry waves.

The herdsmen dared to come to Batian Island in a big way, are they preparing to declare war with the Kraken clan again?

Is it possible that I really thought that the Sea-Monster clan was afraid that they would not be successful?

"Xuan Ming Crab King, get out!"

There was a shout, and it sounded at this moment, and the tyrant's body was full of the nine changes of the ancestors' breath, which suddenly showed no more.

The whole person is murderous at this moment.

For tens of thousands of years, he has never been as proud as he is today.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and tens of thousands of figures flew out between the temples in the middle of the island.

The siren clan army, at this moment, is all out.

The head of the man, with a majestic aura, saw Naha 垌 and yelled at him.

"Domineering, shameless old man, betrayed the king, and there is a face here?"

The shouts shook the entire island, and hundreds of millions of people could hear it clearly.

The Nine Changes of the Ancestor God can be said to be the pinnacle of the God Realm, and it can be a storm in one go. It is not difficult for the entire island to hear this phrase.

"Luo Dongshi, you don't have to pretend to be a shabby man here!"

Tyrant suddenly shouted, "You don't think you know what you are doing, what have you been doing all these years?"

"Where's King Xuan Ming, let him come out for me."

At this moment, Tyrant didn't bother to pay attention to Luo Dongshi.

The goal this time is Xuan Ming Crab King.

He has been operating the three islands for many years. Only by killing the King Xuanming Crab can the confidence of the Shanghai Demon Clan of the three islands be shattered, and then they can buy people's hearts after being frightened by force.

"Ba Dong, why do you and I have come to this point!"

A sigh sounded at this moment.

In the void, a figure stepped out at this moment.

He was dressed in a golden robe, tall and mighty, with broad cheeks, and his eyes were small and invisible.

It is Xuan Ming Crab King!

Xuan Ming Crab King appeared, and the surrounding generals bowed down one by one.

"The King!"

"The King!"

King Xuan Ming waved his hand and looked at Tyrant.

"You really disappoint me. Your son, Ba Tianjiang, died, so you took the initiative and killed the blood clan to make it happen, and blamed this disaster on my Xuan Ming Crab King."

"Now, I actually take refuge in the herdsman again, wanting to destroy me!"

As soon as King Xuan Ming Crab appeared, the responsibility was completely pushed away.

Today, on Batian Island, people come and go, everything that happens is obvious to all.

This matter will be passed on soon, he Xuan Ming Crab King, must stand on the side of justice and condemn the tyrant.


Ba Yan suddenly roared: "I walk straight, sit upright, people of the blood clan, kill my son Ba Tianjiang, as for how those people died, you Xuan Ming Crab King, you know exactly."

"Follow me on the bully, Xuan Ming Crab King, why are you so shameless?"

At this moment, the two of them suddenly fell into a quarrel.

At the same time, Mu Yun was slightly ashamed.

He was the initiator of everything, but unfortunately these two guys, it is impossible for them to know the true situation of this matter in this life.

The only ones who know about this are blood enthalpy and bright moon heart.

Needless to say Mingyue Xin, it is impossible to say the blood enthalpy.

This matter is considered dead, and it is impossible for the two of them to know the truth of the matter.

King Xuan Ming was too lazy to quarrel with Tyrant, turned to look at Mu Yun, and said: "Prince Muzu, I don’t know if you are so aggressive and come to my Tyrant Island, what do you want?"


Mu Yun smiled at the moment: "I have a deal with Mr. Ba Dong, I will help him and become the new demon king, and he will do business with my herder."

"So, I am here!"

As soon as he said this, the eyes of King Xuan Ming Crab were even more invisible.

How he didn't understand, Mu Yun, in the final analysis, was just to annex his Batian Island, with Xuantian Island and Fengtian Island.

Taking the bully as an excuse, but because he was afraid that several other demon kings would interfere.

After all, Tyrant is just a puppet.

This guy, from whom he learned, such a horrible idea, his Lao Zi Mu Qingyu, does not seem to be such a person.

Xuan Ming Crab King smiled at this moment and said: "Prince Mu, this matter is within our Tyrant Island, the internal problem of the Sea-Monster clan. I think we can solve it by ourselves. You, as the Crown Prince of the Herd, rush in. , If you provoke a dispute between the herdsmen and the sea-monster again, you can't resist such a huge responsibility, right?"


Mu Yun was taken aback, and said, "Will there be a big mess?"

"Of course!" Xuan Ming Crab King said with pride.

"Probably not!"

Mu Yun said indifferently at this moment: "I think you are one of the nine demon kings, but there are three islands under your hand. I'm just doing business with the master of the island of Tyrant. You sea monster clan, could it be because of this. My shepherd turned his face?"

"I heard that the Zhu Clan, who is near you in the south, is also very angry that their children in the clan have died. They are already eager to try your Xuantian Island..."

"But it seems that the other Demon Kings have no plans to manage!"

As soon as he said this, King Xuan Ming's face changed slightly.

Although he is one of the nine demon kings, it is true.

But last time, Zhu and Yang, for whatever reason, only knew that their children died.

A child of the realm of the ancestor god, it was a lot of hard work to cultivate.

The Zhu tribe and the Yang tribe, united, are indeed constantly exerting pressure on his Xuantian Island and Fengtian Island.

These days, he is indeed irritable.

However, no matter how much the two ancient tribes are, it is nothing more than compensation for the treasures of heaven and earth.

But Mu Yun... directly hit him.

The nine great demon kings are subordinate to the three great demon kings, the powerful demon emperors.

However, Su Ri Li usually manages his own affairs.

Unless the interests of the nine demon kings are all endangered, they will unite closely.

If not, it was impossible for the herdsmen back then to **** so many islands from the Kraken clan, and they are still developing vigorously.

In this regard, Xuan Ming Crab King understands from the bottom of his heart.

"Prince Mu, this tyrant is making a deal with you, and he promises you what kind of training, I, Xuan Ming Crab King, can also double promise!" Xuan Ming Crab King said again.

"Double? I'm afraid you can't do it!"

Mu Yun shook his head and said: "Moreover, I made a deal with Tyrant, how could it be perfidy. After all, although our human race has many perfidious scum, I am not one of them!"


As soon as these words came out, King Xuanming Crab's face was gloomy.

Mu Yun made it clear that he was here to find fault.

"Prince Mu, do you really think I am afraid of you?"

Xuan Ming Crab King shouted: "You really think that your father is at the extreme, so I dare not deal with you?"

"Dare you!"

Mu Yun smiled and said, "Then you can try it!"


King Xuan Ming was completely angry.

Mu Yun is the prince of the shepherd clan. Not to mention the Mu Qingyu behind him, he is the most blessed person in the God Realm today. Only the three of Mu Qingye, Mu Qinglang, and Mu Xuanji are second only to Mu Qingye, Mu Qinglang, and Mu Xuanji. The existence of the top ancestral **** level.

He is just one of the nine demon kings!

"Damn it, **** it!"

King Xuan Ming couldn't help cursing from the bottom of his heart.

"Prince Mu!"

Suddenly, King Xuan Ming's face was cold, and he shouted: "If you insist on doing this, today, even if you offend the herdsman, I won't be polite."

"Sorry, I'm here to help, it's useless to tell me this!"

Mu Yun said again: "Of course, if you are willing to abdicate to be a virtuous person and directly transfer your Demon King status to Ba Dong, wouldn't everyone like this matter?"

"You dream!"

King Xuan Ming's face became cold, and he stepped directly out to kill Mu Yun.

He was already intolerable.

Mu Yun made it clear that I just came to find the fault, how can you look like me.

How can I swallow this breath!


However, the moment Xuan Ming Crab King's figure was shot out, a clanging sound suddenly sounded.

With a wave of Mingyuexin's palm, the water wave rippled and directly blocked it.

"The Nine Changes of the Ancestor God!"

Xuan Ming Crab King felt no weaker than his own breath from Mingyue's heart, and immediately backed away.

"What's going on?"

Mingyuexin is coming forward at this moment.

"Batian Island's guards listen to orders!"

Luo Dongshi shouted at the moment: "Kill with me!"


The deafening shouts filled the sky over the island at this moment.

Ba Yao's face was indifferent at the moment.

"Luo Dongshi, prepare to die!"

When Ba Dong saw Luo Dongshi, he was really embarrassed into anger.

A roar sounded, and it shot out directly.

At the same time, Batian Island was guarding tens of thousands of people, and immediately rushed out.

However, their opponents were the Xuantian scholars in the realm of the ancestor gods.

Luo Dongshi knew what was wrong, and shouted: "Guard under the ancestor god, guard the island, the ancestor **** guard, follow me."

The guard of the realm of the gods, rushing up at this moment, that is looking for death.

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