Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2102: Nine Sky World

The warrior practiced and went all the way.

If you stop, the dangers you face will be endless.

Only when you reach the top can you truly pursue the so-called freedom, right?

A few people didn't say much, but when Mu Yun returned to the room, he started to practice again.

Today, reaching the four-transformation realm of the ancestors, the four external incarnations, at this moment, everything is complete.

Mu Yun's plan was to incarnate the fourth body outside, the one with the talent of the Zhu clan bloodline, staying in the Spirit Snake Island and controlling the four large seas.

Coupled with the fact that the mist in the clouds and Mu Bai and others are there, the four big sea areas should be no problem.

Secondly, there is also a need to leave a clone in the Mucheng.

After thinking about it again and again, Mu Yun left the clone who possessed the talent of the royal family's bloodline.

As for the two external incarnations who possess the talents of Yuhun and Shendian, they are brought with them.

Too many avatars outside the body are enough to make the opponent, unexpectedly, suffer severe damage.

Since returning to the God Realm, he now relies on the Devouring Talent to obtain the Blood Clan’s Soul Guarding Talent Power, the Zhao Clan’s Divine Electricity Talent Power, the Zhu Clan’s Divine Fire, the Yang Clan’s Divine Tree, and the Royal Clan’s royal aura.

He now condenses four of these five ancient bloodline talents and powers on his four clones.

As for the illusions of the Zhan clan, the giantization of the stone clan, the Chiyou bloodline of the Kan clan, and the divine water of the Murong clan, it seems that if you find time, you have to find a person from the four ancient clans to devour them.

The four changes of the ancestor god, he relied on the energy and blood of the iron king to rise to this point. Among the hardships, it was not enough for outsiders.

Others say that he is extremely talented, but no matter how talented he is, he can rely more on perseverance on the road to improvement!

In the past seventy years, he has been on the verge of death more than once, abruptly improving, and expanding his body's instincts unlimited times!

On the verge of death again and again, he reached the realm of the four changes of the ancestor god.

These are not as easy as it seems to outsiders.

Without paying, where did the report come from?

For several days, Mu Yun stayed in the room, looking at his body inwardly, checking every basic problem.

And on this day, in the East Palace, two figures came together.

These two people looked similar in appearance, and between them, they looked young and juvenile, but they were breathtakingly at the level of ancestor gods.

"Big brother, big brother, why don't we rush in so recklessly?" Mu Yuanfeng, dressed in white, worried: "In case the prince and the princes are doing something indescribable, then aren't we rushing? It was too rash to go in."

"It's okay, it's daytime, it won't be!"

Mu Yuanqing waved his hand and said, "Furthermore, what happened? Uncle Mu can teach us!"

"Big brother is right, right!"

"What teaches you?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in front of the two of them.

"Uncle Yun!"

"Uncle Yun!"

Seeing a figure in front of them, the two immediately bowed and saluted.

Mu Yuanqing smiled and said: "We are saying that Uncle Mu has reached the Four Changes of the Patriarch so quickly, you can teach us how to improve our cultivation!"

As soon as he said this, Mu Yun laughed and cursed while looking at the two of them.

"what's up?"

"Uncle Yun, Grandpa is ready, and the patriarch has ordered us to find you and go to the Nine Sky Realm!"

Mu Yuanqing said again: "This time, our herdsmen are together with the other nine races."

"it is good!"

Mu Yun nodded.

It seems that the events of the Nine Sky Realms made other ancient tribes sleepless.

If not, my father spread the news, and these ancient tribes, without exception, all agreed to join forces to enter the Nine Sky Realm and behead the foreign invaders.

It seems that the Nine Races really are just like what Mo Shushu said. Although they are afraid of their father Mu Qingyu, they are not afraid of the herds now.

To be precise, without Mu Qingyu, the Nine Clan would immediately pounce on the tiger without hesitation.

Moreover, according to the nature of the nine races, it is bound to not allow the herdsmen to develop in this way.

Hands-on is a matter of time, but they should also be waiting for an opportunity.

Perhaps, waiting for someone to break through to the level beyond the gods!

Once a person of this realm appeared and restrained Mu Qingyu, the Nine Races would attack madly...

Time is running out!

As Mu Yuanqing and Mu Yuanfeng left the East Palace, three shadows stood behind them, and they were silent at this moment.

This visit was not a good place, but the Nine Sky Realm.

The seals of the ten worlds, from the one-space world to the ten-space world, were full of crises. This time, if you enter the foreign race within the nine-space world, the danger will increase exponentially.

But they couldn't follow Mu Yun.

Mu Yun, after all, he has to go his way, the road of warriors, there has always been no easy way.

Moreover, they could also feel the pressure in Mu Yun's heart.

Since returning to the herd, Mu Yun has exhausted all means to devour and improve, reaching the realm of four changes in less than a hundred years.

During this time, how many times Mu Yun had secretly ventured, they knew very well.

On the other side, Mu Yun followed Mu Yuanqing and Mu Yuanfeng to the main hall.

At this moment, in the main hall, a group of figures stood quietly.

Mu Yun looked carefully, from the change of the ancestor **** to the nine changes of the ancestor god, no more, no less, exactly one hundred people.

Among the crowd, Mu Yun saw a familiar figure.

"Xue Zhuying!"

"Brother Mu!"

Seeing Mu Yun, Xue Zhuying stepped forward with excitement at this moment, her eyes filled with hot light.

Reverence, love, faith...

"His Royal Highness!"

Although Xue Zhufeng's eyes were full of hot light, he still bowed to the rules before looking at Mu Yun.

"Boy, where did you go during this time?"

"Hey, I'm locked up by my father!" Xue Zhuying said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, this is my father Xue Zhufeng, the lord of the Shadow Palace, who is also leading the team with Senior Mu Yunxi this time!"

Behind Xue Zhuying, a middle-aged man stepped forward.

A dark gray robe looked plain and unremarkable, but those eyes, at the moment they opened, gave people an extremely powerful deterrent.

"Snow and wind, see your Highness!"

"Master of the Wind Palace!"

Seeing the snow chasing the wind, Mu Yun also looked solemn.

This person is the current hall master of the Shadow Palace. As early as ten thousand years ago, he was an ancestral **** realm master, who had helped the herdsmen and assassinated many ancestral **** realm masters.

Shadow Palace, what it does is the sale of murder, and it is also a dagger hidden by the herdsmen in the land of Shenzhou.

A dagger that kills without blinking.

"His Royal Highness, do you still remember me?"

A gentle and jade-like voice sounded at this moment.

The man was dressed in a light purple gown and looked quite delicate. His eyes were more delicate and beautiful than a woman's eyebrows.

"Mu Yunxi!"

Looking at the man in front of him, Mu Yun smiled and said, "How could I forget you? Recalling the Lord Yuxuan!"

"Subordinate Mu Yunxi, see Your Highness!"

"Well, these courtesies will be forgiven!"

Mu Yun waved his hand and said with a smile: "This time, the two are leading the team, I think my prince, I can rest assured to follow you behind."

When Mu Yun's joking words fell, all of them smiled.

In the hall, hundreds of figures walked up to greet Mu Yun one by one at this moment.

From the change of the ancestor **** to the nine changes of the ancestor god, there are about ten people in each realm.

Mu Yun saw that these people were all top-notch existences in their respective realms.

It seems that my father really paid attention to this trip to the Nine Sky Realms.

Between them, four figures appeared at this moment. It was Mu Qingyu, Mu Qingye, Mu Qinglang and Mu Xuanji.

"If it's all there, let's go!"

Mu Qingyu waved his hand and said: "Remember, this time, I did not fight and kill the people of the nine ancient tribes, but shovel the outsiders!"

"The first task must be remembered. Of course, if the people of the nine ancient tribes find fault, our herdsmen are not easy to bully!"

Everyone nodded when he said this.

This time, the ten tribes united to eliminate foreign invaders, not to kill each other.

But if they don't want the human race to be stable, the shepherd won't show mercy either.

In the end, who is better, you will know after playing!

"set off!"

With a move from Mu Qingyu's palm, a Tai Chi Gate suddenly appeared in front of him.

The Tai Chi gate, one black and one white, rotates endlessly, turning into afterimages as it gets faster and faster.

Rays of light shone on everyone present, and then, as the sky revolved around, everyone felt that the surrounding scene suddenly changed drastically.

About half an hour later, everything finally stopped.

At this moment, everyone appeared in a bright world.

"This place is the entrance of the Nine Sky Realm, above the Nine Sky of the Human Realm."

Mu Qingyu said at the moment: "The locations of the ten air worlds are different, and they are sealed by the seals of the ten worlds. This time, there is a problem in the nine air worlds. We, the ten races, joined forces to open the internal seals of this place. Sent into the Nine Sky Realm."

"Once it is determined that the strangulation of the invaders is complete, we will open the Nine Sky Realms again and let you come back."

"But remember, you must ensure that all intruders are beheaded!"

"Otherwise, once an intruder from the outside enters the human world, it may be thousands of years, ten thousand years later, the internal seal of the human world, there will be problems, and then the ten thousand races may open the channel and enter the human world!"

Mu Qingyu repeatedly asked.

This time, to enter the Nine Sky Realm, the first task is the invaders.

Moreover, according to Mo Shushu, those invaders are among the ninth-class races in the Canglan Ten Thousand Realms.

Although Mu Yun didn't understand this, he knew that once those things entered the human world, humans would be completely changed.

This is not a good change.

The ten world seals are related to the survival of the human race.

If the Nine Races do not understand this, and enter the Nine Sky Realm and have to deal with the herdsmen, then he doesn't need to be polite!


But not long after Mu Qingyu's words fell, a group of figures suddenly appeared between this vast and bright world, falling on top of the clouds.

People of kinship, here comes!

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