Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2161: Mu Qingyu's plot

"The Emperor Mu Qingyu!"

Seeing that figure, Bing Xiaochen snorted and said, "What are you doing here? Where is my daughter now?"

"What's in a hurry?"

Mu Qingyu smiled indifferently: "Well, you are the patriarch of the Ice Phoenix clan, so why don't you have this patience?"

"If you have waited for tens of thousands of years and still have patience, I will convince you!"

But Mu Qingyu said to himself: "I haven't waited..."

"what did you say?"

"It's nothing!"

Mu Qingyu smiled indifferently, and said, "I'm here this time to let you fulfill your promise!"

Fulfill the promise?

Upon hearing this, the two suddenly became angry.

"Mu Qingyu, you said you fulfilled your promise, but now I haven't even seen my daughter's face."

"Yes, you send our daughter back!"

Seeing that the two of them were too serious about sending them back to their daughters, they were going to desperately posture, Mu Qingyu helplessly spread his hands.

"I told you that the Three Lives Reincarnation Curse can resurrect people, but it needs to have the soul left, and it is a long process."

"Now, your daughter, you don't know that she is your daughter!"

"Furthermore, this requires a long period of fusion, otherwise, it will cause great damage. If the two souls are not integrated, it will be crazy!"

As soon as these words came out, the two suddenly became nervous.

"If my daughter is crazy, I will kill your son!"

Mu Qingyu suddenly got a big head.

Why can't these two guys speak well?

"I promise that within ten thousand years, or even less time, you will definitely find your daughter. As for the time, if I am still there, I can help you, awaken her memories of past lives, and merge with this life!"

"What do you mean if you are still..."

Bing Xiaochen snorted and said no more.

"I believe you can feel your daughter's breath, and you know that, did I lie to you!"

"But now, it's not a good time to recognize each other, she needs to integrate herself, otherwise I will not be responsible for any problems!"

"we know!"

The two said in unison.

After the words fell, the two looked at Mu Qingyu again.

"Tell me what your conditions are!"

Lan Yingbao said at the moment: "If my daughter is to marry your son, it is absolutely impossible."

"My daughter is the princess of the Ice Phoenix clan. You humans, there are so many in number, but I think that for a million years, there have been only a few amazing and brilliant people. If your son is a mediocre person, how can he be worthy of it? My daughter!"

Hearing this, Mu Qingyu coughed in embarrassment, but he was entangled after holding his hands.

If you tell these two the truth...

Mu Qingyu smiled lightly and said, "How come...your daughter is pregnant with my grandson..."

"what did you say?"

"No, nothing!"

Mu Qingyu coughed, and said solemnly: "This time I am here, and only seek the help of two people, and follow me to the mountain of the sky!"

"Mountain of Tiandang?"

"Mountain of Tiandang?"

As soon as these words came out, the two giants were suddenly taken aback.

Bing Xiaochen solemnly shouted: "Mu Qingyu, where is Tiandang Mountain? You and I know what to do there?"

"You could beg me in a low voice for your daughter back then, and now I can also rush to death for my wife!"

Mu Qingyu said sternly: "Don't ask so much about the others, just two people nod or shake their heads?"

"I go with you!"

Bing Xiaochen said sternly: "But the baby can't go with you!"

"Ice Phoenix clan, at least some people are sitting here, after all, what you are going to is the Mountain of Heavenly Dang, then Di Yuan... you and I both know how difficult it is to deal with..."

"it is good!"

Mu Qingyu said no more.

"Thanks a lot!"

Xu Xu, Mu Qingyu exhaled and said, "No matter success or failure, thank you both."

"You still have a conscience!" Lan Yingbao said worriedly: "Husband, you must pay attention to your safety. You can't be fooled by this guy."

"Don't worry, baby, I can't beat it, it's okay to protect yourself, don't you trust me?"


Mu Qingyu only felt his scalp numb at the moment.



"You really don't have to worry, I am a lonely widow?" Mu Qingyu waved his hand, shook his head and said, "I will leave after ten days!"

Mu Qingyu turned and left, disappearing into the vast ground, slowly stepping out in one step, as if walking out of a world, mysterious and unpredictable.


Two figures stood beside Mu Qingyu at the moment.

It was Ren Gang and Qiu Chiyan.


Mu Qingyu nodded and said, "What's going on in the human world?"

"His Royal Highness is now ready to... kill the Yang Clan!"

"Yang Clan?"

Mu Qingyu was startled and smiled: "I thought this kid would choose the Zhu clan first. After all, Zhu Xiaotian's strength is weaker than Yang Chenfeng!"

"His Royal Highness should have his plan. After all, the lord has already helped His Highness a lot."

"is it……"

Mu Qingyu smiled bitterly: "My son, Mu Qingyu, should be like the young patriarchs and princesses of the first-class races among the ten thousand realms. Admire the respected..."

"But Yun'er has suffered too much!"

As soon as these words came out, Qiu Chiyan and Ren Gang were both silent.

They followed Mu Qingyu, knowing what burden the lord was carrying on his body.

The human race has always been in a weak trend. Millions of years ago, Mu Qingyu soared into the sky to frighten the tens of thousands of races. The human race has achieved unprecedented and powerful development, quickly infiltrating the thousands of realms and tens of thousands of races, and its status has greatly increased.

But the first **** emperor died, and the status of mankind was instantly lowered.

If it were not for the support of Qingdi Ye Yushi, the persecution faced by the human race would have been even greater.

And the Qing Emperor was captured and imprisoned, and all the burdens fell in front of the human emperor in front of him.

Wife is separated, son is scattered.

Perhaps the human emperor recognized by the ten thousand realms, no one knows the suffering in his heart.

"This time, I can only say sorry to Yun'er!"

Mu Qingyu said bitterly: "I don't know how many times it is!"

In the past years, Mu Yun, who was once the emperor of the immortal, died because of the fight for Zhuxiantu, but he was never present.

And Mu Yun, who had returned, was not present in the final stage of unifying the immortal world.

As a father, it is indeed very dereliction of duty.

At critical moments, there will always be unexpected things that interrupt his plan.

"This time, rescuing Yu Shi is the most rare opportunity in these tens of thousands of years. All difficulties can only be supported by Yun'er alone!"

"The lord can rest assured that your highness is gifted and resilient. There will be no problems."

Mu Qingyu did not speak.

"Tiandang Mountain, Di Yuan, Mu Qingyu, here comes!"

Three figures, looking at the mountains and rivers of the Ten Thousand Realms, gradually disappeared...

At the same time, on the other side, Bing Xiaochen and Lan Yingbao both had solemn expressions at this moment.

"Since Lan'er will return eventually, I have nothing to worry about!"

Bing Xiaochen said with relief: "It is not unreasonable for Mu Qingyu to be called the emperor. You must do what you promised."

"Husband, remember to be safe."

"Don't worry, although Di Yuan is domineering, but Mu Qingyu will not die out of thin air this time."

Bing Xiaochen exhaled and looked forward.

"Good daughter, father is waiting for you!"



The earth rolled, and suddenly, the entire ground was completely shattered at this moment, and the secret world of Qingkong Mountain was fragmented at this moment, and it was already on the verge of collapse.

A beautiful shadow, the ice phoenix phantom behind tens of thousands of feet, gradually showed its true form.

At this moment, Qin Mengyao was pale and panting.

"Little girl, the top ancestor **** realm, the ice phoenix spirit is added!"

Yang Kaitai looked at Qin Mengyao, with murderous intent in his eyes, slowly spreading.

This girl seemed to have unlimited potential, even more terrifying than that of Mu Yun.

"Ha ha……"

Qin Mengyao sneered: "You don't know, there are too many!"

"Really? But I'm not interested in knowing it!"

Michelle Yeoh's face was cold, and she grabbed it with one hand.

This grasp seemed to tear the sky apart.

A crack appeared in the sky, and the secret world of Qingkong Mountain was finally unable to withstand the overbearing might, and it was completely shattered.

In an instant, Michelle Yeoh directly grabbed a wing behind Qin Mengyao with one hand.

Kakaka's voice sounded. At this moment, Qin Mengyao's face turned pale, he staggered, and his figure was unstable, pinching his hands with his hands, bursting out with an icy breath.

It was just at this moment that a rumbling voice sounded, and a gap was cracked on the ground, and the figure of Yang Kaitai suddenly appeared, punching directly and banging up.


The dull explosion sound rang out in an instant.

At this moment, everyone felt that the air faintly emitted a cracking sound.


In an instant, the icy breath disappeared.

All the crazy fluctuations seemed to disappear completely at this moment.

At this moment, everyone's hearts were already shocked and hard to add.

What kind of strength is this?

Qin Mengyao's top ancestral **** realm, with one enemy and two, facing the Void Saint level, he could actually resist this step.


Only at this moment, the two ancestors, Yang Kaitai and Michelle Yeoh, stood side by side, and a vicious look flashed in their eyes.

"not dead……"

Michelle Yeoh said indifferently.

The smoke dissipated, and a silhouette of a figure walked out between the smoke.

"never mind!"

Mu Yun held a figure in his arms at this moment, it was Qin Mengyao.

At this moment, Qin Mengyao's breath was weak all over his body, and his face looked pale and terrifying.


Qin Mengyao nodded and said with a smile: "The little guy kicked me just now!"


Mu Yun was taken aback, and smiled: "It's probably because I feel that as a father, I am not competent enough to let his mother face a powerful enemy."

"may be."

Slowly putting Qin Mengyao down, the smile in Mu Yun's eyes gradually dissipated.

Pointing his palm, she looked at Yang Kaitai and Michelle Yeoh, Mu Yun's voice was cold.

"You, you, come and die!"

A word fell, and the whole world was silent.

At this moment, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

Who gave Mu Yun so much confidence?

Qin Mengyao's top ancestor god, comparable to the existence of the top ten patriarchs, is now almost beheaded, he is in the second-rate ancestral **** realm, so arrogant?

"It's such a big show!"

Michelle Yeoh coldly snorted, "Is the shepherd prince? In a short period of time, the first-class ancestral spirit, but this is not your proud capital!"

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