Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2255: Black Tiger Gang

"Snow World, open!"

At the critical juncture, Mu Yun offered another Di Yuan Book with the words "Snow" written on the pages.

This page of the Diyuan Book was given to him by Fang Tianyue before, and now his aura has recovered. Pieces of snow fluttering from the pages of the book, fluttering in the sky, exuding a cold air.

In the blink of an eye, the whole world was reduced to a world of ice and snow.


The heavy snow fluttered, and the ironback ant was attacked by the cold, and directly turned into an ice sculpture. With a bang, it fell from the air and fell to the ground.

Mu Yun's Yungong was shocked, and all the poisonous ants on his body were shaken off, and then he flew up with his sword and cut straight towards the ironback ants.

The ironback ant at this moment has become an ice sculpture, unable to move.

The power of the Diyuan Book is very powerful. After the snow world is spread, the surrounding cold is so strong that it can freeze people to death.

In such a severe cold, the ironback ant is completely an ice sculpture, and can't even move.

Ironback Ant’s blood-red eyes were filled with anger. It struggled angrily, trying to get out. The ice covered on its body rattled and cracks like spider webs appeared.

However, the snow world of the Diyuan Book was too cold. The surrounding snow was heavy and frosty, and the cracks were directly filled, and the ironback ants couldn't get out.

Mu Yun slashed over with a sword, and he could kill the ironback ant at a glance.

But at this moment, green venom suddenly flowed from the corner of the ironback ant's mouth, and the venom with a strong acid eroding force actually eroded all the ice.


The ironback ant melted the ice, and immediately got away and ran out.

Mu Yun was slightly startled, this ironback ant is worthy of being an ancient alien beast, and it can escape.

"Starburst Air Slash!"

Mu Yun settled down, still slashed out with a single sword, the galaxy-like sword aura cut, slashing fiercely on the ironback ant's body.


There was a crisp sound, and the Ironback Ant was unscathed. The iron carapace on its back was very defensive. Mu Yun cut it down with a single sword, only a shallow white mark was cut out.

Mu Yun took a deep breath, knowing that his Starburst Airflow Slash has advanced to a first-rank sacred tactic, even if it is a mountain, it can be split, but it still can't break the ironback ant's defense.

"This beast is a bit powerful."

Mu Yun held the long sword obliquely, and at this time the ironback ant had already rushed over, raised its iron scissors-like forearm, and slammed towards Mu Yun.

Mu Yun took a deep breath and waved his hand. The seven flying swords danced in the air, merged into one, and turned into a huge seven-star holy sword.


Between the heavens and the earth, thunder suddenly sounded, and on the Seven-Star Sacred Sword, purple lightning also appeared, like a dragon and snake, crackling.

The endless thunder aura descended from above the nine heavens and landed on the Seven-Star Sacred Sword. The thunder light of the entire sword illuminates the entire sky.

"Two Tribulations Thunder, Thunder Half Moon Slash!"

Mu Yun yelled violently, swung his sword and slashed down in the air. The violent thunder and lightning danced like a madman, billowing in the wind and snow, revealing an aura of terror.

A half-moon-shaped sword energy, mixed with purple and golden thunder light, slashed down fiercely.

This is the second move of the Seven Tribulations Dragon Slashing Art, Thunder Half Moon Slash, Mu Yun has already practiced this move by relying on the Thunder Emperor Cauldron. At this moment, he has displayed the power of wind and thunder, and the momentum is vast.

The ironback ant's eyes were calm, without even looking at it, and continued to slaughter it forward. Seeing its appearance, it was obvious that it was able to block Thunder Banyue Slash by relying on its iron carapace.


Banyue's sword qi slashed down fiercely, and directly split the iron-backed ant's iron carapace, and then with a powerful force of thunder, the iron-backed ant was cut off with a sword.

The ironback ant let out a painful scream, and there was a look of fear in its eyes. It was obviously unexpected that Thunder Banyue Slash was so fierce that it not only broke its iron carapace, but also cut it off.

Green blood gurgled out.

The ironback ants rolled and twitched on the ground, still screaming.

Mu Yun sacrificed the Di Yuan Shu to open the lava world, hot lava flowed out, and the ironback ant's body was burned to ashes on the spot.

Mu Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and finally killed this beast. It was indeed an ancient alien beast. It was really fierce. If he hadn't practiced Thunder Half Moon Slash, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy to kill.

After the ironback ant died, a blood-colored bead suddenly appeared in the ashes of its corpse.

"Huh, what is that?"

Mu Yun was slightly startled, picking up the bead, he felt that the bead had ample source power aura, and it was also mixed with the essence of the blood of the monster beast.

"Is this Yuanzhu? Why is it red?"

Mu Yun was puzzled, he hadn't seen the red source bead yet.

He released Bai Chen and Fang Tianyue. They saw that the surrounding area was empty and the ironback ants were gone. They asked, "Honorable Lord, where is the ironback ant?"

"I have killed the ironback ant. After it died, such a bead fell out."

Mu Yun spread out his palm, and the blood-red bead, on the palm of his hand, exuded a strong qi and blood essence.

"Oh, this is the Blood Orb!"

When Bai Chen saw this bead, he immediately showed an expression of excitement.

"What is the blood source pearl?" Mu Yun asked in confusion, he hadn't heard of any blood source pearl.

Bai Chen said: "In addition to the source of heaven and earth, the blood source pearl also contains extremely abundant monster energy and blood. This kind of bead is very rare and is a very good material for refining."

"Refining material? Can this blood source bead be used to refine equipment?"

"No, this is the material for enchantment."

Bai Chen slowly explained: "Infusion is a sophisticated refining technique that has been lost for a long time. The so-called infusion is to infuse the blood source beads into the equipment to produce special runes. There are six runes. These attributes can greatly enhance the strength of a person. There are only five pieces of equipment with magical attributes in the entire Trinity Realm, which are the five great magic weapons in the legend."

"Only five? How come there are so few?"

Mu Yun was surprised for a while. It turned out that infusion attributes were so rare that there were only five of them in the entire Three-dimensional Realm.

"No way, the technique of infusion has long been lost, so even if you get the blood source orb, no one will instill it." Bai Chen sighed.

"In that case, you don't know how to inflict magic?" Mu Yun said.

Bai Chen smiled bitterly and shook his head. If he could infuse evil spirits, the boss of Bailian Mountain Villa would have been his for a long time.


Mu Yun felt sorry for a while. It seemed that even if he had the Blood Origin Orb, he couldn't instill it, because the technique of instillation had been lost for a long time, and no one in the entire Trinity Realm would know.

Mu Yun had to put away the blood source beads first, and after dawn, he returned to Baiyun Town with Bai Chen and Fang Tianyue.

In the southern suburbs of Baiyun Town, there is a luxurious mansion. Two tiger sculptures are placed in front of the mansion. There is a plaque on the door that reads the words "Black Tiger Gang".

The three of Mu Yun came to the gate of the mansion. The disciple who guarded the gate obviously knew Fang Tianyue. Seeing Fang Tianyue coming, they immediately shouted respectfully: "Fang Ye."

Fang Tianyue said, "I'm here to find Clan Master Chen."

The disciple said, "Please come in, please come in quickly."

Fang Tianyue nodded and took Mu Yun and Bai Chen in. In front of outsiders, he was the boss, and Mu Yun and Bai Chen were both his disciples.

Chen Hu, the leader of the Black Tiger Gang, heard Fang Tianyue coming and immediately came out to greet him.

Mu Yun saw Chen Hu's appearance and was slightly startled. He was thin and weak, his face turned yellow, and he coughed from time to time. He was not so much a tiger as a sick cat.

"Brother Fang, what brought your old man to you."

Chen Hu laughed and walked up to hold Fang Tianyue's hand tightly.

Fang Tianyue sighed, and said: "Ashamed, brother, I almost capsized in the gutter, and now I am not lightly injured. I hereby invite you to take care of one or two. These are my disciples, Mu Yun and Bai Chen."

"I have seen the leader of the Chen gang."

Mu Yun and Bai Chen bowed their hands in salute.

Chen Hu said: "The two wise nephews don’t have to be polite, I know, Zhou Tong and Yangding are arrogant and dare to bully Big Brother Fang. Although my strength is weak and I can’t beat Jiuding, if they dare to make trouble , Even if I fight this life, I still have to protect Brother Fang's thoroughness."

Hearing this, Mu Yun was secretly shocked. He didn't expect the Black Tiger Gang to receive the news so soon. He was indeed a local snake, and his eyes and ears were really sensitive.

Fang Tianyue arched his hands and said: "Fang is so kind, and Fang is grateful."

Chen Hu said: "Where is Big Brother Fang, my Black Tiger Gang will be merged into the Killer Guild in the future, and I still want to ask Big Brother Fang for protection."

Fang Tianyue said: "This is natural, with our Fang, we will never let the Chen Clan Master suffer a loss."

Now the situation is very clear. The Qingjiao Gang is backed by Jiuding Commercial Firm, and the Black Tiger Gang is invincible. If you continue to stay in Baiyun Town, it will probably be destroyed.

So Chen Hu had already planned to join the Killer Guild.

Fang Tianyue was the number one killer in the yellow character, and Chen Hu naturally did not dare to neglect.

After drinking for three rounds, Fang Tianyue asked: "Chan Master Chen, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Have you cleaned it up? I will take you back to the Killer Guild immediately when you clean it up.

Chen Hu said, "I have already handled the industries under the Black Tiger Gang, but there is still a place to negotiate with the Qing Jiao Gang."

Fang Tianyue said: "Oh, let's just listen."

"It's the Star Lake in Nanshan. This Star Lake has been dry for tens of thousands of years, but a few days ago, three pages of the Earth Yuan Book were born in the ancient ruins, and the spirit of the earth veins turned, and the Star Lake came alive. You can cultivate in the lake and you can learn a lot. The star evil spirit."

Chen Hu shook his fist, smashed the table a little angrily, and then said: "It stands to reason that Xingsu Lake is in Nanshan. This is the site of my black tiger gang. Naturally, Xingsu Lake belongs to my black tiger gang, but the Qingjiao gang belongs to me. Relying on the backing of Jiuding Commercial Firm, I also want to come over to get a piece of the pie, and come to make troubles repeatedly.

Fang Tianyue's face sank, and said, "This Green Jiao Gang is too much. It has already stepped on your site, and it deceives people too much."

Nanshan is the land of the Black Tiger Gang, and this Star Lake is naturally the asset of the Black Tiger Gang, but the Green Jiao Gang has no plans to stop there.

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