Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2266: Baigucheng

In the early morning of the next day, Mu Yun led the team and set off with more than 100 people.

The Assassin Guild disciples he brought, all disguised as nine-tail cat disciples, also mixed in the team, and Miao Yujing and Miao Yutong also came out.

The group of people rushed toward the other shore in the northern part of the Whispering Forest.

The Land of the Other Shore is a famous place in the Whispering Forest, where it is covered with flowers of the other shore, hence the name.

Nine-tailed cats have a tradition that after death, people are buried on the other shore, praying to escape from the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other shore.

And on the way from Mu Yun to the other shore, there was a team approaching quickly.

This team was sent by the great witch and led by Zhang Daliang.

Zhang Daliang was born honest and honest, his face was awkward, as if he was a farmer with a loess face and a hatchet hanging from his waist. He looked like an ordinary farmer, and he didn't look like a brave character.

Behind him was an elite team, all with perseverance and murderous spirit, and they looked much sturdier than him.

"Master Zhang, can we grab the Tianshang rune? The Queen of Tmall will definitely send someone out." A disciple asked.

"I don't know, there is no way if you can't get it. When the time comes, you can chop up some firewood and go back to the business. If you want to come, you won't blame it.

Zhang Daliang showed the kind smile of an old farmer, took out the hatchet, and gently stroked it. Under the shining of the sun, his hatchet gave off a sharp sharp edge.

Hearing this, the disciple shrank his neck and looked very frightened.

A day later, Mu Yun came to the other shore.

Looking around, the ground is covered with plain white flowers. This is a large and endless sea of ​​flowers. These flowers are the other shore flowers, also called Tu Mi.

The long wind blows, and the air is full of the fragrance of flowers.

This is also the burial place of the nine-tailed cats after their death. The sea of ​​flowers fragrant, because there are countless bones buried under the ground.

Of course, in Mu Yun's eyes, he didn't see any bones, only the continuous sea of ​​flowers and the endless white world.

He led the team and stepped into the sea of ​​flowers. After a few steps, all of the wind suddenly sounded in the sky.

Looking up, more than a dozen figures stood still.

"I am the elder of Bailian Mountain Villa, Bai Gucheng, there will be a strange treasure born here, you leave quickly, don't make trouble, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel!"

An old man in a green robe, with an arrogant attitude, a loud voice sounded in the sky.

"White Gucheng?"

Mu Yun was slightly surprised. According to reports, there were four great elders in Bailian Mountain Villa. This White Gucheng ranked fourth, and he was a master of the saint's extreme position, very powerful.

"Why did Bai Gucheng come here?"

Mu Yun was surprised for a while, didn't Miao Xuanyi say that the news was blocked, but now it seems that Bai Gucheng is obviously coming from the Heavenly War Rune.

"Senior White, this is the territory of the Nine-Tailed Cat Race. You may step into it without authorization. I'm afraid it's wrong."

Mu Yun remained calm and arched his hand towards Bai Gucheng. He also didn't want to offend the saint's extreme position master.

"I'm in the white lonely city for thousands of miles. I can go wherever I want. A few cat monsters, can they stop me?"

Bai Gucheng looked arrogant, and the disciples of the surrounding nine-tailed cat heard them, and they were all annoyed.

Miao Yujing stood up and shouted: "Where's the old man, get out of here."

Hearing this, Bai Gucheng showed anger on his face, and said: "Bold, it seems that I won't teach you a little lesson, you don't know how powerful Bai Gucheng is!"

More than a dozen people in Bai Gucheng landed from the sky in unison. With a wave of his hand, his disciples rushed out with their swords in a fierce manner.

Miao Yujing snorted, wanting to take action.

Mu Yun stopped her and said, "Let me come."

He waved his hand, and a dozen killers flew out.

These killers are all well-trained elites. Their movements are neat and uniform, and even the rhythm of breathing has a subtle echo. A dozen people are in a line, pulling out their daggers, like cutting melons and vegetables, in an instant. Kill all the disciples under Bai Gucheng.

There was no scream, these killers' actions were very simple, without the slightest muddy, directly used the most efficient way to cut off the enemy's throat, without any extra tricks. .

This is not a fighting style, this is a killing style, and the shot is purely for killing.

Looking at the movements of his disciples, Mu Yun felt a little scalp numb. If he was fighting alone, he could easily deal with it, but if a large number of killers came in, he would have a headache.

This is just the killer of the yellow character camp. If you change it to the Xuanzi camp, the Dizi camp, or even the Tianzi camp, it is really the gods blocking and killing the gods, and the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha.

"No! You are assassins, you are from the Assassins Guild!"

Bai Gucheng had a vicious look, and he could tell at a glance that such a pure technique could only be a killer guild.

The assassins did not change their faces, still holding daggers, indifferent like machines, adjusted their breathing a little, and immediately rushed towards Bai Gucheng.

"Don't go, come back!"

When Mu Yun saw this, he immediately shouted, he didn't want people to die.

Although the skills of these assassins can be said to be proficient, but the huge gap in realm is not so easy to make up, they will definitely not be the opponents of Bai Gucheng.

A dozen assassins heard the order and immediately stood still, then flew back and retreated, their movements still neat and uniform.

"Dare to kill people under my nose, all to me!"

With a cold snort, Bai Gucheng swooped forward, and his right palm was slightly closed, turning into an eagle's claw, and he attacked and smashed out fiercely.

Mu Yun pulled out the King of Ming's sword, a gleam of sword light shot up into the sky, he swung his sword out and slashed towards Bai Gucheng.

Bai Gucheng didn't dodge or avoid, grabbing the sword with his claws, and with a flick of his finger, a huge force hit the sword.

In an instant, Mu Yun felt the tiger's mouth numb, and the long sword almost flew out of his hand. A master of the saint's extreme position, the power that bursts out with a flick of his finger is very terrifying.

Unlike Su Yan, the emperor of plagues, Su Yan's power is based on curses and moves. However, Bai Gucheng has been in the extreme position for tens of thousands of years. His cultivation is simply perfect. His power is based on breath and power. The tyrannical, gestures burst out with great momentum.

"Hey, this is King Ming's sword! King Xiao Ming's weapon! How could it fall into your hands?"

Bai Gucheng was slightly surprised.

"The King of Ming Sword, with sky-splitting rune attached, possesses extremely powerful power to destroy and kill. Unfortunately, your cultivation base is too weak to be as powerful as the King of Ming Sword. Give it to me!"

Bai Gucheng shot again, grabbing at Mu Yun's wrist, trying to seize King Ming's sword.

"Instant Kill Ghost Sword!"

Mu Yun suddenly displayed his body skills, and his whole body instantly moved and disappeared completely.

In the next moment, Mu Yun's figure appeared behind Bai Gucheng and cut it out with a fierce sword.

This sword, accompanied by the power of the law of space, was pure and powerful, fierce and unparalleled, the blade cut through the air and issued a sharp whistle.


Bai Gucheng was shocked, and she didn't expect Mu Yun to move instantaneously.

He didn't have the slightest defense at all for this sudden change, and he was about to be killed by Mu Yun with a single sword.

However, at this critical juncture, he fell on his knees, knelt on the ground, and then rolled out in embarrassment. The sword edge passed over his head and almost cut off his head.

Mu Yun was overjoyed. This instantaneous ghost sword was worthy of a first-class physical skill. When he suddenly displayed it, he hit Bai Gucheng by surprise.

Bai Gucheng fell to the ground and rolled around to avoid it, and got up very embarrassed, still carrying fragments of grass leaf petals, and looked very embarrassed.

"Damn boy!"

Bai Gucheng gritted his teeth and turned into anger from anger. He didn't expect that a master of extreme position would be so embarrassed by Mu Yun.

"It's too naive to just want to fool me with a little trick of physical fitness, and give me my life!"

Bai Gucheng shouted angrily and suddenly drew out the long sword, his sword burst out with a monstrous edge as soon as it was out of its sheath, and the momentum was crazy to the point of lawlessness.

"Ten famous swords, imperial city sword!"

Mu Yun was taken aback. The sword of Bai Gucheng was one of the ten famous swords in the Three Realms, the Imperial City sword.

Unlike the Ming Wang Sword, the top ten famous swords are real magic weapons. They are not powerful by runes. The top ten famous swords are not blessed by any runes. They are pure swords. Each sword is extremely powerful. .

"You have some eyesight. If you can die under the sword of my imperial city, you can also squint."

Bai Gucheng snorted coldly, flicked the sword and flew out, shouting:

"The sword is mighty, drop the sword and open the imperial city!"

His sword flew into the sky, and then landed on the ground. The vast sword aura spread out like a tide, surrounding Mu Yun.

This sword aura does not kill people, but is vast, as if the aura of the emperor, continues to spread out, and finally forms a palace.

This palace city of sword spirit besieged Mu Yun, and the huge coercion was released fiercely.

This coercion carried the might of the emperor, and the Muyunren in the Jianqi Palace seemed to have a feeling that he was a humble ant, and Bai Gucheng was a great emperor that could reach the sky.

Under the suppression of Jianqi Palace, Mu Yun didn't have any wounds on his body, nor did he bleed, but his soul was severely oppressed, and he suddenly felt like his soul was flying away, almost vomiting blood.

Imperial City Sword, the top ten famous swords ranked tenth, this sword does not kill people, does not punish the heart, does not stain blood, but uses the monstrous emperor's coercion to directly crush the human soul, and in the end, people die. At the time, the corpse was still intact, without a trace of wounds.

The emperor kills, never sees blood, and one look can scare people to heartbreak and disperse their souls.

And Mu Yun was also blocked by Jianqi Miyagi, and couldn't even use teleportation.

"Hey, why isn't this kid dead yet."

Bai Gucheng was secretly surprised, his imperial city sword aura exploded, even the saints of the great position, will be frightened, but Mu Yun is still supporting it.

"Fortunately, I have been to the Secret Pavilion of Life and Death, otherwise I will be in trouble."

Mu Yun squeezed out a smile, the saint's extreme position master is really powerful, this white lonely city, there is also an imperial city sword, the suppression of the emperor's breath caused tremendous pressure on his soul.

Fortunately, he had gone to the Secret Pavilion of Life and Death, and the strength of his soul was much stronger than that of ordinary people. This imperial city sword could not kill him.

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