Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2345: Repel Wang Yue


The fierce sword aura came out with a whistling slash, and the king of Tianhou had more than one enemy, and there was no fear at all.

"You all get back."

Mu Yun faintly waved his hand. With the strength of Mu Bufan and others, he was obviously not an opponent of Tian Hou Wang Yue. Even if he swarmed, it would be difficult to defeat Tian Hou Wang Yue.

"Brother Mu!" Mu Bufan yelled, and was forced to retreat by Tianhou Wangyue. Under the tyrannical breath of Tianhou Wangyue, everyone could hardly get close.

"The Devil Emperor has changed!"

Mu Yun's expression remained unchanged, and he screamed in his heart, his body gushing with black energy, and a burst of demonic energy was released.

Behind him, there appeared a pair of magic wings with the dignity of the magic light, the black magic wings like ink, covering the sky and the sun, the whole world, like a world transformed into a magic way.

Mu Yun is the master of the demon way, the demon emperor against the sky, he clenched his fist, and the endless demon energy whizzed out and condensed on his fist.

"What a strong breath!"

The face of Tianhou Wangyue also suddenly changed color. At this time, Muyun and Demon Sovereign had already reached the realm of perfection.

Moreover, he still vaguely understood the appearance of the plague god, and this devilish energy was mixed with the majestic plague aura, which was constantly suppressed, and it was suffocating.

Mu Yun’s cultivation is only in the middle position of the Great Sage. Compared with the Tianhou Wang’s agreement, it is two levels worse. But now, Mu Yun has displayed the Demon Emperor Transformation, and his whole person seems to be transformed into the Demon Emperor, his breath , Is not inferior to Tianhou Wang Yue in the slightest.

"It is rumored that the nine evil changes are the source of the world's evil laws. If you practice the second change, it will be so powerful. If you practice the third change, it will be fine."

In Tianhou Wangyue's eyes, a sharp murderous intent passed by, and his body rushed out.

"Three Stage Saint Art, Ultimate Tyrannosaurus Slash!"

The king of Tianhou roared and slashed out in anger. The fierce sword aura was like a tyrannosaurus, roaring in the sky, bursting out with a sharp sound.

This is his real killer move, not a trick to imitate. This move is the ultimate tyrannosaurus cut, the sword is frantic, the tyrannosaurus roars, and the tyrannical aura ravages the world and is suffocating.

"It's actually the Third Stage Saint Art!"

Mu Yun's gaze sank. The entire Sanyuan Realm and the Third Stage Saint Jue are extremely rare. He has hardly seen it. His Starburst Airflow Slash and Xuantian Rising Dragon Slash are all inferior to the Third Stage Saint Jue. Far away.

The only sacred tactic in his hand that can be compared with the third-rank sage is the Seven Tribulations Dragon Slashing tactic. He currently has the fourth tribulation, Burning Heaven and Fire, but the power of Burning Heaven and Rain is not as powerful as that of the genuine third grade. Tactics.

The breath of the Third Stage Sacred Jue is vast and boundless, trembling through the heavens and the earth, and the mighty breath of the holy position is constantly erupting. The sword of the king of Tianhou is almost like a wind and thunder. The ultimate sword, the tyrannosaurus roars, and moves open Dahe, without the slightest fancy, unparalleled fierceness.

call out……

A fierce knife broke through the air, and the tyrannical aura suppressed the audience.

The devilish energy on Mu Yun's body was also suppressed.

"It turned out to be the Third Stage Saint Jue!"

"In the entire Sanyuan Realm, there are only a handful of Sanpin Sage Jue."

"Unexpectedly, Tianhou Wang Yue has such a powerful killer move."

The people next to them were all shocked, the power of the Third Stage Saint Jue was extremely powerful, and it was simply shocking the sky and the earth.

Seeing that Mu Yun was about to be killed with a single knife, but suddenly, Mu Yun flicked his fingers, a drop of black water shot out, and the terrifying ghost aura spread out instantly.

"Nether Ghost Lu!"

This drop of water is exactly the existence of Netherworld Ghost Dew, ranked 30th on the Tianlu list. After Mu Yun killed the Netherworld Mingshijing, he captured the Netherworld Ghost Dew, and displayed it this time. The fierce ghost energy was instantaneous. Spread out.

Oh oh...

In the surrounding space, the howling of evil spirits sounded. Under the strong ghost aura, the aura of Tianhou Wangyue was also reduced a lot.

"Huh, little bugs!"

Tianhou Wang snorted coldly. His Ultimate Tyrannosaurus Slash was a third-rank sacred tactic. It was very powerful. Even if it was weakened by Nether Ghost Dew, the sword aura was still fierce, enough to slay Mu Yun with a single blow.

"This Ultimate Tyrannosaurus Slash is worthy of the Third Stage Saint Art, and it's hard to dissolve Nether Ghost Lu."

Mu Yun's face sank, Netherworld Ghost Lu's aura was very powerful, much stronger than Yishui, but his Nether Ghost Lu released, only weakened the breath of Ultimate Tyrannosaurus Slash, and didn't break the knife.

"Cold Bing Yulu!"

Mu Yun took a deep breath, flicked his fingers, and once again sacrificed a drop of heavenly dew.

This drop of heavenly dew was crystal clear, the whole body was severely cold, and the strong cold was overwhelming the sky, and the surrounding suddenly turned into a world of ice and snow.

At the same time, when two drops of Tianlu were released, Muyun's meridians were also under great pressure.

He gritted his teeth and calmed his mind. Two drops of heavenly dew came out together, and a sharp chill broke out in an instant. The weapon of Tianhou Wangyue was frozen and turned into an ice knife, the breath of the ultimate tyrannosaur. It also weakened instantly.


The violent sword energy slashed on Mu Yun's body severely.

This ultimate Tyrannosaurus Slash is worthy of the Third Stage Saint Art. It has been weakened by two drops of Heavenly Dew, but its aura is still strong and slashed. Even if Mu Yun had the blue-scaled dragon armor body, he suffered a serious impact. , The footsteps retreated suddenly.

"None of this will kill you!"

Tianhou Wangyue's face changed suddenly, he was determined to win this sword, and thought he could easily kill Mu Yun. After all, the power of the Third Stage Saint Jue was so great that it was definitely not something ordinary Great Sage could contend.

But he didn't expect that Mu Yun would take it abruptly.

"It's my turn."

Mu Yun's face was stern, and when he raised Ren Yuan's pen, he drew the word "Zhen" and pressed down on Tianhou Wangyue.

"not good!"

Tianhou Wangyue's face suddenly changed. He had just used the third-ranking sacred tactics, and his aura consumption was huge. At this moment, he was suppressed by the shepherd Yuanbi, and he could hardly resist.


The breath of Tianhou Wangyue was directly suppressed by Ren Yuanbi.

"Four Tribulations of Fire, Burning Heaven, Fire and Rain!"

Mu Yun shouted violently, the white tiger sacred fire in his body burned, and with a wave of his big hand, the majestic fire disaster aura exploded in the air.

His Burning Sky and Fire Rain was powerful enough to be comparable to the Third Stage Saint Jue, and coupled with the White Tiger Saint Fire, the lethality was very powerful.


Tianhou Wangyue let out a scream, his body was immediately attacked by the fire and rain, his skin and flesh became charred, and black smoke appeared all over his body.

"Little bastard, you wait for me!"

The king of Tianhou gritted his teeth and turned and flew away. His breath has been suppressed by Ren Yuanbi. If he continues to fight, he may not escape bad luck.

Mu Bufan and the others wanted to chase them up, but Mu Yun calmly stopped them, saying: "Forget it, don't chase the poor."

Tianhou Wangyue is a master of the Great Sage's extreme position, not to mention that Sun Moon Candle Dragon hasn't appeared yet, and he doesn't know where to hide. If he rushes after him, I'm afraid something will happen.

Everyone stopped, the eyes of the audience fell on Mu Yun, and many of them were surprised and admired in their eyes.

You know, Tianhou Wangyue is a master of the Great Sage Extreme Realm, but in the end he was so embarrassed that he was defeated by Mu Yun.

Mu Yun's strength is so powerful, it is really surprising.

But Mu Yun didn't look excited, he still had a calm face. It was a bit of luck to be able to defeat Tianhou Wang Yue this time. If he hadn't suppressed his aura with a human element pen, I'm afraid Mu Yun would have difficulty winning.

The king of Tianhou was defeated, and tranquility was restored on the mountain of Shu.

After this battle, Bailian Mountain Villa and Jiuding Commercial Bank, without the slightest possibility of reconciliation, went directly to war, and Yuchanzhai and Nine-tailed Cat also joined the battle to fight against the Great Sage.

At this time, Mu Yun was the head of Yuchanzhai and the leader of Bailian Villa.

Bailian Mountain Villa is the most authentic refining master, with many excellent refining secrets.

The Refining Tower, the sacred place of Bailian Mountain Villa, contains various precious refining secrets. Even the elders are not qualified to enter this place, only the owner can enter.

But at this time, there was a figure in the refining tower, reading the secret book in the tower lightly, and no one stopped it.

This figure is Mu Yun, he is the real big boss of Bailian Mountain Villa, naturally no one dares to stop him.

Mu Yun is also very interested in the way of refining tools.

"I still have a secret mine on hand, the cold spirit iron."

He had read the book of Tian Yan Qi before and realized the word "refining". The level of refining was greatly improved, but he still couldn't refining cold evil spirit iron.

Han Sha Ling Tie, this was what he got in the battle of the Nine-Tailed Cat Clan to kill the Great Witch. He has been unable to refine it for a long time.

This piece of cold evil spirit iron is very powerful, and the material is also extremely high-quality, enough to bear the impact of the rune of heaven.

The most precious material for refining in the entire ternary realm is the cold evil spirit iron.

Rumor has it that the ancestor Wanlian, the owner of Bailian Mountain Villa in the past, was backlashed and seriously injured because he tried to cast the cold iron spirit.

This material is very difficult to cast.

Mu Yun walked slowly in the refining tower, looking through many cheats, hoping to find a way to cast cold evil spirit iron. After all, there is a secret mine, but he can't forge and exercise, which is a bit violent.

Mu Yun spent several months reading the secrets of the refining tower, but he didn't gain much. He only learned a new refining technique: consecration.

Consecration is a very special technique for refining weapons, which can unearth the hidden breath of magic weapons and enhance the power of magic weapons.

In addition to learning to consecrate, Mu Yun has not gained much in the past few months.

But he didn't leave there, because the aura of the refining tower is quite wonderful, and practicing the refining secret method in the refining tower has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

He stripped out the six big runes and arranged them all together, concentrating on comprehension.

"The legend has gathered six major runes, which can reverse the general trend of the runes and understand the techniques of transforming blood into demons."

Mu Yun was engrossed, staring at the lines of the six runes.

Transforming blood into magic, this is a superb refining technique, which has been lost since ancient times.

The runes derived from the infusion are very powerful, and the six major runes have unique powers. If they can be practiced into the technique of infusing blood, they can evolve thousands of runes.

The power of runes alone is enough to shock the world. If there are hundreds of runes, the power can only be described as terror.

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