Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 2911: Power of Ten Thousand Sources

Around, the sword energy gradually dissipated.

Mu Yun's figure fell steadily.

A series of corpses fell to the ground.

A sword Hanguang beheaded the enemy.

At this moment, Mu Yun gradually realized the mystery of the Hanging Sun Sword in his heart.

Gather all the sword energy, condense to one point, and then burst out.

There are many differences from Fuxue Yijian.

Sure enough, fighting is the best way to improve.

Only fighting can impress the warrior and make the warrior more sensitive.


At this moment, Pan Gu Ling came and saw Mu Yun, surprised.

"Making a fortune!"

Pan Gu Ling's expression was a bit exaggerated in surprise.


Mu Yun followed Pan Gu Ling into the hall.

An abundant breath swept the whole body.

At the end of the hall, on the wall, a dragon head appeared at this moment.


At this moment, the supreme spiritual liquid was continuously flowing out of the faucet.

It's like a fountain.

"Pretend or not?"


Mu Yun spoke directly.

Pan Gu Ling is not nonsense, just install it.

"So why bother?"

The voice of unity sounded at this moment.

"Take it away with the image of Zhu Tian, ​​and give you those Yundian disciples!"

"it is good!"

Mu Yun made up his mind and acted immediately.

At this moment, the Zhutian map is spread out.

A series of supreme spiritual fluids flowed into the picture scroll and disappeared.

Pan Gu Ling saw this scene and did not speak.

He knows the magical effect of Zhu Tiantu.

The interior is its own space, and it is within a radius of three thousand miles.

At this moment, the supreme spiritual fluid flows into the Zhutian Tu, and gradually, it converges into a message, a river, and a Yangtze River.

But within that dragon head, there is still no stopping trend.

Mu Yun was shocked.

There are tens of billions of drops of so much supreme spiritual liquid!

Isn't it horrible?

At this moment, the supreme spiritual liquid continued to flow down.

Zhutian map.

The Supreme Spirit Liquid entered and piled up into rivers, and even the surrounding mountains and trees were affected at this moment.

The abundant supreme spiritual liquid floated away.

Those flowers, grasses, and trees radiated radiantly under the baptism of the supreme spiritual liquid.

Ordinary flowers and plants, at this moment, seem to be a real spiritual flower.

At this moment, Mu Yun felt that the power in his body was condensing.

It is the power in the Zhutian map.

Invisible, it seems that there is a kind of resonance power that makes him and Zhu Tiantu closely integrated.

And in between, within the cloud realm, the powers from the sky, the earth, mountains, and rivers converged into his body.


Muyun's name for the world in Zhu Tiantu.

This is his world, the world he condensed from, called the cloud world, there is nothing wrong with it.

Mu Yun even thought about it.

If one's own cloud world continues to expand and expand, in the end, will it become vast and vast, surpass the Canglan Ten Thousand Realms, and become a world that covers the Canglan Ten Thousand Realms.

How mighty it will be?

At that point, it can no longer be called the cloud world.

It's the boundless cloud world!

The sky is boundless, the earth is boundless, and the boundless cloud world is boundless.

Withdrawing his thoughts that were too ethereal, Mu Yun felt that power.

From the mountains, from the rivers, from the flowers and plants, and even from the air, a kind of power is fed back into Mu Yun's body.

"this is……"

"Strange power..."

"The power born by Wanyuan!"

Mu Yun murmured: "The power of ten thousand sources!"

At this moment, Mu Yun was a little startled.

There is no other reason.

At one time, this power might also exist in Zhu Tian Tu.

It's just that, all along, there is a tree of the world in the Zhutian map.

In the tree of the world, there was born a steady stream of the power of the world, that was the purest power, suppressing his feelings about the power of the ten thousand sources.

This force of ten thousand origins is produced by the heaven and the earth in the Zhu Tiantu!

At this moment, Mu Yun lifted his palm slightly.

A wave of the palm.


A ray of power of ten thousand sources is condensed at this moment.

Hit the void, and suddenly, in the void, cracks appeared.

On the side, seeing Pan Gu Ling in this scene, his mind trembled.

too strong.

What is this move?

At this moment, the most pleasant surprise was none other than Mu Yun.

It is really strong!

"The Power of Ten Thousand Origins... The power born in Zhu Tiantu..."

Mu Yun whispered.

This may be his ultimate move.

The explosion of these forces is stronger than the power of the world.

After all, he couldn't control the power of the world at all now.

However, he can control this power of ten thousand sources and move it with his heart.

A smile rose from the corner of Mu Yun's mouth.

This time of training, it really is... there is a completely different feeling.

The increase in strength made Mu Yun Gan like a sweet potato.


On the wall, the protruding dragon head is no longer sprayed with Supreme Spirit Liquid.

However, enough!

At this moment, seeing the tens of thousands-mile-long supreme spiritual liquid in Zhutian Map, Mu Yun was almost excited to cry.

How much does this have to be?

Ten billion drops?

Ten billion drops count as a ball!

This is at least one trillion drops of Supreme Spirit Liquid!

Mu Yun even suspected that even the second-class forces might not gather so much.

This place is amazing.

With these supreme spiritual liquids, a large number of supreme sacreds can be born in the Yundian quickly.

Do not!

A large number of Supremes were not born quickly.

But the hundreds of thousands of disciples in the Cloud Palace can step into the supreme.

Mu Yun was a little excited at this moment.

Last time, nearly 100 million drops of Supreme Spirit Essence and 110,000 drops of Supreme Spirit Essence were obtained.

According to his guess, tens of thousands of Supremes can be born in the Cloud Palace.

This time, it was almost a thousand times.

Suddenly it occurred to me that last time, in order to **** those supreme spiritual fluids, I was forced to desperately desperately.

Look at this time...

Make a lot of money!

Mu Yun became more and more curious about the entire yin-yang universe.

Such a place is amazing.

This is just a place of respect.

Tianzun domain, where is Godzun domain?

What is it?

Mu Yun's heart was surging for a moment.

It's time to start and prepare to break through to Tianzun.

Time waits for no one.

He couldn't afford to delay for a hundred years.


It was just that suddenly, Mu Yun's face was cold, and he pointed out, and a **** glow directly shot out.


A stone pillar in the main hall collapsed at this moment.

A figure slowly stepped out.

It was a young man who appeared in front of the two.

He is dressed in mysterious clothes, with long hair tied up, and two strands of hair on the temples, slightly flicking.

The young man had a face that looked very white and smiled slightly, giving people a very harmonious feeling.

The most important thing is that this young man makes people feel that he is surrounded by flames and cannot be approached.

However, what made Mu Yun pay attention to was that the youth could quietly appear beside him.

This makes people have to be cautious.

"Next...Xuan Tianlang!"

Seeing Mu Yun, the young man smiled and said, "It's also through this place. I feel the abnormality. Just come in and take a look. There is no malice."

Hearing this, Mu Yun also smiled: "Of course the bad guys won't call themselves bad guys."

Xuan Tianlang laughed blankly when he heard this.

"Xia Xia comes from the Flame Xuan Bird Clan, whose surname is Xuan, is the direct descendant of the Flame Xuan Bird Clan royal family, and is the youngest son of Xuan Yu, the chief of the Flame Xuan Bird Clan.

As soon as these words came out, Mu Yun was taken aback.

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