Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3093: The influx of all parties

But it's still too late!

Yuan Tingxue recounted what happened in the domain of the gods, and Yuan Hong listened carefully.

Yuan Tingxue also knew.

This time, it wasn't just their Snowy Ice Ape Clan who came in.

Powerhouses of all races are here!

Yin Yang Tianyu originally thought that this time was about to end.

Unexpectedly, this is just the beginning.

At this moment, Yuan Tingxue smiled bitterly in her heart.

For Mu Yun, it was just the beginning.

Be able to transform into the appearance of others.

Mu Yun is scary enough!

This alone, there are too many things that can be done here.

At this moment, the other side.

The four Mu Yun finally got rid of the chase behind them.

Although the four people are the five and four levels of gods, Mu Yun is proficient in formations after all.

Although you can't kill the group of people, it's okay to block the footsteps.

"Where to go now?"

Cao Jian looked at Mu Yundao at this moment.

"Go find someone!"

"Wolf Sky! Lei Zhenshan!"

Mu Yun smiled and said: "These two gods respect the six levels, and I will challenge them and take this opportunity to attack the six levels."

Upon hearing this, Cao Jian and Xu Ziyao both gasped.

Mu Yun, really bold!

This time, I was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

If the wolf Tianxing and Lei Zhenshan are dead, I am afraid that the Devouring Wolf and the Nine Extreme Thunder Lion Clan will really explode completely.

At that time, it is uncertain what will happen.

In this yin-yang universe, some are in chaos!

At this moment, all figures gathered in the Yin-Yang universe.

A team of people, calm and calm.

The first man has a particularly strong breath.

"For more than fifty years, I don't know what my Taiyin disciple is like now!"

"Hehe, why should Elder Ming worry? Ming Yixuan's child has a unique talent. I am afraid this time he has broken through to the sixth or even seventh level of the gods!"

An old man smiled and said: "Ming family, I am afraid that the third god-sovereign ninefold is about to come out!"

The three gods are ninefold.

And Ming Yixuan's talent will soon be able to arrive.

In today's Ming family, the elder Ming Yuanyu, the nine-fold gods.

The head of the Ming family, Mingquan, is also the nine-fold deity.

That's why the Ming family dared to be arrogant and domineering in the Taiyin Sect.

Ming Yixuan has a strong talent, and within a thousand years, he may reach the nine-fold gods.

When the time comes, even if the Yin Ming Master and Mrs. Yue Rong are powerful, they will have to be jealous!

Ming Xusheng smiled at this moment and didn't say much.

A group of old things are actually crooked.

This time, it was the six elders and Ming Xusheng who were dispatched on behalf of the Taiyin Sect.

These six elders have a high status in the Taiyin Sect.

He also didn't know why the leader and his wife let him Ming Xusheng and bring the six elders here.

And the father and the elder brother had no objection.

It just so happened that Ming Yixuan was his nephew.

This time, you can also see what is the future hope of the Ming family.

At the same time, in the other direction, there was also a group of people and horses, violently entering the Yin-Yang universe.

"Master Human Swordsman, this time I trouble you to come out in person. It really makes me feel ashamed. The pavilion master attaches so much importance to the Yin Yang universe?"

A middle-aged man carrying a long sword, facing the person in front of him, politely said.

"The pavilion master ordered, I just wait to do it!"

The sword ambassador wore Tsing Yi, and at this moment, Yushu was in the breeze, unrestrained and unrestrained.

"Everyone disperses, inquires about the news separately, inquires about the news of Shen Wenhao and Ye Xueqi, finds the two, and informs me as soon as possible!"


A group of figures scattered at this moment.

At this moment, Human Swordsman sighed.

"That guy Yan Nanxun, what kind of **** luck he took, actually broke him to the nine-fold realm, let me come this time..."

"It's so annoying... Ye Xueqi... God Wenhao, who is the one who listens to my orders? Can I control them both?"

God Yichen has a bitter face at this moment.

Excalibur Pavilion!

Three swordsmen!

The Heavenly Sword Envoy barely showed up.

Sword Master Yan Nanxun!

The sword makes the gods all clean.

Originally, in the Excalibur Pavilion, most of the affairs were carried out by other swordsmen and earth swordsmen.

But this time, the earth sword made the guy a breakthrough.

The gods are ninefold.

Can't get in yet.

No way, the cabinet owner ordered him to lead the team.

The pavilion master ordered that treasures are not important, and that the gods Wenhao and Ye Xueqi are still alive.

This order!

It's harder than letting him fight for treasures!

But what to do?

Who made oneself the eightfold gods, did not break through to the ninefold gods.

It's all here, you have to do something!

God Yichen's figure flashed and disappeared...

And at the same time, the other side.

"General Langyan!"

The two teams met.

One side, the first one, a burly middle-aged man with long red hair, haha ​​laughed and said, "What a coincidence, I waited for the two of them to arrive, and I met them here!"

"General Lei Yao!"

On the other side, the headed man with a cold expression arched his hands at this moment.


"it is good!"

Devouring the wolf clan and the nine-pole thunder lion clan!

The warriors of the two races meet right now.

"This Yin-Yang universe is really an interesting place..."

Lei Yao smiled and said, "Do you think there are any living people in it?"

"What do you mean?" General Langyan asked rhetorically.

"Everyone is smart, General Lei Yao, don't go around the corners!"

Hearing this, Lei Yao laughed and said: "I don't know what the yin and yang double emperors are doing, and the ninth day emperor actually tolerates his ninth celestial realm, there are two ancient emperors!"

"Furthermore, this time, initially only allowed people under the sixth level of the gods to enter, but now, the prohibition is gradually released."

"Strange, really strange..."

Hearing this, General Langyan smiled and said: "I shouldn't wait for things to consider, or not to consider it, why do mediocre people bother themselves?"

"The title **** and title emperor are like the sun and the moon, high above them."

"I'm waiting, it's just the light of fireflies!"

Hearing this, General Lei Yao laughed.

"General Langyan, you and I are both the seven-fold top of the gods, and the eight-fold shackles are blocking the path of you and me. When and where, we two will have a fight?"

"no problem!"


It's not just these parties.

At this moment, there were only one or two thousand people in the entire Yin-Yang universe.

But now, a group of strong people have quickly poured into it.

Everyone is waiting outside, changing at any time and responding at any time.

In the entire deep domain.

All become lively and extraordinary.

Nine major second-class warriors, there have been great fluctuations.

However, compared to the excitement in the Yuan domain.

The other four places in Yuanjie seem to be much calmer.

Antarctic waters!

After decades of fighting, in the end, the Cloud Palace integrated the major forces in the Antarctic waters and came under the name of Cloud Palace.

In the sea, everything works as usual.

But everyone knows that the head has changed!

At the same time, all ethnic groups in the West Wanshan Mountains and all ethnic groups in the source of the Northern Tianshan Mountains gradually calmed down.

Especially the source of North Tianshan.

With the return of Lou Baiyue to Yinyue Pavilion, the two major sects of Emperor Palace and Fierce Spirit Sect gradually felt an unusual taste.

Lou Baiyue this woman is getting stronger and stronger.

Progress is amazing.

Originally, Lou Worship Moon, which was only in the dual realm of gods, has improved its realm every time it shows up in the past few decades.

Now they are all fourfold gods!

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