Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3167: sermon

In the end, Mu Yun simply sat cross-legged and did nothing, and began to comprehend his realm.

After these levels, he has a span of improvement.

Very powerful promotion.

Although every level seemed to be nothing mysterious, but after really walking down, Mu Yun discovered a problem that he hadn't noticed many times.

And those small problems that were ignored by me have been greatly improved after this time.

Strength, the cohesion is more thorough.

Three bodies, the fusion is more smooth.

Mu Yun also felt the only fusion of power.

Extremely comfortable!

At this moment, Mu Yun simply began to comprehend the seven gates that he had broken, and summarized them well.

Sitting on the sea.

With Mu Yun's comprehension.

The sea is gradually getting up and down.

Waves swept away.

Mu Yun could clearly feel it.

In the body, the power is more and more integrated.

At this time, drops of sea water rose into the air over the entire sea.

Every drop of sea water reflects a period of his life.

From the beginning of the fairy world, I met Xie Qing and reached the level of the fairy king step by step.

And die to fight for Zhu Xiantu.

And in the small world of Canghuang, he became the illegitimate child of the Mu family.

The war in the fairy world.

The struggle with the blood lords in the gods.

Even the fragments of body-soul communication with the nine women were reproduced one by one.

Mu Yun had a clear look in his eyes.

These seem to be insignificant, but they are urging the strength in one's body to the extreme.

And that extreme point is exactly the tenfold of gods.

Tenfold is the ultimate completion.

Time passed bit by bit.

Looking at those clips, I recalled everything about myself.

Mu Yun gradually became immersed in it.


I do not know how long it has been.

On the sea, the buzzing reputation sounded.

Mu Yun's figure, the aura in his body, condensed and unified at this moment.

God is tenfold!

Power, at this moment, reaches its limit.

A whole new level.

If it is said, he has reached ninety-nine steps at the honorable level before.

That time, it was a hundred steps directly.


God respects tenfold.

At this moment, Mu Yun was thoughtful.

This is the tenfold of gods.

It is indeed very different from the previous feeling.

At this moment, when Mu Yun reached the tenth level of the gods.

In front of him, the ninth door appeared out of thin air.

This... broke the door?

Mu Yun stood up and looked at him in astonishment.

Very strange way to break the door.

He didn't understand what was going on at all!

At this moment, although I don't understand, it is still a step forward.

Anyway, the eighth door is broken.

Although inexplicable, it was broken.

Step into the door.

At this moment, in front of Mu Yun, a figure was sitting on the ground.

Is an old man.

The old man looked at Mu Yun with a hint of appreciation and approval in his eyes.

"It's not easy to get to the old man here!"

The old man laughed.

"How to break this door!"

"This subject doesn't need the motivation of Mr. Muyun, he only needs Mr. Muyun to listen to me for a lesson!"

"a lesson?"


The old man smiled and said, "If Mr. Mu is ready, let's start!"

"it is good!"

Mu Yun didn't ask how the eighth door was broken.

The old man did not say.

Attend the class!

no big deal!

At this moment, the old man began to tell.

"Thousands of worlds, martial arts are strong."

"The weak are the ants, and the strong are the dragons and phoenix."

"There are tens of thousands of martial arts, and everyone is pioneering the way and moving toward the limit."

"Respected martial artist, the four realms of human respect, earth respect, heaven respect, and **** respect."

"Beyond the gods, it is the realm."

"The realm is divided into six realms!"

"The Realm King, Realm Emperor, Realm Sage, Realm Lord, Realm God, Realm Lord!"

"The six realms, each realm is divided into three realms of early stage, middle stage, and late stage."

"Realm, six realms, eighteen minor realms!"

"The road to the realm corresponds to the pill, the weapon, the formation, and the secret!"

"The roads are stacked on top of each other. There are thousands of roads on this road."

"But, at the end, it is unity to rule the way!"

"The realm of dominance is actually a avenue, and the warrior who walks to the dominance dao and dominates the dao reach the limit, which is the limit of the dao."

"Only by breaking the Dao can you transform and become the title god, the title emperor!"

"The title of **** and titled emperor is the way of heaven and earth until you reach the point of the **** emperor!"

The old man has been in no hurry.

Mu Yun listened carefully.

Six realms of realm!

The world king, world emperor, and Mu Yun have heard of it, but it is the first time that world saint, world respect, world god, and world master have heard about it.

Even in the Ninth Celestial Realm, the realm martial artist is almost monopolized by Tianji Pavilion and Diyuan Pavilion.

Perhaps everyone is not very clear about this path.

The old man smiled and said, "Muyun, now we start to lecture!"

The old man's words fell, and Mu Yun couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Co-author Just now, are you always just the opening remarks?


"Not only martial arts, but also the path of a person's life. This Tao involves too much, the Tao of heaven and earth, humanity, martial arts, Xindao, etc..."

"The **** emperor can talk about Tao, I'm just waiting for the Tao to move forward..."

Mu Yun did not answer.


Budo is Tao.

Heart and Tao are also Tao.

One's life is to walk one way.

One word, simple, but not simple.

The old man slowly said, "Little friend Muyun, do you know your own way until now?"

"What way?"

Mu Yun smiled: "Is the way of the emperor of the nine lives?"

"To be honest, the Nine Lives Son has brought me more trouble than it has brought me benefits."

The old man smiled and said, "Perhaps, that is not your way, but the way someone arranged for you."

"Mr. Mu's way, sentimental!"

"I have seen the way of the Emperor Fengtian, the Emperor Ming, is ruthless."

"So, he can let his sons kill each other, leaving only nine people."

This is actually the Tao of Di Yuan.

Mu Yun thoughtfully.

The old man continued to tell.

Time flies quickly, but it also seems to be very slow.

At this moment, Mu Yun gradually felt as if a door had been opened at this moment.

A door to a new understanding!

Slowly, the old man's figure gradually collapsed, looked at Mu Yun, and smiled: "This pass, you have already passed, go to the tenth gate!"

"There, it's the end!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun stood up and bowed seriously.

At this moment, Mu Yun had a hint of clarity in his eyes.

The road of martial arts, a avenue!

It is the way of life.

It is the way of the warrior.

At this moment, Mu Yun's eyes were extremely calm, and he opened the tenth door.

A piece of light flashes at this moment.

Mu Yun seemed to come into a misty world.

Moving towards the front, a large hall appeared in front of him.

Mu Yun walked up the steps.

Pushing open the door of the hall, a figure was sitting in the middle of the hall, and when he saw Mu Yun coming, he smiled.

"You came!"

The old man, dressed in a robe, was paralyzed on the chair, as if he might fall down at any time, even when these three words were spoken, he was panting.

That face looked pale and weak.

Seeing Mu Yun, he smiled.

But it is uglier than crying.

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