Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3194: What are you waiting for?

Mu Yun grinned.

"Whatever you say!"

Looking at Di Yuan, Mu Yun said again: "In that case, stop talking nonsense, let's fight?"

"Satisfy you!"

Di Yuan said again: "However, before that, you must first understand that you will have to pay a painful price for your rash advance this time!"

Di Yuan fell.

Suddenly, surrounded by mountains, many figures appeared.

Emperor Wushuang!

Emperor Tongtian!

Guardian of the Nine Emperors!

One after another, figures appeared.

However, between the appearance of those figures, there is a blood shadow around everyone around them.

"In this battle of Yuanyu, I am not just for a strong self!"

"My people also need to be strong!"


Di Yuan's words fell, and the figures came out at this moment.

At this moment, the martial artists all around felt the fear from the heart.

There is no other reason!

Everyone in the Emperor Yuan Pavilion, the blood shadows around them, the oppression they bring to people is too great!

Those blood shadows seemed to be able to swallow everything about them.

This feeling greatly suppressed everyone present.

Di Yuan said lightly: "Qi and blood are the most basic foundation of a warrior!"

"I have gathered a series of qi and blood clones for my people, even if they are killed or injured, they can burst out with the most powerful strength, unless they are really dead!"

"In this way, how can these people around you resist?"

Mu Yun's eyes were grim at this moment.

"Puppet Guard is first, others are second!"

With an order, every puppet guard rushed forward.

It's just that the Diyuan Pavilion warrior is more mechanized than the puppet guard at this moment, and is more afraid of death.

Moreover, the qi and blood released are powerful and terrifying.

Even Mu Yun himself felt a hint of fear.

Di Yuan, watching everything quietly.

"Wushuang, Tongtian, kill Lu Qingfeng!"

At this moment, Di Wushuang and Di Tongtian stepped out.

At this moment, the two breaths changed qualitatively.

No longer the emperor of the world!

It's Jie Sheng!

This change in qi and blood caused the two to recover a great deal again.

There are six realms of realm, and each realm is divided into three small realms of early stage, middle stage, and late stage.

There are fewer points, so the gap between each realm is greater.

Lu Qingfeng was holding two swords at this moment.


"give it to me!"

Lu Qingfeng exhaled and said, "Don't worry, you can't die."


Lu Qingfeng stepped forward.

Even in the late Jie Huang period, facing Jie Sheng, he was still very indifferent.

This is his big brother.

Even if the next step is death, Lu Qingfeng can still calm down the previous step.

Di Wushuang and Di Tongtian looked grim at the moment.

Mu Yun stepped forward and looked towards Di Yuan.

"This time, you and I will be able to fight, right?"

"What's in a hurry?"

Di Yuan smiled at the moment, "So in a hurry? If you want me to make a move, you have to see if you have the qualifications to allow me to make a move!"

"is it?"

Mu Yun held the Star Divine Sword and looked towards Di Yuan.

"Ling Yuxiao!"

"Mo Zixin!"

Di Yuan spoke lightly.

Two figures walked out of the void.

The two men were sturdy, black and white, holding swords, and stood beside Di Yuan.

"Mu Yun, if you want to fight with me, kill them both first!"

Two figures walked towards Mu Yun at this moment.

A tyrannical oppressive breath swept the world in an instant.

Very strong!

"Be careful!"

Lu Qingfeng shouted at this moment: "Dominate the realm!"

After a word fell, Mu Yun looked at the two of them.

"The two of me, inquiring about the Nine Heavens Emperor, have not been in the Emperor Yuan Pavilion all year round, so they have not fallen in strength."

"This time I didn't expect to be able to fight for Lord Tiandi!"

Ling Yuxiao and Mo Zixin both smiled slightly and said: "Dominate the realm, a dominate path, do not know how long it is. When it comes to the end, it will be the title of the **** level, the title of the emperor level."

"I have no talents, but I just stepped onto the Domination Road!"

"Emperor of the Nine Lives, it should be easy to kill me, right?"

Hearing this, Mu Yun's eyes were cold.

The appearance of Ling Yuxiao and Mo Zixin was really unexpected.

No one thought that there were two masters hidden beside Di Yuan.

What about Di Yuan himself?

How far do you govern the road?

Or is it that Di Yuan has recovered to its peak?

At this moment, Ling Yuxiao and Mo Zixin had already stepped out.

The tyrannical coercion made Mu Yun's martial artist unable to breathe smoothly.

"What are you waiting for?"

Suddenly, a shout sounded at this moment.

Lu Qingfeng's shout.

Lu Qingfeng had two swords in his hand and shouted, "Wait for him to die again?"


In the void, a voice sounded at this moment.

The next moment, a figure in white clothes appeared in front of Mu Yun.

With long hair tied up, the figure in white clothes is shrouded in a piece of plain white, dusty and elegant...

Mu Yun's tight body suddenly relaxed at this moment.

At this moment, Mu Yun's eyes were in a trance, and the scene before him seemed to have changed.

It seems that this is no longer the four elephant sacred mountain.

It's the fairy world.

Thirty-three Heavenly Sword Mountain.

"Mie Tianyan, do you really want to give up everything for you as a villain?"

"Mu Yun, this son, has a very serious intention to kill. If he is allowed to grow, he must be our enemy in the future!"

"You Mietianyan's teaching is unfavorable, do you still want to protect him now?"

All around, the sound of scolding continued to spread.

"I kill Tianyan, three disciples in this life, whoever wants to kill my disciple, I will kill whoever!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

Still dressed in white, a long sword.

The long sword was swung, the white clothes were not stained with blood, but the fairy sword was stained with blood.

One after another silhouettes fell down.

Gradually, the white clothes saw blood.

After all, the white-clothed man couldn't resist, even the first sword of the immortal world, it couldn't resist, dozens of powerful besieged and killed.

However, even if he couldn't resist it, the white figure still kept Mu Yun tightly guarded.

"You are my disciple. If you want to beat or scold, you can only be me!"

"Others can't touch you!"

Once upon a time, that figure allowed himself to behave nonsense, allowed himself to practice with his temperament, allowed himself to make trouble in the immortal world.

However, because of his willfulness, the person he admired the most was dead!

He hates it!

He is annoyed!

He practiced along the way, became a fairy king, aspired to the world of immortals, happily enmity, and murdered countless people.

That person changed his life style!

Extinguish Tianyan!

The fairy sword kills the sky flame!

Mu Yun looked in a daze and suddenly looked in front of him.

The surrounding scenes disappeared.

It is still the sacred mountain of the Four Elephants, and it is still the sight before you.

The depressed breath, the repressive force that makes people unable to breathe, collapsed at this moment.

This figure walked out of thin air at this moment, as if it appeared naturally.


When Di Yuan saw the incoming person, he smiled indifferently: "Shenjian Pavilion, Shenxucang!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was taken aback.

The Lord of the Excalibur Pavilion, who has never appeared before, has appeared!

Dressed in white clothes and covered with white gauze, it is still so mysterious.

"Di Yuan, it's been a long time!"

Shen Xucang said lightly at the moment.


Behind him, Mu Yun couldn't help shouting.

The figure in white clothes was slightly stiff at this moment.

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