Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3339: Meteorite Sword Art

The woman's face was pale, and she was completely stunned.

The others, one by one, are even more horrified at this moment.

"Jie Sheng..."

Mu Yun has actually become a world saint!

Mu Yun looked at the woman and said indifferently: "How did you find me?"

The woman looked at Mu Yun, her expression horrified.


Mu Yun's face was cold, but in the eyes of the woman, he looked like a **** demon, terrifying, and horrified!

With a low cry, the murderous aura solidified.

At this moment, Mu Yun went up and down, releasing his domineering aura.

The figure of the woman trembled suddenly.

"It's the Yuanxiang World Talisman!"

The words fell, Mu Yun's murderous aura weakened slightly.

The woman was finally able to take a breath, looking at Mu Yun, she only felt like a demon.

"Yuanxiang boundary talisman, what is it?"

"A sign that makes a mark!"

The woman said again: "Wearing on some distinguished disciples of the Mo family, they can sense each other's troubles."

"Moreover, you can find each other's position and give a helping hand."

Hearing this, Mu Yun understood in his heart.

"Once the disciple dies, there will be a smell that our Mo family can only sense, and it will attach to the murderer. Our Mo family children will be able to chase the murderer!"

Mu Yun slowly said: "Can't get rid of it?"

"After a period of time, it will automatically dissipate."

Mu Yun's eyes were a little gloomy.

The palm of the hand was slightly hard, and the woman's breath gradually collapsed.

The others were dumbfounded when they saw this scene, and did not dare to breathe.

But Mu Yun didn't stop his hands, and instantly shot out.

The screams gradually disappeared.

Mu Yun's figure also gradually stopped at this moment.

"Really show off their abilities."

Mu Yun couldn't help muttering.

This time, he was careless.

It's just that, now that he has arrived at Jie Sheng Yizhong, he is not worried about this.

Realm Saint Realm, in this trial field, it is hard to meet an opponent.

Even if some other top realm emperors reached the realm of realm sage, Mu Yun was not afraid.

Genius evildoer, there are too many encounters along the way.

Only those who survive can continue to bear the word genius and evildoer.

"The realm of the saint, the condensed soul garment, the third volume of the Ten Thousand Yuan Guitian Jue, and the third set of swordsmanship left to me by the master, I can begin to practice."

When the realm is raised, the corresponding realm also needs to be raised.

And refining the heart yuan sword also requires running-in.

Mu Yun's thoughts were stable.

Next, the fixed realm is the main thing.

Of course, if you encounter Guiyuan Zong, Jinglei Zong, or a child of the Mo family, if you are looking for something, you should kill or kill.

The trial field, said to be a trial field, this place is a Jedi after all.

Not to mention the vast area, the number of warriors here is not small, tens of thousands of people.

And reaching the late stage realm of Realm Sovereign, all have the opportunity to attack Realm Sage.

It's just that some people don't want to hit so early.

Hope that in the realm of the emperor, can grow into a stronger strength.

And some Tianjiao, even more so.

The realm saint they want to promote is the strongest, the strongest level in the same realm.

At this moment, between a barren mountain.

Mu Yun held the Heart Refining Yuan Sword in his hand and confronted the three beasts.

The sword light flickered, and Mu Yun's figure rushed out.

At this moment, the speed is extremely fast, leaving behind afterimages.

In that Heart Refining Yuan Sword, Dao Dao Jian Qi was released.

Mu Yun held a sword, watched the sword with his eyes, and opened his heart with the sword.

Dao Dao Jian Qi, constantly burst out.

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, in the barren mountains, a deafening roar continued to sound.


Accompanied by the last beast fell to the ground.

Mu Yun was also relieved at this moment.

"Heart Refining Yuan Sword..."

"Unruly and rebellious!"

Mu Yun couldn't help sighing.

The material of this sword is extraordinary.

The power that can be exerted is undoubtedly the third rank world weapon.

But the aura contained in the sword itself is far more than that.

It seems that there are flaws.

However, even with a flawed sword, it is already capable of erupting such tyrannical power, which is enough to see that when this sword is in its heyday, it may be more than that.

However, this is not what Mu Yun should think about now.

The power of the Third-Rank Realm Weapon matched his current Realm Sage One's re-cultivation base, just right!

Mu Yun has been fusing with the Lianxin Yuanjian for more than ten days.

Moreover, the effect is good.

After all, in this life, whether it is the small world, the immortal realm, the **** realm, and the current Canglan world.

He has never let go of the sword.

Even in previous lives, spear skills are powerful.

But in this life, he still takes the sword as the core.

At this moment, Mu Yun's eyes flickered somewhat.

The twelve sword tactics left by Master Mie Tianyan.

The third door has been condensed.

Sanpin Jie!

Meteorite Sword Art!

This sword tactic is very different from the previous two.

Yipin Jiejue and Bipolar Sword Jue are fast.

The Second Stage World Jue, the Wuya Sword Jue, pay attention to artistic conception.

And this Meteor Divine Sword Judgment is about...atmosphere!

Sword move, six styles.

The first three types.

Feng Wu cut with one sword!

Long Xiang cut with one sword!

Rainbow slashed with one sword!

Each of these three tricks is a big deal.

The last three styles are even more so.

Quartet Heavenly Sword!

Octagon Excalibur!

Emperor Meteorite Sword Kill!

These three types were engraved in Mu Yun's mind.

Just thinking about it, using these three styles is a headache.

The domineering swordsmanship, the power is naturally amazing.

But it is extremely difficult to display!

Just like the four-sided sky sword, what is needed is to condense the four sky swords, and it is an instant, converging from all sides.

The Octagon Excalibur is even more exaggerated.

Gather from all directions.

Moreover, more importantly, to condense each sword requires the balance of sword aura.

This is the most difficult.

However, relying on Mu Yun's current Boundary Sage First Heavy's degree of Boundary Strength, it is impossible to achieve the latter three forms.

Therefore, Mu Yun also intends to temporarily practice the first three methods.

Moreover, it's not just this meteor divine sword fight.

There is still ten thousand yuan to the sky, the third volume.

After seeing the description in the third volume, Mu Yun exhaled even more.

This third volume is more difficult than the first and second volumes combined!

The ancient **** Yuan Hao spent all his efforts to create the Ten Thousand Thousand Yuan Guitian Jue, which is indeed very strong.

The cognition of the whole realm realm is even more accurate.

Mu Yun had to admit this.

The title god, title emperor, the existence of this level is actually standing at the top of the world of Canglan.

The knowledge of martial arts is far beyond ordinary people.

He doesn't know how the level of dominance compares with the title emperor and title god.

But the realm, just the recognition of the martial artist's path, is far short of it.

And Mu Yun himself is quite comprehend.

Martial arts practice, overcoming thorns and thorns, never ending.

Body tempering, soul refining, soul condensing, etc...

Each step of the practice is different.

It's like painting.

At first, the lines of the landscape were described, and everyone saw it, and it felt like a landscape painting.

However, in the follow-up, supplementing the water and the form of the mountain, the picture is much more abundant.

In addition, if you continue to paint with paint, it will be more lifelike.

The picture scroll is completed and mounted, it is even more complete.

The same is true of martial arts.

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