Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3362: Mo Xuan Yin

In time, Mo Qianling and Mo Zichen were in a staggered form.

Between each other, the suffocation is condensed at this moment.

The two of them stretched out one arm at the same time, clasped their hands tightly, and between the hands that they held, a touch of pure boundary strength slowly fluctuated.

As the boundary force fluctuated, a wave of tyrannical auras flowed between the two hands.

It is like yellow sand condensed and turned into a boxy seal.

The boundary seals gathered, bursting out a tyrannical light, and a bang, sounded at this moment.

In an instant, the Sifang Boundary Seal smashed towards Mu Yun.

Power burst out at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun stepped forward, refining the heart yuan sword at this moment, condensing a strong sword light.

Sword energy rushed into the sky, and the momentum was unstoppable.


The long sword collided with the boundary seal.

Sword Qi and Huang Sand Qi condense and revolve.

The overbearing power makes people feel shocked.

Both Mo Qianling and Mo Zichen were stepping back at the moment.

At this moment, Mu Yun stood still quietly, his expression unchanged.

It seems that at this moment, no matter what, it has nothing to do with him.

At this moment, Xie Qing was also relieved.

Mu Yun looked pretty good.

"Mo Xuan Yin..."

Mu Yun whispered: "It's a bit of a doorway, but it seems that it's just a bit of a doorway!"

Mo Qianling and Mo Zichen both looked pale at the moment.

How could this be?

Mu Yun actually resisted it easily.

Mo Xuanyin is a martial artist in the realm of Jie Sheng, a compulsory cheat book. The cooperation between the two and the eruption of power is beyond the same level.

But now, Mu Yun actually resisted this way!

It is incredible.

"One mouthful of Tianjiao is actually the same thing!"

Mu Yun smiled and said, "It's nothing at all!"


When a word fell, Mu Yun's figure rushed out.

"Tianhong cuts with one sword."

The second forging of the sword body broke out, the second strength of Jie Sheng broke out, and a sword was swung out.


On that day and the earth, there seemed to be a rainbow of light, chopped down.

The overbearing rainbow light makes people feel that their body and mind are under tremendous pressure.

At this moment, Mu Yun gave people the feeling that he was about to split the whole world directly.

"Mo Xuan Yin!"

Mo Qianling and Mo Zichen broke out again at this moment.

The two world saints duo, did everything to resist Mu Yun's attack.

However, in the face of that sword, Mo Xuanyin seemed so weak.


A roar sounded at this moment.

Mo Xuanyin exploded.

At this moment, Mu Yun's figure rushed straight out.


Mo Qianling's pretty face paled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, obviously unable to withstand Mu Yun's pressure from a blow.

But at this moment, Mo Zichen's face was grim, and he rushed out in an instant, between his hands, a series of blades, at this moment, turned into an arc, killing Mu Yun.

Ding Ding Ding...

The long sword and the blade converge, bursting into flames for their debut.

"Back to you."

Mu Yun flipped the palm of his hand, and at this moment, the Heart Refining Yuan Sword tore the blades one by one, instantly beheading many blades to Mo Zichen.

Zi La La's voice sounded at this moment.

At this moment, Mo Zichen's body was almost cut and shattered by six blades at the position of his chest.


Mo Qianling's face was pale.


It just died.

It seemed that Mu Yun hadn't taken it seriously yet, they had already been defeated.


But, almost in the blink of an eye, Mo Qianling immediately shouted.



Go immediately without staying.

Otherwise, you can't leave.

At this moment, Mu Yun's eyes were filled with tyrannical murderous auras.

"Can you go away?"


In an instant, refining the Heart Yuan Sword, turning it into a sword light, cut out in an instant.

At this moment, Mu Yun took it even more with one palm.

"Jingxin Yuanzhang!"

A palm swiped out, tyrannical force, as if emptied the surrounding air, leaving only the final wave of air, condensed at this moment, and killed that Mo Qianling.


Just the next moment, a roar sounded.

Behind Mo Qianling, a figure was blocking Mu Yun's attack.

"Tsing Yi!"

"Tsing Yi!"

At this moment, Mo Qianling and Mo Shanming, their eyes flushed, and they were angry.


Mo Qingyi shouted: "It's better than death."


The two of them fled 10,000 meters away in an instant.

Must go.

If you don't go, you die.

If you hesitate for a moment, you will be killed, and you will be killed.

At this moment, Mu Yun looked at the scattered Mo family disciples with indifferent eyes.

In Mo Qingyi's mouth, blood was spit out, and he smiled and said: "Mu Yun, you will die, and the Mo family will not let you go."

Both Mo Zichen and Mo Ziyun died in Muyun's hands.

Mo family, will not let Mu Yun go.

Today's affairs are endless.

The future Muyun will not escape the pursuit of the Mo family.

"If you dare to kill, dare to be, what are you afraid of!"

Mu Yun smiled and said no more.

The breath in Mo Tsingyi's body also gradually collapsed.

"Unfortunately, those two ran away..."

Xie Qing said with regret.

"You can kill it again when you encounter it in the future."

In this regard, Mu Yun did not have any entanglements.

The people of the Mo family were offended to death.

There is no way to save it, so let's not save it.

"You kid, you're so strong now!" Xie Qing said with a smile: "I thought I arrived at Jiesheng First Heavy, you must be early!"

"Everything is as good as your dead, can't you live?"

"Hey, I think I gave you some paint, so you feel that you are colorful?"

The two quarreled, and Xie Yuyin flew over at this moment.

"Leave here first!"

Xie Yuyin opened the mouth and said: "You are so out of the limelight, it is estimated that you will be stared at..."

The two nodded.

Xie Yuyin took a few people and left with Mu Yun and Xie Qing.

In Diyuan Palace, Mu Yun didn't have any thoughts of exploring.

The remains of the Four Great Palaces, I am afraid that all the disciples have turned upside down.

He now has no shortage of boundary tools and tactics. The most important thing is to improve his realm and stabilize his strength.

Ruins, on the contrary, are not so attractive.

Inside the remains of the Siyuan Palace.

A land of mountain cols, birds and flowers fragrant.

At this moment, Mu Yun, Xie Qing, and Xie Yuyin sat looking at each other.

"Where have you been during this time, your kid?"

Mu Yun looked at Xie Qing and couldn't help asking.

"Hey, I found something good, and I broke through to reach the world saint by the way. I didn't expect you to be faster than me."

"Look at your little promise, what good stuff?"

Xie Qing hurriedly said: "I can't tell you this, otherwise, who knows if you will steal me!"

"Things that are not promising."

Mu Yun cursed again.

This guy is really worthless.

"Snatch you? Am I?"

"Tell you, I don't need any treasures, I will arrive at Jiesheng Sanzhong soon."

"You kid, keep your tatters!"

When Xie Qing heard this, he pouted and didn't say much.

What a big tail wolf pretending to be!

I think in the fairy world back then, I didn't mean to be bluffing when I saw everything.

What to install now?

Who doesn't know who it is.

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