Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3364: Find that Zhuo Hongyun first

When Xie Qing heard Xie Yuyin's words, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Null nose and bull nose, you deserve to be my brother."

"Three thousand realm patterns, logically speaking, the three-level boundary formation should be gathered, and the realm saint three layers should be subdued!"

Xie Yuyin said, "How simple it is. Without a three-level realm, it is very difficult to cultivate. Even if it is there, someone has to teach it."

Xie Qing didn't care when he heard this.

Boundary map?


Is Mu Yunque?

There is no shortage at all!

After the end of this time, they went to the third floor of the Enlightenment Tower and found Zhuge Zuhao, the three-level realm formation, didn't they come here at their fingertips?

With Mu Yun's talent, it is estimated that it will not take long for him to directly become a top three-level realm master.

At that time, the Tiandao Academy and the Tunnel Academy, wouldn't they let their brothers fly?

"Experience here is coming to an end, less than a year!"

Xie Yuyin said at this moment: "Are you going to go out and have a look, or are you going to continue to retreat. The last year is also spent here?"

Hearing this, Xie Qing smiled and said, "Naturally I went out!"

"In this place, I didn't forget, we are here to grab points!"

Hearing this, Xie Yuyin also laughed.

"How about this."

Mu Yun opened the mouth and said: "Sister Xie, Xie Qing and I are not afraid of the heavens. The few people around you who haven't reached the Jie Sheng, let them find a place to hide!"

"You, I, and Xie Qing, Senior Sister Li Qingxue, the four of us, go out and do a big vote!"

Do a big vote?

Xie Yuyin smiled upon hearing the words: "Let's talk and listen."


Xie Qing said immediately: "I haven't forgotten those in the Yuding Courtyard. They are not dead, and I feel uneasy."

"Besides, it wasn't just the Mo family who fiddled with me, but also the thundering sect. I met a guy named Zhuo Hongyun who would have died if he ran fast."

Xie Qing said just now.

"I didn't listen to you before."

Mu Yun frowned.

"That guy, I met Jie Sheng Erzhong, maybe it's Jie Sheng Erzhong now, you kid, Jie Sheng Erzhong, I think it will be more difficult to meet him."

"So despise me?"


The two talked for a long time.

In the end, Mu Yun said: "In this case, the four of us are together."

"In the Siyuan Palace ruins, there is nothing worth exploring at first. This time everyone has reached the realm of the Saint Realm, which is enough."

"Next, naturally what Zongmen said, points are earned!"

Hearing this, Xie Yuyin also smiled and said, "Okay!"

Mu Yun was right.

This time the four major sect disciples invested here for the simplest fight.

Survival of the fittest.

Those who are alive, return to the sect, that is the generation of Tianjiao.

Dead, deserve it.

This world has always been like this.

I instructed several other people, Xie Yuyin, Li Qingxue, Mu Yun, and Xie Qing, to set off.

Only the last time is left, here, but many people haven't met.

However, this time, the Mo family had a big deal.

"I don't know what's going on with that boy Meng Zui, I haven't believed it..."

Xie Qing muttered: "You said he was dead, right?"

Mu Yun glanced at Xie Qing and sneered: "Even if you die, it is estimated that Meng Zui will not die."

"I'm dead, don't you have to be sad?"

Xie Qing laughed.

As for Xie Yuyin and Li Qingxue, they have long been accustomed to the jokes between them.

Along the way, the four-person team met quite a few people.

Moreover, they also encountered some martial artists in the realm of Saint Realm.

It's just that there are indeed a lot of them, all of which are the first realm of the world saint, and the second realm is much less.

After all, this trial took only ten years.

In ten years, not so fast, he reached the second and third Jiesheng.

Naturally, except for those, luck is against the heavens, and the treasures that have been changed against the heavens and fate are obtained, reaching the third and fourth layers of the realm. It is not impossible.

On this day, Mu Yun and Xie Yuyin were sitting around the bonfire.

Xie Qing and Li Qingxue only appeared when the sunset came to the west.

"Have you found any news?" Mu Yun said directly.

Xie Yuyin glanced at the two of them.

Dog men and women!

Xie Qing and Li Qingxue, every time they stopped, they would go out to inquire about the news.

Everyone knows what it actually does.

However, Xie Yuyin couldn't say anything for a total of four people.

Xie Qing laughed and said, "I really got the news."

"Oh? Come and listen."

Xie Qing said seriously: "There are a few people who are famous, so you don't need to inquire about it. If you meet some people, you can know it by eavesdropping."

"First of all, in our Yuding Courtyard, Liu Xiangsheng and Du Yue, both of them have reached the Realm Sage Third Layer."

Xie Yuyin couldn't help but said: "Is there really someone who has reached the Third Realm of Realm?"

"More than that, more than these two people."

Li Qingxue interrupted and said, "Tong Chen, Chen Wencai, and Yuan Dongfeng, who returned to Yuanzong, seem to have obtained the most precious treasures in Tianyuan Palace. The three of them broke through to reach the triple realm of Realm Sage almost at the same time."

"Su Yaorong and Zhuo Hongyun, who were shocked by Lei Zong, have also reached the realm of the Realm Sage Triple Realm."

"It is said that Mo Qianling of the Mo family has also reached the triple realm."

Mo Qianling!

The last time I ran fast enough, I didn't die.

Unexpectedly, it reached the triple realm.

"I heard that there are still a few unknown ones, they have reached the fourth level!"

Li Qingxue said with a serious look: "This is not certain, but there are no waves without wind, it may be true."

Xie Qing laughed and said: "I also heard a group of people say that there is a boy who has reached the fifth level of the world, who is alone, not provoking people, and is very low-key, but I don't know who it is. This may also be false. Yes, just listen to it."


Xie Yuyin smiled bitterly: "If it's really the Boundary Saint Fifth Layer, it would be too exaggerated..."

Not to mention the Fifth Jiesheng.

The appearance of the Realm Saint's Quadruple Realm already makes people feel incredible.

Five-fold, that's really an exaggeration!

It can not be!

At this moment, Xie Qing said with a smile: "Don't worry about this, let's think about it first, which one to deal with?"

Mu Yun calmed down for a moment, and said, "Mo Qianling doesn't need to find her, she should come."

"Let's find that Zhuo Hongyun first!"

Zhuo Hongyun!

Xie Qing's eyes were overjoyed, he hehe smiled: "That bastard, robbed me of a magic weapon, I was so powerful, I found a treasure, a soft armor, invincible defense, I guess It was made by the mighty Jiaolong Longjin!"

Made by Longjin!

Mu Yun was taken aback.

The dragon's tendons are not comparable to those of the dragon's tendons, but they are also valuable.

This kind of thing is generally a magic weapon such as a lashing rope or a whip.

It takes a lot of dragon tendons to build a soft armor.

"That's him!"

Mu Yun said, "Where are the people, do you know?"


Xie Qing stood up at this moment, grinding his fist and said: "This kid, Jie Sheng Sanzhong, are you sure to deal with it?"

Mu Yun smiled.

Fist loosened, and smiled: "Can't deal with it? Then you look down on me a little, right?"

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