Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3439: Yuan Yin Yin

Hearing this, Mu Yun looked at Ye Qingfei and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Ye, then, I won't keep my hand anymore!"

Ye Qingfei slowly said, "It should have been this way!"

At this moment, she was also fully on guard, no longer careless.

Looking at Mu Yun cautiously, Ye Qingfei's expression turned cold.

In the body, the power of Taoism exploded.

The tips of the two fingers, the strength of the bounds, constantly beating, ready to respond to Mu Yun's attack at any time.

Seeing Ye Qingfei's serious look, Mu Yun smiled.

By now, there is really nothing worth hesitating.

At this moment, my heart became calm and indifferent.

With both hands, the power of the circles gathered.

As Mu Yun condensed, Ye Qingfei's heart trembled.

A different kind of breath converged at this moment.

It even made her feel extremely dangerous.

If Mu Yun were allowed to condense successfully, she might have no resistance.

Ye Qingfei's eyes gradually calmed down at this moment.


Can't give Muyun this time.


Ye Qingfei's figure directly shot out at this moment.

With a bang, it burst out.

Dao Dao power is released at this moment.

Mu Yun's figure retreated.

But his hands are still gathering strength.

Those forces gradually condensed into a mark.

A mark that seemed to be the size of a palm appeared at this moment.

"It won't give you a chance to gather success!"

Ye Qingfei shouted.

"That's not for you!"

Mu Yun smiled at this moment.

"Four elephants into the heavenly formation!"

With a word of drink, in an instant, nine thousand boundary lines condensed out, and a large formation suddenly gathered at this moment.


In the audience, Xu Heng couldn't help but cursed.

I really couldn't help it.

In just two or three years, Mu Yun's boundary pattern has actually increased to nine thousand?

Just kidding!

This guy directly surpassed him in one breath!

Isn't this nonsense!

In the viewing area, Dean Difan was even more stunned.

Nine thousand boundary lines!

Mu Yun, he is approaching the fourth-level realm division!

This kid has made incredible progress.

The realm has improved rapidly, and the talent is evil, but it is understandable.

But the condensing speed of boundary lines is so fast, which is incredible!

What is the reason?

At this moment, Mu Yun looked at Ye Qingfei who was trapped in the formation. Between his hands, the realm of power was still converging.

"Damn it!"

Ye Qingfei didn't look good at this moment.

Was overcast by Mu Yun.

Forget this guy, he's still a realmist!

Even if Mu Yun condensed that big killer move, it takes time, but it is okay to set up the formation in advance, trap the opponent, give him a buffer time, and condense that killer move.

This guy had already thought about it.

In fact, Mu Yun was also helpless.

The last three formulas of the Ten Thousand Yuan Guitian Jue are very powerful.

However, it takes time to prepare.

It doesn't necessarily take time, but Mu Yun has not yet mastered the accurate power.

If you are proficient, you can immediately seal, and burst is the strongest.

At this moment, Ye Qingfei's eyes condensed.

"Three-level high-end circle!"

"Trap me, then I will wait for you to attack in this formation!"

Ye Qingfei also stopped resisting.

This formation just trapped her, not killed her.

Mu Yun's biggest killer move is currently preparing.

She didn't know what it was.

That being the case, it would be better to respond to changes in the same way.

With a word of mouth, Ye Qingfei's body, all the powers gathered.

"Extremely divine armor!"

A circle of boundary forces, gathered armor, covering the whole body.

The four-image formation of heaven, the power of attack, was blocked by the outer armor.

The three-level circle, unless it is the top Ten Thousand Dao circle pattern, otherwise it can't hurt her!

Ye Qingfei quietly waited for Mu Yun's attack to arrive.


At this moment, in Mu Yun's body, as if a force, the operation ended successfully.

"It seems that it's over!"

Ye Qingfei raised her eyes to Mu Yun.


Mu Yun said earnestly: "Senior Sister Ye, be careful, I can't tell the power of this trick!"

Ye Qingfei's face changed several times.

At this moment, after the competition was over, Gu Jianfeng, who walked off the ring, immediately focused on this side.

Because Mu Yun and Ye Qingfei played against each other, he couldn't wait to witness, so facing the opponent, there was no nonsense, and he directly defeated.

Fortunately, caught up.

Gu Jianfeng looked at the ring at this moment.

"Mu Yun hasn't used swordsmanship until now?"

Aside, Xu Heng nodded when he heard this.

"This guy...swordsmanship is so powerful, if you use swordsmanship, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Ye Qingfei to win..."

When Xu Heng heard this, he smiled and said: "It seems that Senior Sister Ye Qingfei is also very difficult to win!"

"A three-level realm master with nine thousand realms, with swordsmanship, it is estimated that Mu Yun can defeat Senior Sister Ye."

"It's just that this guy seems to be using other world tactics!"

Hearing this, Gu Jianfeng was also stunned at the moment.

Mu Yun, display other world tactics!

I have been obsessed with kendo all my life.

But kendo, for Mu Yun, was a means on his growth path, not all means.

Even so, he still lost to Mu Yun.

Mu Yun, who suddenly gained fame, might really be able to lead the tunnel courtyard to defeat that day.

In Gu Jianfeng's heart, he did not hate Mu Yun because of his defeat under Mu Yun.

I lost yesterday, and after communicating with Mu Yun, the two really felt a sense of confidant.

Mu Yun's understanding of swordsmanship had a special impact on him.

Such a person can't make him jealous, just sigh that he is inferior.

At this moment, Mu Yun's expression was calm.

"Senior Sister Ye, you are offended!"

After a word fell, Mu Yun put his hands together.

"Yuan Yin Yin!"

In an instant, the palms were joined together, and they opened in an instant, and a mark appeared out of thin air.

The mark is just the size of a palm.

But when you look carefully, it contains the universe.

Ahead, Dean Difan's face changed slightly.

Di Huan was at his side, also with a stunned expression.

"Is this... the Third Stage World Art?"

Di Huan lost his attitude.


Dean Difan stunned and said: "This kid, when did he control such a domineering realm? It's not from the Yuding Academy."

"In that mark, I felt a little bit, no less than the combination of tens of thousands of world force silk threads, winding, juxtaposition... No wonder it takes so long to prepare!"

Di Huan said again at this moment: "This kid is really a wicked evildoer, eldest brother, are you sure, he came to Yudingyuan without any other intentions?"

Difan groaned: "This son and Xie Qing have unknown origins. Meng Zui has investigated. They are indeed from the East China Region. These two people entered the Yuding Courtyard because they had a grudge with Wu Yan. I don’t know where it came from."

"But at first, the two were indeed only in the realm of the realm king..."

"If they are spies from other forces, it would be too willing to spend their money. Send these two arrogances to be spies. If we find out, it will be a dead end!"

Hearing this, Di Huan also nodded.

"Let's take a look!" Di Fan said again: "The dean seems to know something. When the two enter the Saint Child Courtyard, the dean should talk to them!"


Cang Ming!

Looking for two people to talk to? Not so exaggerated!

Even if the two become Jie Zun, it will not have a decisive effect on Yudingyuan.

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