Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3449: Bone Erosion Tianyuan Palm

It's just that on the other side, Dean Difan has a big smile on his face.


Meng Zui won the tenth Zhu Jun of the Tiandao Academy and the ninth item Wen Nan, which was beyond his expectations!

At this moment, Na Kongzhu.

Meng Zui was panting, his face pale.

Whether Zhu Jun or Xiang Wennan, they all possess extremely powerful strength, they are not easy to mess with.

"Meng Zui, do you continue to fight!"

Xiao Mu asked at this moment.

"I choose to give up!"

Meng Zui said simply.

Hearing this, Xiao Mu was taken aback.

The others were also slightly taken aback at this moment.

Choose to give up?

Don't continue?

Just thinking about it, it seems reasonable.

After all, the current Meng Zui has already fought two games in a row. It consumes too much, and it will be extremely difficult to continue.

However, in accordance with common sense, with such a critical test, generally speaking, everyone will fight to the point where they can no longer fight.

But Meng Zui did not.

"really interesting……"

Xiao Mu smiled, waved his palm, and Meng Zui was taken out of Na Kongzhu at this moment.

Landing on the ceremony stage, Meng Zui looked relaxed.

On the side, Du Tianning opened his mouth and said, "Obviously you can fight, why not continue?"

Hearing this, Meng Zui glanced at Du Tianning, and said: "I consumed two of them alone, it is enough, and in the end Mu Yun can also get the first place anyway, why am I so desperate?"

At this moment, several people on the podium were dumbfounded.

What you said is so confident!

It seems... Mu Yun has already decided by default!

Xie Qing patted Meng Zui's shoulder at the moment, hehe little troublemaker: "Boy, go on the road, what are you doing so desperately, you have to cultivate after a wound, and Mu Yun won't lose anyway."


Several people were completely speechless.

These two guys, Mu Yun on the left and Mu Yun on the right, so confident?

"Next game!"

Xiao Mu's voice sounded again at this moment.

"Tunnel Yard, ninth place, Jing Ziyang."

"Tiandao Academy, eighth place, Zhao Hanfeng!"

At this moment, Jing Ziyang stepped out.

"Brother Jing, come on!"


Jing Ziyang smiled slightly and entered the Nakongzhu.

On the other side, at the Tiandao Academy, Zhao Hanfeng, ranked eighth, also entered the Nakongzhu at this moment.

The two stood still inside the Nakongzhu, a hundred meters apart, looking at each other.

"Jing Ziyang, have you asked!"

"Zhao Hanfeng!"

At this moment, Zhao Hanfeng, dressed in white, had a cold expression and few words.

When everyone saw this scene, they didn't say much.

Jing Ziyang also exhaled.

Meng Zui defeated the two of them, he couldn't be so embarrassed!


In an instant, two figures shot out at this moment.

The roar burst out instantly.

Everyone gathered their eyes, and no one moved away.

The two played against each other, giving people the feeling that they were extremely powerful, and they collided with each other with a stressful atmosphere.

"Mixed Spirit World Palm!"

Jing Ziyang changed his trajectory in an instant.

At this moment, Zhao Hanfeng was also brazenly not afraid, and directly shot out.

Bang! ! !

The two palms howled in the wind and collided together.

Two figures open at the touch of a button.

However, at this moment, at the corner of Zhao Hanfeng's mouth, there was a sneer, which flashed away.

"Jiutianba God!"

With a word of mouth, Jing Ziyang's body, Dao Dao Boundary Forces gathered, turned into a huge body, shrouded in his body.

The overbearing breath is heart palpitating.

With a punch, the huge figure at this moment also blasted Zhao Hanfeng with a punch.

At this moment, Zhao Hanfeng's figure retreated, avoiding his sharp edge, but Jing Ziyang approached directly.

Two of you chase me.

As time passed, and gradually, Mu Yun and the others found something was wrong.

Jing Ziyang has been chasing Zhao Hanfeng, but the speed and power are getting slower and slower!

how so!

At this moment, everyone was extremely surprised.

Jing Ziyang's eyes remained unchanged, murderous.

But at this moment, Zhao Hanfeng stopped.

"This is the end of the good show!"

With a sneer in his eyes, Zhao Hanfeng looked at Jing Ziyang jokingly, and said with a smile: "You are nothing more than that. In my eyes, it is not as good as Meng Zui."


Jing Ziyang hummed: "In terms of combat power, I am indeed inferior to Junior Brother Meng, but I..."

Jing Ziyang's expression changed before he finished saying a word.

He is a three-level Array Master!

With combat power, he may indeed be inferior to Meng Zui.

But with the boundary formation, Meng Zui might be very difficult to defeat him.

But at this moment, he was just planning to condense the boundary formation, unexpectedly... he failed!

Unable to gather boundary lines!

Moreover, from a moment ago to now, he also felt that his strength was attenuated layer by layer.

how so!

Jing Ziyang looked horrified.


At this moment, Zhao Hanfeng stepped directly forward, waved with one hand, his palm prints suddenly, killing Jing Ziyang.

At this moment, Jing Ziyang struggled to avoid it.

But the speed is more than slower than Zhao Hanfeng.


A deep voice sounded, Jing Ziyang's face turned pale, and his figure retreated.

However, Zhao Hanfeng would not let go of this opportunity, and continued to approach, killing Jing Ziyang.

"court death!"

At this moment, Jing Ziyang's face turned pale, and he shot out again.

But the attack power is still declining.


Zhao Hanfeng laughed at this moment, and his figure instantly approached Jing Ziyang.

Bang bang bang...

After dozens of punches, they all hit Jing Ziyang's chest.

Jing Ziyang's breastbone burst open, and the blood couldn't stop spraying out.

At this moment, anyone could see that Jing Ziyang's appearance was very uncomfortable.

"Give up!"

Dean Difan spoke directly at this moment.

There is no way not to admit defeat!

He also saw that Jing Ziyang was already powerless to fight.

In an instant, Xiao Mu brought Jing Ziyang out.

In Nakongzhu, Zhao Hanfeng stopped his hands, his expression indifferent.

"Is this the strength of the disciple of the tunnel courtyard? Too weak!"

When the words fell, many disciples from the Tiandao Academy cheered and shouted in the Tiandi Martial Arts Field.

The disciples of the tunnel courtyard, but their faces are ugly.

what happened?

Lost so quickly!

At this moment, Dean Difan checked Jing Ziyang's injury and said in a low voice, "My chest is broken and I need to recuperate for two or three years."


The faces of several disciples were ugly.

Jing Ziyang's strength is not weak.

Why can't I show it all of a sudden!

"It's the bone-eroding Tianyuan palm technique!"

Difan said solemnly: "Du Tianning, you are the next one, be careful, don't touch his palm, otherwise, the strength carried by the palm will destroy the movement of the boundary power in your body."


Du Tianyu said seriously at the moment.

Now, no one can be careless.

Zhao Hanfeng's trick is really insidious!

"Tunnel Yard, next one, Du Tianning!"

After a word fell, Du Tianning went directly into the Nakongzhu.

Zhao Hanfeng sneered at this moment.

"Do you know what happened to Jing Ziyang?"

Du Tianning hummed: "The same trick, our tunnel courtyard won't be hit for the second time!"

As soon as he said this, Zhao Hanfeng's face became more sarcasm.

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