Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3867: Battle in the Harmony Realm

"Are the people of Divine Feihuang Sect crazy?"

Ye Fu couldn't help saying: "Even if the Feihuang Divine Sect is stronger than the Tuoba Clan as a whole, this place is the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins after all, but the Tuoba Clan's territory!"

"It's a mess outside now, and we can't hide here." Leng Lingling said: "Leave here, look for opportunities, and return to Xiaoyao City."


"it is good!"

The four of them made up their minds, and they were ready to set off.

In three months, Mu Yun completely absorbed the three masters' spirits and spirits, restored the wounds in the body, and finally broke through the limit of the fifty-meter road and reached the five-fold realm of Huatian.

Leaving the basin, the four of them did not head all the way towards the middle area of ​​the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins, but moved forward.

Along the way, the four did not encounter any trouble.

On this day, the four came to the outside of a small city, stopped one after another, and entered the city.

During this period of time, I was almost isolated from the world, and I felt better when I saw the crowds again.

The four of them entered the city, found a restaurant, and entered the elegant room. They were finally relieved.

"This time out, it was really exciting." Ye Yu drank a glass of wine and couldn't help but said: "It's just that I always hide my head and show my tail, which is so uncomfortable."

Ye Fu smiled and scolded: "It's not bad to keep your life, and you won't be screaming here."


The four of them chatted at the moment.


And in an instant, a roar erupted in the small city.

As the roar sounded, screams and howls rang out in the small city.

At this moment, a shout was passed on.

"Ma Xuan, die!"

The shout was loud and loud, as if it swept away with anger, it was heart palpitating.

"It's Tuobanxuan."

Leng Lingling's expression changed.

The four specially chose a small town, and wanted to come in to see if they could find out what news, but they met Tuo Paxuan?

This is a coincidence too!

"Top spin!"

Another shout sounded at this moment.

"It's just killing your Tuoba Clan's two Heavenly Transcendent Realms. Elder Ma Zhuo is dead, you Tuoba Clan, don't have to make an inch, you should have a degree in everything!"

This voice sounded, and the expressions of Mu Yun, Ye Fu, and Ye Yu suddenly changed.

Ma Xuan!

It's really Ma Xuan!

At this moment, where the four of them were still in the mood to eat, they came to the window and looked out the window carefully.

I saw that over the small city, the two were facing each other in the air.

A dozen figures stood beside the two.

Mu Yun also saw the figure of an acquaintance.

Zong Yingshuo!

This guy is still alive.

At this moment, the two sides confronted each other with arrogance.

"Do you want to point your face?"

Na Tuoba Xuan was burly, glaring at him, and shouted: "Ma Zhuo is dead, but you from the Feihuang Divine Sect. Over the past few months, you have killed more than a dozen of our Tuoba tribe. How to calculate this account? ?"

"I waited until I wanted to retreat, but they stopped us from leaving. What do you think?"

"What do I say? I say you all deserve to die."

Tuoba Xuan stepped forward in one step, with a tyrannical aura, even if there were a few people in Mu Yun, thousands of meters apart, they felt that their minds would be completely shaken and suppressed.

"so horrible."

Mu Yun couldn't help saying.

"The dominance of the Rongtian Realm can be said to have entered the real Rongtian level. The Domination Dao surpasses 500 meters, and the Domination Dao surpasses 100 meters, but there is a huge difference."

Leng Lingling said earnestly: "Especially when you reach the triple level of Rongtian, when you dominate the Dao for thousands of meters, it is also a transformation for the Rongtian realm."

"These two should be beyond the kilometer road."

At this moment, Tuo Ba Xuan and Ma Xuan were standing apart in the air, and there were more than three sentences without speculation. Tuo Ba Xuan stepped forward directly, murderously, and forced to Ma Xuan.

Obviously, Tuoba Xuan didn't want to fight in the small city, but kept pushing Ma Xuan back. The two powerful Harmony Realms seemed to be engulfing the heaven and the earth, moving towards the distance and fleeing into the air.

The rest of the Tuoba clan and Feihuang Shenzong also followed suit.

"Fortunately to go!"

Ye Chen patted his chest at this moment, and breathed a sigh of relief: "I can meet them all here. It's... so fateful."


In the distance, on the edge of the sky, shocking aftermath is still erupting at this moment.

"Let's go quickly."

Ye Yu opened the mouth and said, "This horse Xuan is very sturdy, and it's just right to fight, and there is no time to take care of us. We can withdraw."

At this moment, Mu Yun was looking into the distance and hesitated.

"what's happenin?"

"I was chased and killed all the way, I have to know why, right?"

Mu Yun spoke at the moment.

Ye Fu and Leng Lingling also showed thoughtful expressions at this moment.

"We are all qualified to know some more confidential things at the Rongtian realm level." Leng Lingling said: "However, the four of us, even if we meet a strong Rongtian realm who only has one breath, we may be caught up. Shock..."

But Mu Yun said: "If this is the case, let's go find a master in the Heavenly Transcendent Realm."

As soon as this remark came out, the two women were both unknown.

"That Zong Yingshuo..."

Mu Yun opened his mouth and said: "Last time I took people to chase us, the first time, Zong Hong died, Ma Jun died, the second time, those who followed him also died, but until now, Ma Xuan is still Take him..."

"This guy, although useless, I am afraid that his identity is not simple. Some things may not be unknown."

"The four of us, find an opportunity, catch him, maybe we can get some news."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Fu and Leng Lingling both had their expressions moved.

By now, they really didn't want to be confused and just left.

You have to know what's going on this time, right?

"In that case, as you said."

Leng Lingling nodded.

"Good!" Ye Fu also nodded.

Ye Cheng said with a distressed expression: "This is too..."

"Too nothing too, get ready, let's go!"

"I know!"

At this moment, the four of them left the restaurant and headed out of the city.

At this moment, many people in the small city followed out to watch the excitement, but those who hadn't reached the Domination Realm level could only hide in the distance one by one, not daring to approach them.

Fighting at the dominance level, when they approached, they were looking for death.

The four Mu Yun chased forward, after hundreds of miles, a mountain range appeared in front of them, and at this moment, a roar erupted in the mountain range.

The tyrannical roar erupted at this moment with a palpitating breath.

Above the high altitude, the battle between the two Harmony Realm powerhouses was even more terrifying.

Such fluctuations are simply heart palpitations.

"Be careful."

Mu Yun opened the mouth and said: "We only look for Zong Yingshuo. If he doesn't know, just kill him and we will run away immediately."

Mu Yun also understood that the power of the Rongtian Realm was beyond the reach of the current four.

That Zong Yingshuo is also in the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, but the strength is really not very good. Ye Fu and Leng Lingling teamed up to subdue Zong Yingshuo, and there should be no problem.

"over there!"

At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly spoke.

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