Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3876: Sky Dew Drops

As soon as these words came out, the three of them all looked at Mu Yun curiously.

Check if there is dew?

How to check?

Tianlu, in the final analysis, is essentially similar to different water.

It's just that when in the human world, the heaven, earth, space and spirituality are not enough to nurture a powerful heavenly dew, and it can become a different water, and it also has the level of spiritual intelligence.

However, Tianlu's intelligence is more powerful than Yishui.

Of course, Heavenly Dew is also qualified for cultivation. The condensed Heavenly Dew is also strong and weak. If it weren't for this, Muyun was in the realm of heaven and earth saints, the realm of dignity, and it was impossible to get Heavenly Dew.

At this moment, a few drops of dew condensed from the Zhutian map, spreading between the courtyards.

Gradually, those dew drops gathered one by one and ran in one direction.

"Over there, go and see."

The four of them came under a pavilion at this moment.

I saw that in the pavilion, a stone table and four stone benches were placed in an orderly manner.

Those few drops of dew fell on the stone table, seeming to penetrate the stone table.

"Don't have a cave here."

The four of them had explored this place just now, but there was nothing special.

It now appears that there is an omission.

The four people surrounded the stone table and looked at it carefully, but the result was still mediocre.

Those few drops of heavenly dew seemed to penetrate the stone table, but after failing, it eventually fell directly on the stone table and completely covered it.

At this moment, the four of them sat on the stone bench and carefully watched the changes of the stone table.

Gradually, a chessboard appeared on the stone table, which was initially blurred, but slowly began to become clear.

However, the chessboard has clear black and white lines, but it is full of flaming red chess pieces and ice blue chess pieces.


Ye Cheng couldn't help but said at this moment: "I'm the most annoyed by these old antiques, what is left behind, it is sturdy, and it takes a lot of hard work to find it."

"I don't know how they worked hard to design these in the first place."

Ye Fu knocked Ye Tu on the head and reprimanded: "The trouble you think, in fact, may just be that they just did it casually."

"Is this for us to play chess? Crack the chess game? I don't understand chess skills." Mu Yun said directly, "What about you?"

Ye Fu and Ye Yu also shook their heads at this moment.

"Sister Lingling will, Sister Lingling, come and see."

Leng Lingling looked at the chess game at this moment, and said helplessly: "To be honest, I know, it's not very good..."

"Try it."

Mu Yun said directly: "The three of us are not good, try as many as you know, the big deal is that we don't need anything."

Ye Fu and Ye Chen nodded their heads as soon as these words came out.

At this moment, the four of them are around the chessboard.

Leng Lingling looked at the chessboard.

On the left hand side of the stone table, a chess piece appeared, the blue piece.

Leng Lingling is holding the Lanzi, undecided.

"If it's decided, it's settled. Anyway, we don't understand it. The big deal is empty."

"it is good!"

As soon as this remark came out, Leng Lingling settled down directly.

Suddenly, the chessboard flashed.

The red and blue light echoed each other at this moment.

A hot breath and a cold breath passed through at this moment.

The roar sounded at this moment, but it was only confined between the chessboards.

"Have you failed?" Leng Lingling couldn't help but said.

"not necessarily."

At this moment, in the chessboard, the blue and red pieces collide with each other. In the end, when the blue and red pieces are divided and offset, the chessboard is gradually dissipated at this moment, and the stone table is now turned into an ancient well.

Inside the ancient well, a faint blue light glowed, revealing a trace of blue black.


Ye Fu and Ye Yu are incredible.

"I guess it's good." Leng Lingling said immediately: "This senior left the game not to help the situation make which side has the advantage, but to make a draw."

"What's next? Go down the well?"

Ye Yao looked at the ancient well and said, "This place is weird, it's hot outside, and it's cool here. Now it seems that it's because of this ancient well. Is it true that there is dew in this place, as Mu Yun said?"

Tianlu is opposed to Yuanhuo.

Yuanhuo has far-reaching implications for warriors, especially alchemy masters.

Tianlu is naturally extremely important to the martial artist.

For example... the martial artist of the Ice Palace, the martial arts of the ice attribute, the Phoenix family, and the line of the ice phoenix, are naturally cold, and naturally they are extremely fancy about Tianlu.

Similarly, the Shui Ling clan also attaches great importance to Tianlu.

This is of great benefit to their practice.

"Enter the well and see how it goes."

Mu Yun spoke directly.

If you have reached this point, if you don't do anything, it will be in vain.

The roar sounded at this moment.

Mu Yun's words fell, and he jumped into the ancient well.

Not long after, Mu Yun's body emerged and appeared in the ancient well.

"how is it?"

"Look down and you'll know."

At this moment, the three of them entered the well one after another.

When I entered the bottom of the well, there was no coldness, but coolness.

However, entering the ancient well, Ye Fu, Ye Tu, and Leng Lingling all looked startled.

The inside of this well is like the bottom of the sea.

But on the bottom, blocks of jade with soft moonlight exuding the whole body were paved, making the underground not completely dark.

On the ground built with jade, buildings stand tall and straight.

Moreover, all of this, in the water, feels beautiful.

The four of them fell to the bottom of the well, stood on the jade stone, and looked around.

"There is no place in the sky."

Ye Fu couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's so beautiful."

At this moment, the four of them looked around, looking cautious.

It's just beauty, if it's nothing special, it's still useless.


At this moment, Ye Chen couldn't help pointing forward to the left.

"Heavenly dew drops!"

Ye Fu and Leng Lingling both changed their expressions.

Dew drops in the sky?


Mu Yun was stunned.

Seeing all three of them seemed to know, only he didn't.

"Heaven really exists here." Leng Lingling said excitedly at the moment: "Mu Yun's guess is correct."


Ye Fu also said: "The dew drops on this day, no matter which kind of dew is condensed, are extremely beneficial to our cultivation and tranquility."

Now that they have finally found something good, all of them are very excited.

But Mu Yun looked at the three with a dazed expression.

Dew drops from the sky!

what exactly is it?

"Be careful."

Ye Fu walked out and said, "It's not that simple to collect dew drops this day."

"I come."

Leng Lingling smiled and said: "Our Ice Temple has experience in collecting Tianlu, I'll come here best."

"it is good."

The three of them stepped forward at the moment, Mu Yun stood there, completely ignored.

Come on.

Don't ask, anyway, good things are also related to Tianlu.

At this moment, Mu Yun followed the three of them, cautiously guarding the surroundings.


When the time came, one dew drop was taken off by Leng Lingling that day, and the surrounding water flowed back one after another at this moment, and the four of them immediately felt the fresh air flowing.

At this moment, Leng Lingling held a bead of dew from the sky and exclaimed, "It seems that the vintage is not low, it is rare."

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