Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3882: Tuobawei

At this moment, when he looked at it, he could see that a figure appeared in front of Tuoba Yuan.

The man was dressed in a cyan martial arts uniform with a cold look, holding a simple sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword was ticking, and blood was flowing down.

"Brother Wei!"

Tuoba Yuan thought he was bound to die, but when he saw the figure in front of him, he looked happy.

Top notch!

Tuoba tribe, the proud son of heaven.

Among the big and first-class forces, every generation has a generation of Tianjiao.

And every generation of Tianjiao is different.

Even the contemporaries, there are Tianjiao Tianjiao, and Tianjiao Huatian.

Tuobawei, one of the top talents of the Tuoba tribe is well-deserved.

At this moment, Ye Fu held Ye Tao with a bitter expression on his face.

"Second brother, second brother..."

At this moment, Ye Chen seemed to be out of breath, his face flushed, and his body trembled.

"Step aside."

At this moment, Mu Yun came to Ye Tu and helped Ye Tu.

Ye Fu had already stuffed a few pills in at this moment, but Ye Chen's vitality was still fading fast.

"How to do how to do……"

Ye Fu was completely panicked at this moment.

The three veins of the Ye Clan, they belong to the same vein of Ye Futian, and their eldest brother Ye Ziang is older than them.

Ye Fu and Ye Yu have grown up together, and they have the closest relationship.

At this moment, Mu Yun also felt the passing of Ye Tao's vitality.

The young man who appeared was almost completely cut off from Ye Chen's vitality.


Ye Fu's eyes were red, and he shouted angrily: "You are dead."

At this moment, Tuoba looked at the four of them without holding a Pudao.

"This is the Southern Territory, but the people of the Ye Clan are mad, thinking that you are the Ye Clan before?" Tuobawei's voice is very good, and at the moment he speaks with a calm expression.

The Ye Clan is a first-class force.

So is the Tuoba family.

There is no need for the Tuoba Clan to be afraid of the Ye Clan.

At this moment, Mu Yun glanced at the young man.

"Tuoba hasn't reached the nine-fold realm of the heavenly realm, the power of a sword...I can't take it..." Leng Lingling said with a solemn expression at this moment.

Ye Cheng is only the nine-fold realm of Huatian.

This extension is not the nine layers of the sky-reaching realm.

At the top of the sky, the Domination Dao is close to 500 meters, where is the 90-meter Domination Dao that can be taken?

At this moment, Mu Yun picked up Ye Chen and gritted his teeth.

"Little cousin, I gave my life."

When the word fell, Mu Yun closed his eyes slightly, and in an instant, the big life-killing technique flowed more and more at this moment.

Big kills!

Change life with the sky!

It can be exchanged for strong strength or strong vitality.

However, it was based on Mu Yun's vitality.

Nowadays, Mu Yun burned millions of years of life when he dealt with Di Yuan, and his life was almost at an end.

Had it not been for Mu Qingyu to gather the essence of life, Mu Yun would have died long ago.

And over the years, Mu Yun has continued to recover his lifespan, and now it is close to ten million years.

At the peak of the martial artist's longevity limit.

He hadn't used the big life-killing technique for a long time.

Only now, Ye Yu... is at stake.

One breath, 500,000 years of life, directly burned.

Suddenly, a steady stream of vitality flows down.

In fact, the transformation of big life-killing technique into strength can be exchanged for a good improvement, while the transformation into vitality is very low.

Five hundred thousand years of lifespan may be enough for Muyun to reach the tenth level of Huatian.

However, the 500,000-year lifespan has not been exchanged for strong enough vitality.

Just as Mu Yun swallowed the spirit of the dead with the power of devouring and purifying, and turned it into the power of his own ascension, he could also convert these spirits into life-saving yuan with a big life-killing technique, and take this opportunity to recover.

However, the efficiency is very low.

But now, Mu Yun had no choice.

It is naturally impossible for him to watch Ye Cheng die.

At this moment, both Leng Lingling and Ye Fu looked shocked.

On Ye Yu's chest, a terrifying blade shattered the meridians and bones, almost dispersing the three souls and seven souls.

But now, it is gradually recovering, and even the beating of the heart begins to recover regularly.


At this moment, Ye Cheng opened his eyes, his face was pale, and blood was still flowing out of his chest, but his life was saved!

"Smelly boy, you scared me to death!" Ye Fu couldn't help cursing.

On the side, Leng Lingling looked at Mu Yun with a meaningful expression, and slowly said, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Mu Yun said at the moment: "It's just a cost to consume, it's not a big problem."

Ye Fu looked at Mu Yun with gratitude.


Only at this moment, a surprised voice sounded, and he smiled slightly: "It's just that, even if you live now, you still have to die together later, why waste it?"

Tuoba Wei smiled lightly at this moment.

In the distance, several cracking sounds sounded at this moment.

Seven or eight figures are coming at this moment.

It's just that these seven or eight people, looking carefully, are all at the level of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm.

Seven or eight people came and fell one after another.

It's just obvious that these people are still headed by Tuobawei.

At this moment, Ye Chen awoke and looked in front of him.


Ye Yu's face changed.

Naturally, he knew the proud son of heaven at the top of the Heavenly Passing Realm.

At this time, several people looked at Mu Yun and the four with a cold and murderous look.

Ye Fu lifted Ye Tao up.

Leng Lingling looked ahead at the moment, her eyes stern.

Today, it has become a dead end.

He was hunted down before, but he was led by the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, and it was only a single and double realm, and he was still able to resist.

But now, it is at the ninth level of the peak of the sky-passing realm.

Moreover, the seven or eight people around are all of the higher level of the Triple Heaven Realm.

Such a team of several people is not afraid to face a strong man at the early stage of Rongtian Realm.

Tuoba did not look at the four of them, and smiled slightly: "The Ye Clan has fallen, everyone agrees that if the Emperor Xiaoyao had not died back then, or the Emperor and Qing Emperor were still there, or the three emperors were all there, I The Tuoba clan really can't afford to provoke them, but if things are not human beings, you Ye Clan don't use your previous glory as the foundation."

"This time the Soul Clan and the Feihuang Divine Sect are making such a big trouble, I think it is not just to kill your siblings, I am afraid that soon, the Ye Clan will be in disaster, and it will be imminent."

"Now, if the two of you can be captured alive and handed over to the Feihuang Divine Sect, I must have some cooperation with the Feihuang Divine Sect next time."

Ye Fu said indifferently: "Should we take our heads for news?"

"Tuobawei, today you kill us, and in the future, we are waiting for the people of the Ye Clan to take the head of your neck. On Huangquan Road, we two brothers and sisters are waiting for you."

"These threatening remarks seem too naive, so let's converge."

Tuoba didn't smile slightly, Pu Dao nodded, and smiled: "Those two, send them directly to the road, these two, catch the live."

As soon as these words came out, four figures walked out at this moment.

Leng Lingling looked cold.

Mu Yun's eyes were helpless at this time.

He naturally cannot die here.

It's just that these masters of the Heavenly Transcendence Realm can't kill them with the Sixth Stage of Transforming Heaven.

At the moment, it seems that only the big life-killing technique can be solved.

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