Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3948: Bloodway Origin Stone

At this moment, Mu Yun looked at Xiao Yun'er and said with a smile: "These are enough for thousands of masters of the Heavenly Transformation Stage and the Heavenly Transmitting Stage to practice."

Jie Jue!

Boundary device.

Jie Dan.

And some other treasures, listed in the thousands, are indeed relatively rare.

"Let's go."

At this moment, Mu Yun pulled up Xiao Yuner's jade hand, excited, ready to leave.

However, at this moment.

In front of the two of them, the wooden frame of unknown height, at this moment, was separated from the middle, making a rumbling sound, and at this moment, it suddenly opened.

A white light, dazzling and gorgeous.

At this moment, Mu Yun stopped, his expression stunned.


Xiao Yuner was also a little surprised at the moment.

The two came out cautiously and headed forward.

At this moment, the two of them stood by the door, after gradually adapting to the white light in front of them, they realized that behind the bookshelf, they became a world of their own.

It looks like this place is about ten miles in radius, with mountains, water, waterfalls and grasslands.

And in the center of this place, on the ground, a few wooden houses are built quite exquisitely.

The two entered here cautiously.

Mu Yun always looked on guard, ready to explode at any time.

"Be careful!"

Xiao Yuner was also holding a dagger at this time, and looked around cautiously.

However, after some investigation, the two looked around and there was indeed no problem.

There is only a wooden house and no exploration.

The wooden house has three floors, a total of three rooms, the taste of antique, rushing to the face.

Pushing open the wooden door and entering the wooden house, only a dusty breath lingered.

On the first floor of the wooden house, there are tables and chairs, which are neatly arranged, and they don’t seem to be luxurious.

When the two came to the second floor, there seemed to be a few bedrooms dressed up, and they didn't look too messy.

The two entered the third floor room again.

But at this moment, as soon as he entered the room on the third floor and timed, a surging force came to his face at this moment.

Mu Yun immediately pulled Xiao Yuner behind him.

"It's nothing……"

Xiao Yooner smiled at this moment: "It seems that there is no danger here, but I feel that there is a gathering of surging power, which is quite good for cultivation."

As soon as this remark came out, Mu Yun was stunned.

Xiao Yuner said again: "Do you really think that my one body and two souls are just decorations? I am more sensitive to some places."

"Look there."

On this third floor, there is only a large training room.

At this moment, in the center of the training room, there is a stone platform, more than one meter high.

At this moment, on the stone platform, a jade, shining with crystal light, illuminates the entire room.

Mu Yun and Xiao Yun'er came to the room and looked at the jade carefully.

The whole body is blood red, and inside the blood red, it is like the light of chaos, about the size of a palm.

Mu Yun didn't move rashly, but looked at the bloodstone, very curious.

Xiao Yuner frowned slightly at the moment, as if thinking about something.

"this is……"

Suddenly, Xiao Yuner looked very excited.

"What is it?"

"Blood Path Origin Stone!"

Xiao Yuner said affirmatively at this moment.

"In the Xiao Clan, I read many ancient books and records. I dominate the realm martial artist, take on the power of heaven and earth, accommodate it in myself, and paved a road, which is the master of the road."

"And dominating Dao, in the final analysis, is the process of superimposing and strengthening the power of the warrior."

"Tianyuan Stone is very beneficial to the cultivation of the dominion realm. The core is that it can help the martial artist to communicate with the world, and it is easier to find the path and point that suits him, and then the martial artist goes on his own."

"This blood source stone... I have seen it in ancient books."

Xiao Yuner continued: "Cultivating together, through the ages, for hundreds of millions of years, the realm of warriors has basically been frozen. Therefore, many warriors have invented some methods in order to go further, or to ensure the strength of their descendants and the prosperity of their families. Way, some evil, some vicious."

"Blood Path Origin Stone is such a kind."

"A powerful master of the realm of warriors, using the dominance of others, stripped it out, and after peeling off the cocoon, only the purest dominance is left. When combined with the source stone of the gods, it can be condensed into the source stone of the blood path. This method , It is very insidious and complicated, and the probability of success is very low and very low."

It just sounds complicated.

How difficult is it to strip off the dominion? It is necessary to ensure that the warrior is alive, but also that the warrior will not die when the dominance is stripped, and the pain to the stripped person is also heinous.

"This method is gone in today's era."

Xiao Yuner continued: "However, the condensed blood path source stone is indeed terrifying. The fusion of dominating realm martial artists can directly be used to understand the profound meaning of dominating Dao and increase the strength and length of Dominating Dao."

At this moment, Mu Yun was also looking at the source of blood.

"In that case, you are fused!"

Mu Yun said directly: "You are now dominating the Dao for more than 140 meters, and it is almost 150 meters. Once you reach 150 meters, it will be the second increase for you, and you will enter the second level of the Tongtian realm."

Tongtian dominates the realm, a total of nine layers.

The Transcendent Realm is an increase of ten meters dominating the Dao.

The sky-reaching realm is fifty meters long, which has only seen an increase.

From one hundred meters to five hundred meters, there are a total of nine increments, so the Tongtian realm is divided into nine realms.

When it surpasses 500 meters, it is reaching the level of Rongtian realm.

The Rongtian Realm, in this Canglan world, ranks among the strong, and cannot be ignored. In every major and first-class power, they are the people with high status and can sit on one side and rule the same place.

When Xiao Yuner heard this, she smiled and said: "It's better to give it to you. You are now over 80 meters above the Dao. If you can reach 100 meters through the source stone of the blood path, you can try to break through the 100-meter limit and reach the sky-reaching realm. Up."

Mu Yun smiled at this moment: "I don't need it. During this time of experience, the major clan forces have a murderous intent on me, counter-killing them, and devouring the spirit and energy. I won't be slow to reach the Heavenly Transcendent Realm. It's scarce, so naturally it's suitable for you."

Xiao Yuner wanted to continue to say something, but was interrupted by Mu Yun and said, "Observe..."


Xiao Yun'er nodded, walked forward, and said, "This source stone of the blood path must not be directly touched. It needs to be wrapped with the power of the soul and directly integrated into the dominating path."

"I have limited knowledge of the source stone of the blood path, and I don't know how much the length of the dominating path can be increased."

"Try it and you will know, I will protect you."


Xiao Yuner said and started to act.

Mu Yun was at his side, watching carefully.

At this moment, after Xiao Yun'er merged into the source stone of the blood path, Mu Yun only felt that an abundant force of heaven and earth was released at this moment.

It's just that those powers, which are fleeting, are integrated into Xiao Yuner's body.

The Domination Dao is manifested in the Soul of the Domination Realm, so Mu Yun can't see the current situation of Xiao Yuner, and can only wait.

When leisure is boring, Mu Yun is in this third layer and continues to watch.

The whole room was empty. At first glance, there were scrolls carved on the wall.

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