Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3988: Blood Rhodochrosite

At this moment, Soul Hamming, Bone Rotten Yue, Li Pin and others also saw the island ahead.

Regardless of the danger on the island, it is more reassuring than this unknown underwater creature.

"Kill it!"

At this moment, everyone speeded up.

At this time, Mu Yun and Xiao Yun'er were the first to approach the island and land on the island. The giant white sharks hovered in the shallow water near the island one after another, but they did not wash ashore.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun was also relieved.

Anyway, it is temporarily safe.

At the same time, the figures in the rear rushed up directly at this moment.

A group of figures were sitting paralyzed on the shore at this moment, gasping for breath.

At this time, there were originally hundreds of people, but only fifty or sixty people were left.

Moreover, several people were seriously injured, and it is hard to say whether they will survive.

"Damn it."

At this moment, Soul Hamming cursed in a low voice.

His loss is not small, there are only five or six people around him.

However, seeing the rotten bones, Soul Hamming felt a little more stable in his heart.

Anyway, there are still a few people around him, and now that bone rotten yue is really a bachelor.

At this moment, Gu Yuyue's face was gloomy and his look was ugly.

Not to mention that everyone around him died, he still lacked an arm, and now it looks very bleak.

Looking carefully, there are several people living in the triple-quadrant realm of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm around Han Ming, Li Pinxiang, Lu Yuan and others.

Now he is actually inferior to Mu Yun and Xiao Yun'er.

These things made Gu Xuyue feel depressed.

Everyone is resting on the coast.

After a long time, it took a while.

Along the way, I didn't encounter any treasure, but it was dangerous all the way.

And now, I don’t know how to go back.

"Where are Mu Yun and Xiao Yuner?"

Among the crowd, Xiao Yuancun raised his brows at this moment.

Just now everyone was busy treating the people around them, but they didn't pay much attention to them.

After only a while, the two disappeared...

"It must have entered the island."

This island has a vast area. Except for the beach, which is covered with gravel, it is ten miles away from the mountains and forests.

Moreover, when you look closely, the peaks are all blood red, and the trees that grow are also quite strange.

Every tree, except for the tall and mighty, the trunk leaves are red, like floating red maple leaves.

But at this time, everyone is not surprised.

In such a dangerous place, everyone is already a little numb.

At this time, everyone separated intentionally or unintentionally.

No one wants to gather together anymore.

Just now, it was because hundreds of people gathered together that they were torn apart by those bone fishes and giant sharks.

Separate now. If one party encounters any danger, the others will not be affected.

As for gathering together, there are many people and great power...

Totally impossible!

All parties seem to be united with each other, and the two camps are on guard against each other.

But in fact, this camp is not reliable at all.

At this moment, in the land of mountains and forests.

Mu Yun and Xiao Yun'er walked together.

If everyone is in danger, no one will be embarrassed. After all, self-insurance is very difficult.

But if everyone is out of danger, even if it is only temporarily, these people have no place to anger, and it is normal for them to vent their anger.

Therefore, Mu Yun and Xiao Yuner left without moving.

The mountains and forests here are blood red everywhere, adding a bit of weirdness in plain white.

However, after a closer look, after getting used to it, I actually think the scenery here is pretty good.

Mu Yun and Xiao Yuner went deep for dozens of miles all the way, passing through the mountains and forests, and in the end, the clouds and fog were pushed aside to see the moon, and a valley appeared in front of them.

Inside and outside the valley, the streamers are colorful and radiant, and there are also wooden houses, small bridges, flowing water, fertile fields...

It's like a paradise.

Mu Yun and Xiao Yuner entered this place cautiously, looking at the place like a paradise, they were slightly lost for a while.

This place is too peaceful.

Calm makes people feel very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Mu Yun found that these wooden houses, which seemed to have not been inhabited for a long time, were still well preserved.

Moreover, many wooden houses have obvious signs of being inhabited.

"The mysterious space in the Xia family city, connected to the sea of ​​blood, is a school island. Could it be that some of the invisible elders of the Xia family lived in the past?"

Mu Yun said slightly.

It's just that there is really no way to verify such things.

The two entered a wooden house, looked carefully, and found nothing unique.

After exploring the wooden houses, nothing was found.

But at this moment, Mu Yun raised his brows and looked forward.

At the end of the valley, there are a few wooden houses near the foot of a low mountain.

The two came to the wooden house, pushed the door and entered.

Each wooden house is three houses, wooden tables and wooden chairs, very simple.

But this time, Mu Yun and Xiao Yun'er entered the room on the left, but it was different.

This room, from the outside, is also a simple wooden house.

But when I was in the room, I suddenly felt it, as if being stripped away into another piece of time and space.

When the two stepped into the room, the surrounding world dimmed.

It was as if he was in a dimly lit world, and everything around him couldn't be seen clearly.

Mu Yun and Xiao Yuner are cuddling together at this moment.

Walking out step by step, the dim world around him seemed endless.

And between the endless world, in front, a red light rose up at this moment.

The two approached cautiously towards the red light.

I just saw it before I came to the red light.

Between the void, a red spar suspended in the air.

The red spar is a rhombus. When you look closely, it is only the size of a thumb, but the red light that it emits is very penetrating.

Everything reveals weirdness.

However, since entering here, nothing is normal.

At this moment, Mu Yun approached the blood red diamond, and he was cautious.


Xiao Yoona said with lingering fear at the moment: "I always feel a little weird."


When the two stood in front of the blood red diamond, suddenly, the blood red diamond shook slightly, releasing thousands of blood red rays, penetrating the bodies of Mu Yun and Xiao Yun'er.

However, these blood-red rays did not cause trauma to the two bodies.


At this moment, Mu Yun gently stuck out his palm.

The closer I got to the blood red diamond, the more I felt that there seemed to be a warm current flowing through my body.

The strange power contained in this blood red diamond didn't seem to hurt the body.

In this regard, Mu Yun felt quite strange.

However, when Mu Yun was about to withdraw his palm, the blood red diamond suddenly converged, turning into a beam of light, and came straight towards Mu Yun...

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