Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 3996: Could be anyone

Mu Yun was puzzled.

Could it be said that the ancient **** emperor of the ancient times was really different from the **** emperor of the current era?

God Emperor Road!

Has his father stepped into the Divine Emperor Dao, or is he at the top of the Divine Emperor Dao?

Mu Yun secretly remembered this.

Li Canglan went on to say: "The reason why I am like this is that I hope that the emperor of the nine lives will grow up and become a middleman to replace me, so that the **** emperors who may be able to recover, stop fighting!"

Hearing this, Mu Yun completely understood.

Mu Yun looked at Li Canglan, and said directly: "Senior means that you have completely fallen. Therefore, before the fall, you created the Nine-Life Emperor's Life Style. Those who have this life style can practice safely and steadily. One day, you can Reach the **** emperor."

"The predecessors hope that a person with this fate will become a **** emperor in the future, and can adjust the contradictions between the **** emperors who did not die during the prehistoric period, that is to a peacemaker?"

Li Canglan looked at Mu Yun and nodded.

Mu Yun was speechless for a while.

That's it?

That's the purpose?

However, calm down and think about it. Li Canglan had witnessed the demise of the prehistoric period. Before he died, he thought that he didn't want the disaster to happen again, and it made sense to do all this with so much effort.

"Then, senior, don't anyone else have any other intentions except you? Now in the world of Canglan, Emperor Ming and the Nine Life Emperors have been killing generations after generations. How long can your life style be passed on?"

"Also, my son is also the emperor of the nine fate, and it is not normal to have two emperors of the nine fate at the same time."

Hearing this, Li Canglan went on to say: "I also know about Emperor Ming..."

You know this as well?

Mu Yun looked dumbfounded.

Li Canglan smiled and said: "Every generation of my fate can pass on news to me. I understand many things in the ancient times, ancient times, and modern times."

Worthy of being a **** emperor.

You're so hungry when you die!

"Behind Emperor Ming, there should be other people supporting him. They don't want the rise of Jiu Ming Tianzi. In other words, they don't want my move to succeed."

Mu Yun said immediately: "You mean, if you succeed, the God Emperor War will end, and now, some people don’t want you to succeed, that is, hope, the revived ancient God Emperors, fight again, the world will be destroyed again, and then die. Several ancient **** emperors slept, waiting for those ancient **** emperors to recover again, another big battle, a few more dead, alive sleep, resuscitation... until in the end, there is only one ancient **** emperor left, this world is that one Forget what the ancient **** emperor said?"

Li Canglan nodded.

After all, there are still two camps!

One side hopes to continue fighting.

One side wants to stop fighting.

It's just...the one who wants to fight, has a pit in his head, right?

No matter which ancient **** emperor it is, I am afraid it is impossible to guarantee that he will live to the end, right?

This is fate!

Moreover, it is not necessarily the one who wins!

"So the predecessors mean, behind Di Ming, there is an ancient **** emperor supporting him!"


Li Canglan said ambiguously: "Although I can see some things, I only see some things, and more, I don't know."

That is to say, there may be ancient **** emperors who have begun to recover?

Mu Yun felt hairy in his heart.

Then, Mu Yun continued: "Senior, how will those ancient **** emperors who haven't died recover?"

"not sure."

Li Canglan went on to say: "Maybe he was a mortal, who suddenly awakened, maybe he was the proud son of heaven..."

"In other words, it could be anyone?"

Mu Yun was big for a while.

This is too magical, right?

Could it be that which ancient **** emperor resurrected Dad?

Dad's life is a legend!

No, there is also Senior Brother Lu Qingfeng. Senior Brother is even more evil. Listening to Qin Mengyao mentioned that Senior Brother is not weaker than her, maybe he can be called God and Emperor.

Mu Qingyu may be... Lu Qingfeng may be... Qin Mengyao may be so... Xie Qing...

Xie Qing forget it.

This guy is definitely not.

Mu Yun suddenly said: "Senior Li, will the ancient **** emperor recover from a male to a female?"


Li Canglan didn't react to Mu Yun's question for a while, and said in a daze: "It should"

A man becomes a woman...

Women become men...

It's awkward to think about it.

Li Canglan then said: "There is one more thing, I think it is what Emperor Ming wants to do!"


"Open the Sifang Tianmen."

Li Canglan spoke loudly at the moment.

Quartet Tianmen.

This is not the first time Mu Yun has heard of it.

Mu Yun said directly: "Senior, what does the Sifang Tianmen represent?"

Li Canglan slowly said: "A portal..."

What can you do to open this door?

This is what Mu Yun wanted to ask.

Li Canglan slowly said: "The Great Universe, the Great World of Universe, was shattered in the first battle. The place where you are now is the Great World of Universe in the past. The Canglan World was also one of the Great World of Universe in the past, but...probably, Some areas have not been shattered..."

"The Sifang Tianmen is the portal I blocked back then. The purpose is to hope that this piece of the world can emerge from the ruins and derive new worlds. And outside the Sifang Tianmen, there may be a world left over from the prehistoric period. Not broken, even growing, of course, there may not be..."

As soon as these words came out, Mu Yun stayed in place.

This feeling made Mu Yun stunned.

It's like, he finally grew up, seeing the peak approaching, he was suddenly told that this is not the peak, the peak is even more peak!

The Canglan world is not all left over from the great universe of the past years, just part of it?

What does the other part look like now?

Ghost knows!

There may be nothing, or there may be a new world like the Canglan world!

This made Mu Yun somewhat unacceptable for a while.

Is this what my father has been investigating over the years?

Li Canglan went on to say: "The universe of the universe is vast and boundless. In the first battle, most of them were completely broken, but there are still some. The world of Canglan is one of them. Of course, the world of Canglan has developed to this day after billions of years. At this step, it is possible that other worlds, like the ruins of this barren ancient continent, have nothing, but it does not rule out the existence of a new world."

Mu Yun nodded slightly.

Fortunately, even if it exists, with the current strength of Canglan World, it can be higher and lower.

and many more!


At this moment, Mu Yun looked at Li Canglan, and then said: "Senior, you just said that the ancient **** emperor may recover, maybe not all of them are in the world of Canglan, right?"

Li Canglan nodded.

Mu Yun went on to say: "Then if there is an ancient **** emperor who has recovered in other worlds, wouldn't it be... it is entirely possible to develop the new world even stronger than the Canglan world?"

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