Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4107: Tuobafeng

Jun Qingyue was also aware of the convergence of Tuoba Qingfang and Tuoba Qingyuan's attacks, and the strengthening of defense.

These two guys just want to drag on.

After dragging on, Mu Yun's strength returned to normal.

After dragging it down, the Tuoba Clan's helper arrived.

No matter which side it is, it is not good for them.

"You go first!"

Jun Qingyue said at this moment: "Your kindness, I already understand, but right now, if you can't get away, if you drag it down, we all have to die. I only hope that if you can escape, tell the monarch everything!"

Mu Yun glanced at Jun Qingyue, but smiled.

"Give up so easily?"

Jun Qingyue was about to speak.

Mu Yun said again: "Trust me once and take you away."

As soon as these words came out, Mu Yun exhaled, and then said: "Next, get ready for your full blow, and cooperate with me!"

Before Jun Qingyue responded, Mu Yun's figure had already shot out directly.

Wuhenjian instantly turned into a thousand-zhang sword shadow, and cut it down with one sword, as if it was about to break the ground.

However, when Wuhenjian cut down with a single sword.

Mu Yun's body, but at this moment, directly abandoned the sword.

"Ba Yuan Dao Fa!"

Mu Yun's low drink sounded at this moment.

Both hands instantly condensed the complicated and complicated mark of the previous way.

And those runes, surrounded by time, turned into a deep and vast column of runes.

"One Yuan Abyss."


In an instant, the talismanic seals broke apart.

And then, everyone felt that the surrounding world, and the cooperation between the big formation, seemed to turn into an abyss space.

Everyone seems to be falling between the abyss at this moment.

Bayuan Dao Fa!

The real Eight-Rank Realm Jue was created by the Qiyong Dao from the peak period, and its power naturally goes without saying.

The explosive power of horror swept out at this moment.

In the abyss, like ten thousand ghosts roaring, wailing, and roaring.

Tuoba Qingfang and Tuoba Qingyuan were instantly engrossed, holding the magic weapon, standing proudly between the abyss.

The core way of the Bayuan Taoism is to condense the eight abysses.

Rune summons the abyss, and the deterrence that it can bring to the opponent is extremely terrifying.

At this moment, in the abyss, a stern roar was passed, and the dark arms were sticking out one by one.

The rumbling voice sounded at this moment.

The explosive power of horror makes people feel greatly affected.

Tuoba Qingyuan and Tuoba Qingfang kept cutting off those arms.

But the endless arm seemed to be cut continuously.

Mu Yun let out a low cry.

"Dual Abyss."

The rumbling voice sounded again.

It was as if countless evil spirits were pouring out of the earth, as if they were about to swallow the two of them.

At this moment of Mu Yun, the whole person was like the lord of the abyss, standing high.


At the same time, between the dark abyss, a shadow shot out in an instant, pushing Tuoba Qingfang away.

Jun Qingyue!

Jun Qingyue obeyed Mu Yun's words and immediately hid in the darkness, bursting out instantly with murderous aura.


A deep roar sounded.

A blood-red bead suddenly appeared in Jun Qingyue's palm.

The blood-red bead was only out of the palm of his hand, and sharp blades appeared densely, turning into hundreds of them, directly killing Tuoba Qingfang.

Even Tuoba Qingfang has been cautiously protecting himself.

But in the face of sudden changes, the defense is not timely.

The sound of puff puff sounded.

I saw blood stains on the surface of his body.

When the blood flows out, it makes a screaming sound.


Tuoba Qingyuan was furious immediately, and with a palm of his hand, a terrifying explosion was released from his body.

As time passed, a light mask emerged, protecting the bodies of the two.

Mu Yun hurriedly transmitted to Jun Qingyue at this time.


Now is a great time to leave.

Mu Yun was not proud of his short-term advantage.

Both Tuoba Qingfang and Tuoba Qingyuan knew that his strength was only temporary and it was a delay.

Now that annoys the two, they must desperately.

The two Fifth Levels of the Heavenly Fusion Realm really played their lives, and he and Jun Qingyue would definitely not be able to resist the explosive power.

Jun Qingyue also understood at this time, and immediately backed away.

Mu Yun immediately flashed his figure, and walked away from the abyss.

For a flash in the void, Mu Yun's body had already appeared beyond the abyss.

But at this moment, in front of Mu Yun's figure, the void suddenly cracked a hole.

A figure walked out of the opening, and immediately patted Mu Yun's head with his palm.

A light palm, but it contains the supreme power.


The earth-shaking roar sounded.

Mu Yun's body was like a cannonball, falling from the sky and smashing into the ground below.

Under the entire cliff, the earth cracked, and there were cracks in the surrounding mountains.

"Mu Yun!"

"Mu Yun!"

Both Jun Qingyue and Ye Xiangwei, who were about to evacuate, changed their faces.

The power of this palm was too strong, even if the two of them didn't bear it, it could be felt from the power of the void.


The abyss disappeared, and on the ground, Mu Yun's body smashed into a deep pit, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face was pale.

At this time, Tuoba Qingyuan also assisted Tuoba Qingfang and walked out with a few people staring at him.

"Come as you want, leave as you want, really being a member of the Tuoba clan, is it such a good temper?"

An indifferent and elegant voice sounded at this moment.

Above the sky, the figure gradually fell.

He was dressed in white, not stained with dust, bright eyes and white teeth, and a calm expression. His face was very handsome, but there was a thumb-long sword mark on one side of his cheek, completely destroying the beauty of his entire face.



At this moment, both Ye Xiangwei and Jun Qingyue's expressions changed.


Who is it again?

At this moment, Mu Yun only felt that his internal organs were burning fiercely, and his whole body bones seemed to fall apart.

And his soul feels dizzy.

At this time, when Tuoba Qingyuan and Tuoba Qingfang saw the man in white appearing in front of them, they also became somewhat cautious.

Mu Yun wanted to stand up, but struggled a few times, and still fell to the ground.

That palm appeared instantly, and he didn't have time to react.

After all, only relying on the blood red diamond to obtain the four-fold strength, it is not that he has really reached the four-fold realm of the Rongtian realm.

"Mu Yun... Ye Xiangwei... Jun Qingyue..."

The white-clothed youth looked at the three and smiled and said, "This time, no one can save you."

When the words fall, I just feel that people feel chills in their hearts.

Jun Qingyue and Ye Xiangwei did not continue to escape.

They understood that if they continued to flee, they were likely to be directly shocked by Tuobafeng in front of them.

The two appeared at Mu Yun's side, carefully supporting Mu Yun.

"Tuobafeng, Tuobahua's younger brother." Jun Qingyue whispered: "Five Rongtian Five Layers."

Is Rongtian Five?

But when Tuoba Qingfang and Tuoba Qingyuan saw Tuobafeng, they looked particularly in awe.

This is very unusual.

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