Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4198: Awaken the Sheriff

Together, a few people came to a mountain range in the land of historic sites.

Surrounded by mountains, in the depths of the mountains, there is a faint vitality, which seems to disappear at any time, and it may appear at any time.

Mu Yun immediately took out the Donghua Emperor Seal.

Now he has reached a new height in his control of Donghua Diyin.

The vast emperor town!

Emperor Feng Wanjiang.

Emperor Ding Tiandi!

These three imperial seals attack and defense are all very powerful.

At this time, the Donghua Emperor's seal was floating in the air.

A series of tyrannical auras continued to erupt.

The palpitating breath is also constantly released at this time.

In the emperor seal, the radiant power of the sky burst out, spreading to the entire mountain range.

Mu Yun stepped deep into the mountain range, came to a ban, stopped.

Those runes, to Mu Yun back then, can be said to be astronomical numbers, obscure and incomprehensible.

But now, it is clear.

Three county kings!

And the tiger guard, the lion guard.

There is also the personal guard of the Emperor Donghua-Emperor Wei.

This is definitely a strength that is not weak.


At this time, Mu Yun let out a low cry.


The sound of roaring sounded at this moment.

Above the earth, the momentum of rolling exploded, and the land of the mountains, the mark of the roads, gradually broke out at this time.

The palpitating breath is also constantly spreading.

Gradually, the mountains began to collapse.

The collapsed mountains eventually condensed into three majestic mountains.

Immediately afterwards, three towering mountains, constantly changing, turned into palpitating streamers.

The streamer shines straight on the earth.

The ground in a radius of tens of miles was illuminated by the streamer at this time, and the ground gradually collapsed.

Donghua Diyin is constantly unleashing the vigorous power of his debut, stirring up the restriction here.

And gradually, the ground cracked.

Above the ground, a group of figures appeared from under the ground.

Look carefully, there are more than two thousand people.

However, the two thousand people showed two square formations.

At this time, within the emperor seal, a wave of terrifying power was released, bursting out.

Lines of green mansions were laid on top of the two square formations.

The rumbling voice broke out at this moment.

At this moment, the dust crystals on the surface of the body were shattered.

A silhouette got up.

Everyone is blank.

And at this moment.

Before the two phalanxes, two rays of light rushed straight into the sky, reaching a height of thousands of meters, and at this moment a tyrannical vitality broke out.

"Tiger Guard!"

"The Lion Guard!"

At this time, the Snake County King opened his mouth and said: "More than two thousand people are the Tiger God Guards and the Lion God Guards. They belong to the Tiger King and the Lion King. There were tens of thousands of people at the peak of the year, and now only these people are left. !"

"However, joining the realm of the Tiger God Guard and the Lion God Guard is at least the Heavenly Transcendent Realm!"

Transcendent Realm?

Mu Yun looked at the Snake County King curiously.

The four county kings were all in the Heavenly Transformation Realm at the beginning. The Tiger God Guard and the Lion God Guard are both at the Heavenly Transmitting Realm level. Is the gap too big?

The Kuye County King said at this time: "The Donghua Empire, at its peak, was indeed very powerful. It’s just that some places are the core of the huge empire, and some places are remote. I will wait for several county kings to protect the capital. It's a remote place."

"So, the strength requirements are not great."

"Moreover, in those days, we were the first to follow the emperor. Later, the emperor became stronger and stronger, but we improved with the gods. Therefore, the emperor arranged for us the jurisdiction corresponding to our strength, but our status was improved a lot. "

When these words were said, Mu Yun understood.

Just like in the Shen Mansion, Zhuge Zuhao may have limited promotion in the future, but after all, following him, if he becomes a **** emperor in the future, Zhuge Zuhao will definitely receive his great emperor!

Even if it is the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, it is impossible to say that it will control a large area of ​​the Heavenly Realm.

"That said, the Tiger King and the Lion King are the two who are in charge of the Tiger Guard and the Lion Guard. Their strength... is very strong?"

King Wei said at this time: "These two county kings are following the emperor's side, and they have surpassed the Fengtian realm back then. Now, it's hard to say..."

Mu Yun's eyes were excited.

This is something he didn't expect.

I thought that the Lion King and the Tiger King might also be at the level of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, but now it is unexpected.

Those two beams of light stayed for a long time.

After a full quarter of an hour, in the beam of light, two figures walked out at this moment.

One of them had fair skin, but his face was somewhat pale.

On the other hand, with a burly body and long hair spread out, he felt a bit rough.

"Tiger County King."

"Lion County King."

The Snake County King, Wei King, Hen King, and Kuye County King all greeted them with joy.

Everyone is an old partner.

When Mu Yun left the seventh celestial realm that year, the four county kings were originally at the peak level of the heavenly transformation.

After returning this time, two thousand years have passed, and all four of them have reached the level of Rongtian Realm.

The two county kings were still a little confused at this time.

The Snake County King immediately said: "This is our new emperor Muyun of the Donghua Ancient Kingdom, and the successor personally appointed by the emperor. The millions of people in the Donghua Ancient Kingdom have now settled in the world of Canglan."

Several county kings began to tell in detail.

After a long time.

Both the Tiger King and the Lion King looked at Muyun.

"Subordinates, see New Emperor."

"Subordinates, see New Emperor."

Both are respectful and respectful.

The Monarch's approval is naturally impossible for them to refute.

"The tiger guards and lion guards are included in the guards of the gods from today. You two don't have to say you really surrender at the moment. It's not realistic. Go out and take a look at the people of Donghua. Make a decision."

The four prefectures bowed their heads to Mu Yun, and followed the law.

Mu Yun didn't worry about these two, they would have any resistance to it.

"The Lion God Guard and the Tiger God Guard were originally in charge of the two. Then, they will continue to be in charge of the two. In the future, in the Shen Mansion, the Mu God Army will enter the Heavenly Transcendent Realm level. "



Both of them nodded.

Mu Yun looked at the two of them and couldn't help but smile: "I don't know what the two of you are in now..."

The Tiger King immediately said: "Return to the emperor, the eightfold and ninefold of the Confined Heaven Realm, but it will be very soon to reach the tenth of the Confined Heaven Realm, and it may take a while to break through the Confined Heaven Realm."

"it is good!"

Mu Yun laughed.

The two sealed heaven realm tenfold!

It's okay.

The presence of these two people is enough to ensure that the Shenfu will not encounter a big crisis.

Besides, there is one more person besides these two.

At this time, the third beam of light also rose into the sky.

This third pillar of light is undoubtedly the highest among the nine county kings, the Dongling county king!

However, with the third beam of light rising between.

Around the third beam of light, hundreds of rays of light also appeared, and from the hundreds of rays of light, there were also a number of figures.

"Those are... the emperor and guard!"

The Tiger King exclaimed at this time.

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