Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4249: You have a long way to go

"The ancient gods and emperors of the early years were divided into two camps, but now, there is no such strong confrontation. Everyone doesn't know what to do."

"Di Ming has attracted a group of ancient gods and ancient emperors, and your father has also attracted a group of ancient gods and ancient emperors."

"There are still a lot of people who don't rely on either side, and there are quite a few who work independently."

"I have been dead for a long time, and now I don't know the situation in the world of Canglan..."

When Lei Di said this, a lonely expression appeared on his face.

"I mentioned the Ninth Celestial Realm just now. Actually, the current Canglan World is quite similar to the Ninth Celestial Realm. Your father banned the Ninth Celestial Realm back then as an experiment."

"If the Ninth Celestial Realm separates from the Canglan world and runs on its own, the warriors and the creatures in the Ninth Celestial Realm will be suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth, and the Ninth Celestial Realm will operate alone, lacking world connectivity, and its overall strength will decline. It is impossible to reach the limit."

"Your father suspected that the same is true of the Canglan world. The Canglan world may be a part of the prehistoric world. The prehistoric world was shattered and may spread out. But other fragments of the great world may not be without creatures, and the world has self-healing. Powerful, it stands to reason that a big world was split back then, and in billions of years, the world should be reconciled again, and a new world specification was born."

"But for so many years, it has not been. Your father suspects that someone has banned the world of Canglan, making it almost impossible to step into the Divine Emperor Dao in Canglan."

"And the one who wants to kill the Nine Lives of Heaven is hope. Without opening the Sifang Tianmen, it has never been possible for the Great Dao Divine Emperor to appear in the Canglan world, opening the Sifang Tianmen, the great world of the past, breaking and standing, connecting into one, the world will be complete. , The martial arts will be consummated and the real Dao God Emperor will appear!

Mu Yun chewed these words.

Di Ming didn't want to open the Sifang Tianmen side, but firmly killed the Nine Life Emperor Fang.

The Lei Di also said at this time: "Your father has tested it and understands this truth. The world must be one body before martial arts can reach its limit. But your father is also confused. If you really need to open the four heavenly gates and make the world merge into one body, Reappearing the ancient great world, if Emperor Ming knows, why is he not willing to open it? Isn't he content only to set foot on the Divine Emperor Dao, doesn't he want to reach the limit of the Divine Emperor Dao?"

"It is extremely possible that the people behind Di Ming promised Di Ming what..."

Mu Yun said at this moment: "Whether the world should be integrated or separated?"

Lei Di shook his head.

he does not know.

He really didn't know.

Lei Di said lightly: "After I became Lei Di, I asked myself to be Emperor Ming. I am not afraid, but I was killed by someone at a glance. The gap is too big, too big..."

"The peak of martial arts in the prehistoric period is far from comparable to the peak of martial arts in today's era."

Speaking of this, in the Lei Di's eyes, the dimness and helplessness could not be concealed.

"Your father... is better than me... your father can go further than me..."

Lei Di sighed, and then said: "Mu Yun, are you the current emperor of the nine lives?"


The Lei Di said again: "Mu Qingyu is the most free and easy person who has no intention of fighting all his life. After meeting your mother, he can't wait to fly with your mother between the world and the happiest couple in the world. It's a pity. , Things are counterproductive."

"To your mother, to you, he is full of responsibility!"

"Mu Yun, if one day, I mean if... you really face life and death, your father may give everything for you, but... out of friends, I hope you can provoke your responsibility, I don’t want you Father is dead!"

At this moment, Mu Yun's expression was startled.

Qin Mengyao and Lu Qingfeng have always thought of Chen'er in this way.

Mu Yun understood that the two care about themselves.

At this time, Lei Di said such words, but also let Mu Yun understand... For Lei Di, his father may be a confidant, a friend, and a brother, and he could give up his life for the other party.

"Senior's words, Mu Yun will remember."

At this moment, Mu Yun got up, bowed and bowed, respectfully saying: "Senior has been used as a chess piece all his life. He would rather die than set off the chessboard. The three generations of the nine-five emperor died and the chessboard is still there. When I am here, I am Mu Yun. Although it is not a majestic strategy, but... when that day comes, I will achieve the limit of what I can do, set the chessboard, and let the people behind it at least pay the price."

Lei Di nodded slowly.

"The encounter between you and me is also a fate."

Lei Di chuckled and said: "When I first met your father, I also said that I wanted to be the foster father of his child, but unfortunately, things were counterproductive."

"However, just my friendship with your father, I can help you a little bit as much as I can, it's okay. The level of cutting the sky is the first... the level is up to you, I will not intervene, otherwise your father may be dissatisfied."

"You go into the sky, and imagine what you want in your mind!"

"But let's say it first, I'm just a candid thought, and you won't be high enough to satisfy you, just imagine it according to your current strength in the Heavenly Slashing Realm!"

At this moment, the Lei Di figure stood up, looked at Mu Yun, and said, "You have a long way to go."

"Thank you, senior."

At this moment, Lei Di shook his palm.

His body gradually turned into a little bit of starlight, blending into the sky.

At this time, the Lei Di figure disappeared, but a passage appeared on the sky.

"By the way, tell your father... my friend disappointed him."

In the end, Lei Di's breath completely disappeared.

Suddenly, Mu Yun felt full of emotion in his heart.

After a long time, Mu Yun stepped into the passage, and his figure gradually disappeared...

In the passage, a sonorous avenue paved by thunder, the sound of thunder was rolling, and the momentum was shocking.

On both sides, there is an endless abyss.

At this time, Mu Yun moved into the passage, stepping out step by step, and gradually came to the end.

Ahead is a gate, thunder is permeated and radiant.

At this time, Mu Yun was also thinking about what he needed.

Martial arts?

He is not very lacking.

Upon reaching the Heaven-cutting Realm, he can begin to practice the tenth sword art that Master Mietianyan left behind for him.

Plus the Yellow Emperor Jing.

There is not much shortage at present.

However, Lei Di's martial arts should be related to Lei Di's own Wan'elei body, and its power must be very strong!

At this moment, in Mu Yun's mind, he imagined a thunder martial art, which was closely related to thunder.

In front of him, the Thunder God Gate changed.

A scroll, made like gold and jade, emerges from the gate of Thunder God.

Mu Yun took the scroll and opened it slowly.

"Wan Lei's True Art!"

Mu Yun whispered slightly, opened the scroll, and looked at it at a glance. The writings were like thunder flashing and radiant.

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