Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4255: It's better to belong to me

At this time, Wu Yuanhan was also stunned.

At this moment, Wu Xinyao also stepped forward, wanting to give it a try...

A dozen warriors tried one by one, but the leader stick did not respond.

Wuxuyuan, the double powerhouse of the Sealed Heaven Realm, was even more helpless.

Not long after, silhouettes came to a halt, panting.

"Yun Mu, give it a try!"

At this time, Wu Xinyao's hair was scented with sweat, and she looked at Mu Yun and said, "Maybe you can?"

Mu Yun nodded and stepped forward at this moment.

When he came to the center of the stone, looking at the dragon head stick, Mu Yun gently shook his palm.

However, before he tried hard, the leading stick rose from the ground at this time, and floated gently with Mu Yun's palm.

At this moment, everyone was taken aback.

They struggled with effort and methods, but they couldn't shake the slightest, but Mu Yun... directly took it out.

At this time, Mu Yun was also shocked.

This is what he didn't expect.

And when he held the dragon head stick, his mind seemed to be madly shocked in an instant.

With a roar, it exploded.

Mu Yun only saw the endless time and space, the sky filled with divine thunder, and the roar.

Lei Yuan Lei Di!

The Lei Di wore a cyan robe, with unparalleled temperament and mighty power, standing on the top of the mountain, holding this dragon head stick, waving towards the sky.

Suddenly, the sky full of divine thunder, almost turned into a sea of ​​thunder, radiating hundreds of miles in a radius.

"Leidi rod!"

"Call God Thunder!"

The terrifying crackling sound continued to explode in Mu Yun's ears at this time.

Mu Yun was completely shocked by this scene.

"Lei Di Divine Weapon-Lei Di Rod!"

Mu Yun finally knew why he could easily hold this dragon head stick.

This was used by the Lei Di, controlled by the Wan'erley body, and had already developed a great affinity for the Wan'erley body.

The Lei Di fell, and the Lei Di Rod had no owner. Now that he encounters the Wan'e Lei body again, the Lei Di Rod itself has a strong sense of belonging.

Mu Yun shook the Lei Emperor Staff, only to feel that there was a vague connection between the Divine Thunder in his body and the Lei Emperor Staff.

A sense of comfort is passed on to the whole body.

The rumbling sound was transmitted through the body.

"Yun Mu..."

At this time, Wu Xinyao looked at Mu Yun curiously.

Just now after Mu Yun grasped this dragon head stick, there was no more movement. What's wrong?

"I'm fine."

Mu Yun said at this time: "This dragon head rod contains the power of thunder. I was in the forbidden area of ​​the sky and swallowed a lot of the power of the **** thunder here. Perhaps the reason why this dragon head rod is more friendly to me lies in this. "

Wu Xinyao smiled faintly at this time: "In that case, this leader stick is yours."

They can't take it out, Mu Yun can, naturally Mu Yun holds it best.

When Wu Xinyao spoke, the others did not object.

"It's him? It's better to be mine!"

At this time, a voice rang in my ears.

The surrounding stone forest collapsed in a sudden.

The rumbling voice exploded.

A black figure stood on one of the strange rocks, looking at everyone with cold eyes.

"Devil Xuanfei!"

Seeing that woman, she looked like a ghost and pretty as a hundred flowers, and Mu Yun was also taken aback.

"Are you surprised? Unexpectedly, I'm not dead, am I?"

Concubine Mo Xuan looked at Mu Yun and hummed: "Thanks to you, I have also reached the Heavenly Slashing Realm."

On that day, she met Mu Yun on the island and fought with Mu Yun, but was left behind by Mu Yun. Among the group of sea beasts, she almost died.

However, under the island, there was a world of heaven and earth, which made her promote to the Heavenly Slashing Realm.

A blessing in disguise.

This time, seeing Mu Yun again, Concubine Mo Xuan was also full of anger.

This bastard.

I don't know Lianxiangxiyu at all.

"Elder Moxuan, stop the Wuxuanyuan, stop the Wu family, this kid, I want to catch him and torture him to death."

Concubine Demon Xuan is like a little devil, with hatred in her tone at this time.

Mu Yun made a breath, the more I wanted to swallow it, the more I couldn't swallow it.

"Concubine Demon Xuan, Wu Family and Tian Demon Sect, the well water does not violate the river water, Yun Mu is a friend of our Wu family, don't be foolish."

Wu Xinyao hummed at this time.


Concubine Demon Xuan laughed like a silver bell, and said: "Wu Xinyao, don't ask about the fame of Concubine Demon Xuan, my little witch, this Yun Mu, I'm going to make it!"

Wu Xinyao's face changed slightly when she heard this.

Next to Concubine Demon Xuan, there are more than twenty Heavenly Demon Sects dominating the realm than the martial arts.

It was really difficult for the martial artist to resist.

"Elder Moxuan, lead someone to stop the Wu family, and I will personally arrest this Yun Mu."


At the side of Concubine Mo Xuan, an old man in black robes, with a wave of his palm, two dozen dominating realms rushed out instantly.

At the same time, Demon Xuan Fei stepped forward, and black daggers appeared all over her body, which instantly swept towards Mu Yun.

"Last time I lost to you, this time, I will definitely beat you."

Concubine Mo Xuan hummed, and the rays of light from the eighteen daggers turned into a black afterimage, rushing out of Mu Yun.

Wu Xinyao and Wu Yuanhan had the intention to stop them at this time, but they were unable to do so.

But at this moment, Mu Yun smiled in his heart when he saw Concubine Demon Xuan kill.

This woman, hate it!

At this moment, Mu Yun was holding the Lei Di staff, his eyes were clear.

Lei Di rod, at least a nine-rank realm weapon, maybe even an emperor weapon.

Of course, in his hands, he definitely couldn't exert such power.

Based on his Heaven-cutting Realm, it is reasonable to say that it is difficult to exert the power of the Nine-Rank Realm Tool, or even the Imperial Tool.

However, the Wan'ere body made him have a great connection with the Lei Di Scepter, allowing him to urge this magic weapon.

At this moment, both hands clasped Lei Di's staff tightly, and Mu Yun took a photo of it directly.

At the position of the leader of the Lei Di rod, dozens of thunders spewed out instantly, and the thunder glowing with blue light burst into time.


Surrounded by gravel, burst into powder.

"Slashing the sky!"

Concubine Mo Xuan was blocked by a blow, and her entire face was shocked.

Damn it.

How could this **** be promoted to the Heavenly Slashing Realm.

Concubine Mo Xuan squeezed the palm of her hand, and an aura of horror erupted, and the eighteen daggers instantly turned into twenty-four.

"The magic cloud is flying!"

With one word, the twenty-four daggers turned into twenty-four magic clouds, shrouded in the world around Muyun.

At this time, Mu Yun retreated, looking at Concubine Mo Xuan from a distance.

This woman didn't have any murderous intentions towards him, she was just being teased by herself once, complaining in her heart.

"Concubine Demon Xuan, you are the Heaven-cutting Realm, and so am I."

Mu Yun said directly: "I don't want to be an enemy of you, but if you press hard every step of the way, I can't forgive you!"

"You mean... can you kill me?"

Concubine Mo Xuan was even more annoyed when she heard this.

"Then you kill me!"

When the words fell, Concubine Mo Xuan stepped out and approached Mu Yun again.


The explosion sounded constantly.

At this time, more than a dozen members of the Wu family were stopped by more than 20 members of the Heavenly Demon Sect. The people of the Heavenly Demon Sect did not want to be an enemy of the Wu family, but only blocked a group of people and could not rescue Mu Yun.

Wu Xinyao was anxious at this time, but now he was only in the four-fold realm of the Heavenly Rongtian Realm, which had no effect at all.

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