Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4257: Just while it's hot

Since then, the two of them are like this, one behind the other, separated by a few meters, and heading forward.

In this secret territory, looking up, the sky is extremely high, and the position where the two enter is a barrier.

The entire secret realm, as if being buckled down by a shield, was isolated from the outside world.

Ahead, at a glance, you can't see the end, and there are mountains, rivers, and ancient trees...

Mu Yun and Concubine Mo Xuan walked forward together, walking along the edge, and going down in a circle, Mu Yun probably knew too.

"It looks like it is a hundred miles in diameter, but it is not too big. It is surrounded by grasslands and the center is a mountain range. Let's take a look inside the mountain range."


Ever since, the two set off again.

In fact, Mu Yun did not have a clear understanding of the mystery of Leique Pavilion until now.

It's very big here.

However, when it was once intact, Mu Yun couldn't imagine the scale.

But Mu Yun didn't know what the world behind the thundering sky was actually used for.

The two of them got together in this way and headed towards the mountains and forests.

The trees look like a dozen meters high, not tall.

And there is light shining down here, and everything looks quite bright and moving.

The trees are arranged in a row, resembling peach trees, maple trees, locust trees, etc., which are amazing to people's eyes.

At this time, Mu Yun felt that this place didn't feel like a dangerous place, it was more like a...a place for people to meet guests and talk to the sky.

Very cozy and comfortable.

Concubine Mo Xuan gradually relaxed as she looked at the beautiful surroundings.

Go all the way and enter the hinterland of the mountains.

After bypassing a tall mountain, the two suddenly appeared in front of a valley.

The valley is very wide, roughly estimated to be more than ten miles long and ten miles wide.

The whole valley is full of flowers.

Between the sea of ​​flowers, there were trails, and the two entered the valley cautiously.

Faint floral fragrance, refreshing.

But Mu Yun was careful to distinguish those floral fragrances.

He clearly remembered that once again that year, he was bewitched by the fragrance of flowers and had an indescribable relationship with a woman.

This kind of loss is very happy to eat, but after eating, I feel full of guilt.

After all, he already had nine wives and became the father of children, so he wanted to set a good example!

Concubine Mo Xuan said at this time: "Don't worry, the flowers here are calming, and there are no other messy effects!"

"Furthermore, even if there are any messy effects, I will commit suicide before you and I are both upset, and I won't give you a chance!"

Mu Yun glanced at Concubine Demon Xuan, then sneered: "Just while it's hot!"


The two followed the Huahai Trail and came into the valley.

Only in this valley, there are small bridges and flowing water, Qingtan waterfall, and the environment is pleasant.

Moreover, in the depths, there are several attics and palaces built, which are not very grand, but very delicate.

The two crossed the bridge, stone road, clear pond, waterfall, and came to the front of the temple.

The main hall door was closed tightly, and Mu Yun stepped forward and cautiously pushed open.

As soon as you enter the hall, you can find that the upper part is transparent, and the light shines into the hall, which looks very bright.

"Look it up, but what's weird."


Mu Yun and Concubine Mo Xuan separated left and right, looking around the hall.

At this moment, Mu Yun came to the back of the main hall, and the entrance was a wide hall.

However, around the hall and on the walls, there were many scrolls, which made Mu Yun's expression awkward for a while.

At the same time, Concubine Demon Xuan also checked the front of the hall and came here.

The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, looked at the picture scroll on the wall, all in embarrassment.

The surrounding walls are carved with vivid pictures. In each picture, there are vivid pictures of a man and a woman, or even a man and a woman.

The content of the screen is naturally a friendly and in-depth exchange between men and women who are unsightly.

The most important thing is that this picture scroll is very lifelike and diverse.

If Mu Yun and Xie Qing walked here together, the two would definitely have their eyes straightened, and they would even be talking about each other.

But now, Mu Yun is walking here with Concubine Mo Xuan...

"What the **** is this!"

Concubine Mo Xuan snorted, holding a dagger, and shouting: "It's these filthy things!"

When the word fell, Mo Xuan Fei held a dagger, and instantly slashed across the walls.

"do not!"

"Huh? Why, are you still reluctant?" Concubine Mo Xuan snorted.

The shrill sound of Zizi sounded at this moment.

Concubine Mo Xuan's dagger cut across the walls of the passage, but the murals are still intact.

At this time, the two looked at the mural, both cautiously.

It's not easy!

When they came to the hall and looked around, the two were cautious at this time.

Concubine Mo Xuan snorted coldly, holding a dagger, and instantly released twenty-four daggers, which were cut out in no time.

Keng Keng's voice sounded.

There is still no change.

Mu Yun also raised his brows, and then said: "Let's go!"

Concubine Mo Xuan looked at those murals, how she looked, how uncomfortable she was.

But in desperation, Concubine Demon Xuan had no other way.

The two were just about to leave.


On the ground, a rumbling sound sounded.

The floor of this hall was originally covered with a soft beast blanket. It was very comfortable and soft to step on.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound from the ground, and the two of them were refreshed.

However, there is no response yet.

Suddenly, the entire hall trembled violently, and the ground fluctuated.

As the rumbling voice sounded at this time, a pink mist spread out and filled the entire hall.

"Hold your breath!"

Concubine Mo Xuan's expression changed.

It is unnecessary for Concubine Demon Xuan to say that Mu Yun has already begun to do it.

In an instant, the two of them exited the hall and came to the open space in front of the hall.

"Let you not act rashly, something has happened?" Mu Yun shouted at this time.

"how could I know?"

Concubine Mo Xuan was aggrieved.

However, after a while, the two realized that there was no change in each other, and each other was slightly relaxed.

"Fortunately, nothing serious happened. If this is poisoned to death, I will die unjustly!"

"Can you say a few words less?"

At this time, the two of them looked at the hall in front of them, and they also had lingering fears.

"The environment here is pretty good, you and I, let's practice here, I practice the realm, what do you want to do, wait for me to open this secret realm, we will find a way out!"


With that, Mu Yun came to the waterfall and sat down cross-legged.

Six hundred thousand boundary lines!

It is indeed lower.

Can only deal with Rongtian realm martial artist, cannot deal with Cutting Heaven realm.

And to break through the big formation here, at least 700,000 boundary lines, or even 800,000 boundary lines.

It just takes time to practice boundary lines.

Slowly, Mu Yun sat cross-legged and began to gather boundary lines.

However, as Mu Yun condensed his body power, he realized his body, the same feeling rose.

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