Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4314: can you do it?

From the first time Mu Yun saw him, to the present, this period of time has seemed like a dream.

Li Chenguang has experienced too much.

And Mu Yun has always been a friendly help to him.

Until now, Mu Yun hadn't shown any plots.

In fact, to be able to drive Lang Huan's Heavenly Sealed Realm Five Layers, if Mu Yun wanted the Li family to surrender, it was just a sentence.

However, Mu Yun did not.

At this moment, Li Yiru stepped out, looked at the gate of the mansion, and said directly: "Kill!"


In time, a group of figures climbed over the courtyard wall and rushed into the mansion...

Fighting starts quickly and ends quickly.

In the end, the house cards of the Three Heavens Alliance and the Sky Demon Sect on both sides of the Moon Palace were taken off and broken into several pieces.

And above the main entrance, in the early morning of the next day, two words appeared.

Li Mansion!

After tens of thousands of years, the Li family once again became the ruler of Liuyue City.

Early in the morning, in the lobby of Li Mansion.

Li Yiru and Li Yifeng led more than a dozen martial artists of the Li family's dominating realm, all sitting upright, but their expressions could not conceal their joy.

After many years, they came back again.

Everything is just like a dream.

"Master Yun."

"Master Yun."

Mu Yun also came outside Li's mansion at this time, everyone got up and bowed their hands in salute.

Mu Yun came out this way, the fourfold of the Heaven-cutting realm, which is more powerful than the general five-fold and six-fold of the Heaven-cutting realm, and can also kill the seventh-fold of the Heaven-cutting realm. It can be said that in the Li family, except for the dozens of people present. No one can compare to Mu Yun in the Fengtian realm.

"The people of the Three Heavens Alliance and the Sky Demon Sect have been defeated. All the people who were stationed in Li's Mansion last night were killed, and none of them ran away. Today, the entire Liuyue City has also been cleaned up..."

Li Yiru was talking about the situation at this time.

"Now is to stabilize people's hearts and notify the many major cities in the Liuyue Realm, but...The Li Family is now weak. If the Three Heavens Alliance and the Heavenly Demon Sect make a comeback, it will be difficult for the Li Family to resist."

Everyone nodded.

"What is there to worry about? If Mo Yunting and Du Sheng come, I will naturally block them!"

A strong and sonorous voice sounded at this moment.

Lang Huan appeared in blood robes at this moment, behind him, Lang Xuan and Lang Xuan followed closely.

Li Yiru, Li Yifeng and others all stood up when they saw Lang Huan's arrival, but their expressions were extraordinarily cautious.

Mu Yun arrived at the Li family and said that Liuyue City belonged to the Li family, and Lang Huan was still in the Blood Moon Mountain, but Lang Huan was really willing?

Does Mu Yun really have this ability?

"What are you doing so nervously?"

Mu Yun looked at everyone, then smiled: "Relax, it's okay."

At this time, Lang Huan ignored Li Yiru and Li Yifeng, and came to Mu Yun's body and said, "Let Mo Yun run away from that guy!"

"It would be good to be able to kill Liu Yuntian, just run away..."

Mu Yun immediately said: "However, the Three Heavens League has killed one leader, and has lost several Conferred Heaven Realm powerhouses, as well as a dozen Heavenly Slashing Realms, which is considered to be injured."

"On the Yuanyang Realm, the remnants of the Yang Family and the Yue Family are united. I guess I can breathe a sigh of relief this time."

"The Three Heavens Alliance is controlled by the Yuanyang Realm Yang Family. I don't think I have more energy to deal with the Liuyue Realm. The main concern is the Heavenly Evolution Realm and the Heavenly Demon Sect."

Everyone nodded.

"The Sky Demon Sect is located in the Tianyan Realm, far away from the Liuyue Realm. Even if you dispatch troops to come, it will take time. At least this period of time is enough for you to prepare."

Mu Yun said again: "The Li family can unite with the Zhao family, and then Zhao Qingning is also the Third Layer of the Heavenly Sealed Realm. He will come over, then draw a group of people who can be drawn, and talk about it temporarily."

Li Yiru smiled bitterly at this time: "I'm afraid Zhao Qingning is not willing to..."

Zhao Qingning is also the Triple Fengtian. It can be said that he is not inferior to Li Yiru and Li Yifeng, and the Zhao family's background is also good. There is a high probability that he will not be willing to surrender to the Li family!

Hearing this, Mu Yun smiled, looked at Lang Huan, and said, "Can you do it?"

Lang Huan immediately said: "Now in Liuyue Realm, whoever doesn't listen to me, I will kill anyone."

Mu Yun nodded.

In special times, such a deterrent is necessary.

Before the battle, the reason why Zhao Qingning would withdraw was also because Lang Huan reached the Fifth Layer of the Sealed Heaven Realm and suppressed Liu Yuntian and Mo Yuncong.

And even if Lang Huan is still in danger next time, Zhao Qingning dare not run.

"The Zhao family, leave it to you!"

Mu Yun said directly: "You want Zhao Qingning to surrender, you don't kill him, you understand?"


Mu Yun looked at Li Yiru and said with a smile: "As for the Li Family, I think you can do it in the Liuyue Realm, other people, are you okay?"

Both Li Yiru and Li Yifeng are three levels of sealed heaven realm, and their deterrence is still very strong.

"no problem!"

Mu Yun smiled at this time: "In this case, with Floating Cloud City in the center of Flowing Moon Realm as the boundary, the north of Floating Cloud City belongs to the Li family, and the south of Floating Cloud City belongs to Blood Moon Mountain. The two parties announced that they would unite. One body, if anyone dares to covet the Flowing Moon Realm, then the two parties will work together to fend off the enemy together!"

"it is good!"


At this moment, Lang Huan listened to what Mu Yun said, and Li Yiru and Li Yifeng were really relieved.

They didn't expect that Lang Huan would actually listen to Mu Yun's words.

How can it be!

Is it just because Mu Yun saved his life?

However, in the Liuyue realm, the Li family can't compete with Bloody Moon Mountain now, and even if Lang Huan wants to unify, no one can stop him.

Just because Mu Yun saved his life, is he willing to give up this opportunity?

Li Mansion!


Naturally, Li Yiru sent someone to prepare a courtyard for Muyun. The environment is pleasant and the atmosphere is quite good.

At this time, in the courtyard pavilion, Mu Yun was sitting peacefully, and Lang Huan was standing aside.

"Do you have a chance to win against Mo Yunting now?"

Mu Yun said.


Lang Huan immediately said: "I stepped into the Fifth Level of the Sealed Heaven Realm, and the Domination Dao was just over 7,000 meters."

"Mo Yunting is extremely powerful. Although he may not have reached the 7,000-500 meters in the sixth layer, it is definitely not as simple as more than 7,000 meters."

Mu Yun raised his brows, and then said: "Then in these few months, you should practice quietly first. Maybe in the future, your dominance will get a certain increase, at least it can compete with Mo Yun Ting, and Liuyue Realm is considered true. Security."


Mu Yun looked at Lang Huan and said with a smile: "I said, the dark seal of life and death will give you great benefits. In the future, if I step into the Fengtian realm and into the half-step emperor, you may be able to enter the sixth layer. Seventh, even in the future, you can become a half-step emperor."

Lang Huan nodded without saying anything.

Although I still resist being controlled by Mu Yun in my heart, but if I can't resist, then accept it silently!

"Continue to pay attention to the news of the Cang Emperor Palace. Once I am born, I will go immediately. This Liuyue Realm will still need you to control it at that time."


After exhorting these, Lang Huan also left.

And Mu Yun stepped into the training room in the courtyard attic and began to practice...

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