Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4382: Boiling blood

"Xin Yao!"

Long Taixuan also appeared beside Wu Xinyao at this time, and said with great surprise: "Where have you been, I am so worried."

Wu Xinyao glanced at her father and Long Taixuan, and told her story.

At this time, Wu Yangkun said, "That Yunmu, really is the qualification of a genius, but such geniuses must make a lot of enemies on the way to rise."

"It's a pity that our Martial Family really can't resist the Feng Family and the Heavenly Demon Sect. Otherwise, I will definitely enter the Martial Family and treat it as a guest."

"But it's really rare for this son to think about being so Zhou Xiang, with a good temperament!"

Wu Xinyao held Long Taixuan's palm at this time, and smiled: "I will introduce you to you when I have time."

Long Taixuan was deeply moved and nodded.

At this time, Wu Xinyao entered the martial arts team, and all parties also proceeded step by step, heading towards the depths of the palace, searching step by step.

Along the way, there are naturally some gains.

Mu Yun was alone at this time, and continued to move toward the depths.

In fact, he is also used to being alone, without concern, many dangers. He thinks it is worth trying, so he will try, which is fine.

As a result, the Feng Family, Wu Family, San Tian Meng, Yang Family, and Yue Family all searched their respective areas, without interfering with each other, and causing disputes.

As he continued to deepen, Mu Yun continued to deepen and came to the end of the palace, as if it were the end.

I only saw that here, there was a horrible atmosphere, rising to the sky.

At the end of the palace, there was a sea of ​​blood.

This blood sea spreads endlessly and seems to flow towards the depths of the earth.

Above the sea, blood bubbles rolled, as if burning with flames.

Mu Yun squatted down, his palms gently dipped into the sea of ​​blood, a scorching breath burned his palms, and raised his hands. Between the palms, a rumbling flame burned on the surface of the palm.

Mu Yun frowned.

Source fire?

From the soul of blood and fire?

Mu Yun is not sure.

At this time, Mu Yun sank into Zhu Tian Tu, in a region of Zhu Tian Tu.

This place is a vast land about a hundred miles away. Above the ground, the land is browned, which makes one's heart palpitating.

"Pangu Ling!"

Mu Yun shouted heartily.

Not long after, in the depths of the earth, a figure filled with flames walked out at this moment.


It is Pangu Ling.

Pan Gu Ling is itself the body of Yuanhuo Mind.

After fusing several source fires such as Pangu True Fire, Samadhi True Fire, Bone Erupting Cold Fire, Great Yi Holy Fire, and White Tiger Holy Fire, after gathering the body, this guy also practiced extremely fast.

When he entered the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins, Mu Yun used the **** incarnation technique to leave a body in the seventh celestial realm, and Pangu Ling followed him to practice in the seventh celestial realm.

And all the time, he has been located in Zhutiantu, practicing in retreat.

"Come out with me!"

Pan Gu Ling is now bound by Mu Yun with the dark seal of life and death, so Mu Yun can safely integrate several source fires by Pan Gu Ling.

Moreover, these types of source fires are also the key to the formation of fire among the five elements in the Zhutian Diagram.

"Take a look, what is this?"

At this time, Pan Gu Ling followed Mu Yun to the outside of Zhu Tian Tu.

Pan Gu Ling was dressed in a pale yellow robe, with long hair and fiery red, looking a bit irritable.

The body squatted down and entered the sea, Pan Gu Ling's expression was startled, and then he said: "Shepherd, it is the breath of blood and fire from the soul recorded in the Source Fire List."

"It really is!"

Mu Yun glanced at the front, then smiled: "It seems that this underground, don't have a cave, enter and take a look."


One master and one servant, stepping on the water of the sea of ​​blood, heading towards the depths.

With the Pangu Spirit, these blood sea waters naturally couldn't embarrass Muyun.

Mu Yun also said: "I heard that Li Hun said that Origin Fire is not just 22 species. If you think about it this way, within the Fire Spirit Clan and the Nine Nether Suzaku clan, you must also have Origin Fire."

Fire Spirit Race!

Jiuyou Suzaku clan.

These are all first-class races in the world of Canglan, with a strong background.

Moreover, they are all races that specialize in the power of fire.

Pan Gu Ling also said at this time: "It should be so, Origin Fire surpasses Sky Fire. It is a higher level born of Heaven and Earth, and it contains spiritual wisdom."

"The world of Canglan is vast and endless. There should be more than 22 kinds of source fires born, but most of them should be collected by others, especially alchemists and refiners. They are in great need of source fire..."

"You fellow, have you merged with the five source fires? If you merge with more source fires, cultivate more diligently, and become the **** of fire, that's fine..."

Pan Gu Ling said: "Everything in the subordinates is given by the shepherd, and the subordinates will do their best."

Mu Yun smiled slightly, and said no more.

Together, the two of them entered the sea and went deep into the water for hundreds of miles. The sky and the earth were dim, and the upper part was covered by the earth. Except for the **** color, the light could not shine in.

Step by step, Pan Gu Ling stopped suddenly.

"Shepherd be careful."


"has a problem."

At this time, Pan Gu Ling grasped his palm, and flames surged out of his body.

Those flames turned into gray and yellow colors, spreading, igniting the sea, and the sea surface suddenly boiled and roared.

But at this moment, Mu Yun saw that between the void, Dao Boundary Patterns condensed, overwhelming the sky, like a net, blocking him at this time.

"Boundary formation!"

Mu Yun frowned.

It's shameless to leave the soul!

I only told him that the blood fire from the soul is still there, but I didn't say that if you want to get this source of fire, you have to break the circle!

At this moment, Mu Yun stepped forward, nearly a million Dao Boundary Patterns condensed, and muttered: "It's a Ninth Level Boundary Array!"

He can now be regarded as the pinnacle level of the eighth-level realm formation master, with seven stars, eight trigrams, and nine-star sword formation, enough to kill the first to seventh levels of the Heavenly Cutting Realm.

But the ninth level!

He can't break open.

The large array in front stopped him, and Mu Yun didn't waste his energy either.


Mu Yun glanced at the back, then said: "Those people should also be here."

At this moment, Pan Gu Ling understood, his hands were sealed, and the flames condensed out, supporting a fireball, wrapping Mu Yun and his figure, and falling into the sea below, waiting quietly.

At this moment, Mu Yun also exhaled, sitting cross-legged in the fireball.

Pan Gu Ling was by the side, carefully watching the surroundings for fear of accidents.

But at this moment, Mu Yun was immersed in his own practice.

Dominating Dao, two, both reach a length of five kilometers, in the soul sea, starting from their own soul, spreading to the depths of the soul sea.

The five-kilometer avenue is long and deep.

Dominating the Dao, reached the Seventh Peak of the Heaven-cutting Realm, just over half of the time.

It can also be seen how difficult it is to reach the level of the Fengtian realm, and how powerful it is!

If it were not for the dual dominance, Mu Yun would not be able to kill the confined heaven martial artist at the level of cutting the sky.

There is still an opportunity to break through and reach the Fengtian realm.

Perhaps, leaving the soul and blood and fire is this opportunity!

At this moment, Mu Yun's mind was calm, and within his soul, a ray of light slowly emerged...

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