Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4418: Can I go in?

"I don't know!" The young man hurriedly said, "We were just sent out. Be careful that someone sneaks in and investigates outside. As for what's inside, we don't know."

"I don't know? Are you?"

Mu Yun smiled and said, "It seems that you have to use some means before you know it!"

After the words fell, Mu Yun's palms pressed slightly, and the young man's bones creaked and began to break.

"I said I said."

The young man then said: "In this mountain range, there is a barrier. It seems that an ancient palace forbidden area is sealed in the barrier. At this time, several adults are trying to open the ancient palace forbidden area."

Mu Yun immediately asked, "What else? The Guan family, the Lu family and the Su family, the Feng family, didn't you notify the others?"

The youth hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, really not."

At this time, Li Xiuwen and Gu Nanwan arrived.

The two were carrying two figures at this time.

Mu Yun immediately looked at Li Xiuwen and said, "How do you say?"

"Guan Cong'an leads the team, but the masters of the Guan family have already been notified."

Mu Yun looked at the people around him and smiled: "It seems that you didn't tell the truth."

With a click, Mu Yun directly crushed the person's neck.

"Go, go in and take a look!"


At this time, the three of them covered their figures and approached the mountains.

Along the way, there were people watching in secret.

Only with the strength of the three of them now in the Heavenly Closing Realm, coupled with the means of shepherding the clouds, the three of them walked all the way through the mountains and forests and entered the deepest place.

A few kilometers away, I looked up, and on the endless high mountains, there seemed to be a sky curtain, like a jade bowl, falling down, covering the earth in a radius of dozens of miles.

Under the jade bowl's inverted buckle, there seems to be a border pattern, and the light flows and flows constantly, making people palpitate.

"Nine-level circle!"

Mu Yun saw at a glance that the number of boundary lines in that boundary formation surpassed one million Dao, and it was a real nine-level boundary formation.

"This was arranged by someone. It seems that they have really discovered a big secret in it. Otherwise, after setting up so many restrictions on the third and outer layers, they will still be here, set up a big array, and count the radius. Ten miles are completely covered."

"Can you go in?"

"let me try."

Mu Yun took Li Xiuwen and Gu Nanwan closer to the edge of the big formation.

The entire array, like a bowl upside down, obscures the sky and the sun, it is very spectacular.

When he came to the edge, Mu Yun leaned his palm lightly, and then he realized that there was endless energy and blood spraying into his body.

Those qi and blood, like wild beasts, seemed to tear their body to pieces.

As soon as the time came, in Mu Yun's palm, millions of Dao Boundary Patterns leaped out, spreading in front of him, densely packed.

Boundary Formation Master, condensing millions of Dao Boundary Patterns, stepping into the ninth level.

And nine levels and nine levels of heaven and earth, one level of heaven and earth increased by one million boundary lines.

Therefore, even at level 9, there is a big gap between them.

Mu Yun murmured: "The formation is a great master of the formation with more than two million border patterns, and it should be possible to enter."

With that said, Mu Yun sat cross-legged, with millions of boundary lines attached to the outside of the boundary formation, gradually echoing those boundary lines.

Soon, Mu Yun got up, with a point of his finger, a portal appeared outside the boundary.


When the three of them entered, the portal healed automatically, and Mu Yun withdrew his Dao Dao Boundary Pattern.

The three of them were cautious all the way, walking forward among the mountains sealed in this circle.

Gradually, he came to the depths, climbed up a high mountain, looked forward, and saw hundreds of figures appearing at this time.

Hundreds of people were scattered and organized well.

At a glance, you can see that hundreds of people are roughly divided into four quarters.

"People from the Feng family, from the Guan family, from the Lu family and from the Su family...Huh? There is another party!"

Mu Yun glanced at it.

The warriors on that side are all dressed in uniform, about a dozen people, and they don't look weak.

"It's from the Furong Tower!" Li Xiuwen looked forward and said in a low voice: "Look carefully, after those people dress, there is a hibiscus flower printed on them. This is the symbol of the Furong Tower in the Furong world."

After all, Li Xiuwen had served as the leader of the Heavenly Demon Guard in the Heavenly Demon Sect of the Heavenly Development Realm for a long time, and had some understanding of many forces in the Eighty One Realm.

"The leader of the Feng Family is indeed Feng Yun Cong!"

Li Xiuwen went on to say: "Except for Que Feng Wuji, there are still a few people in the fifth and fourth levels of the Feng Family. This Feng Yun Cong can be regarded as a relatively powerful person in addition to Que Feng Wuji."

The leader of the Guan family is indeed Guan Cong'an.

Moreover, this Guan Cong'an is not the fourth layer of the sealed heaven realm, but the fifth layer.

At the same time, the two leaders of the Lu family and the Su family are also fourfold realms.

This group of people stood between three high mountains, an altar, towering over the valley.

On the altar, at this time, a series of boundary patterns have been drawn out, a total of five million boundary patterns, gathered together, densely packed, making people look confused.

Gu Nanwan immediately said: "The realm master is really powerful enough. The power of a boundary pattern is difficult to condense. There are a million Dao, how many combinations do you have? And the realm master can condense these boundary patterns. All kinds of combinations, showing different powers of heaven and earth, forming a big formation, it is really not what ordinary people can do!"

"You're not nonsense." Li Xiuwen smiled: "I wanted to practice the boundary formation, but I didn't have enough talent, and it was too time-consuming to practice the boundary pattern. First of all, it must be a martial arts genius. ."

Only martial arts geniuses can not delay their own practice time, but also have time to condense the boundary lines.

"I think Mu Yun is." Gu Nanwan smiled.

"Mu Yun is more than a genius!" Li Xiuwen looked at Mu Yun and said, "I have never seen one kill five times."

Ten levels of Fengtian realm.

The one-fold gap is several times larger than the one-fold gap in the Heaven Realm.

The higher the realm, the more difficult the higher the level, which is recognized.

But Mu Yun, he passed the fourth order!

Mu Yun said at this time: "I also paid a terrible price."

Hearing this, the two were speechless for a while.

The painful price?

"The painful price you are talking about is, sleeping for one month and reaching the second level? That is painful enough, and I want to experience it too." Gu Nanwan cursed, "It's really shameless."


At this time, the three of them were under the boundary pattern cast by Mu Yun, and they didn't worry that the group would find them.

At this time, in the valley, the warriors of the four directions split apart, and three or four people stood on the altar, all the great masters of the circle, studying the patterns on the altar.

These masters seem to have been studying for a long time, and they are already in the final stage.

Although the territories on the altar do not occupies a large area, they are like the universe, and the four masters gather together.


While waiting, a buzzing reputation sounded at this time.

On the altar, the millions of boundary lines suddenly buzzed, and at this moment it burst out, thousands of radiances scattered all around, flying between the world...

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