Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4435: Specifically pit me

Mu Yun and Li Xiuwen were also extremely embarrassed when they saw the only remaining blood source stone.

It was good at first, seven-thirds, but now it's good, Gu Nanwan swallowed 90% directly!

Mu Yun looked at Wang Yishan and Qing Miaozhu, and said, "This last party belongs to you."

Qing Miaozhu said at the moment: "You killed Du Sheng, and you killed Mu Ling. We didn't do much!"

"This last party, everyone will be divided equally!"

Mu Yun glanced at Qing Miaozhu and Wang Yishan, and finally nodded without refusal.

Mu Yun immediately said: "Actually, I have always found it strange for one master, four strong and six realms."

At this time, Li Xiuwen stepped forward and evenly divided the last bloodline source stone with Qing Miaozhu.

Muyun looked at Wang Yishan and said: "The land of the six realms, Wangtianzong, Furong Tower, Panyun Pavilion, Guanjia, Lujia and Sujia, and Jiangjia Liufang, I have only been in contact with Guanjia, Lujia and Sujia. And your people in Panyun Pavilion."

"However, as far as I know, Guan Hanyu of the Guan Family in Guanshan Realm seems to have an unusual relationship with Kaiyang Palace, one of the Seven Palaces of Xingshen Palace. Later, when I met Guan Cong'an, Guan Cong'an did not deny it either. It seems that Guanjia and Kaiyanggong have some problems..."

"You six worlds, offensive and defensive alliance, I think we should pay attention to this."

Upon hearing this, Wang Yishan's eyes flashed.


"I didn't intend to say it. Now that I said it, I can take responsibility for my own words!" Mu Yun said seriously: "After all, I don't know how your Six Worlds Alliance works together!"

Wang Yishan immediately said: "The Alliance of the Six Realms, it is clear that you can have contacts with the Star God Palace and the Dragon Clan, but you must never have cooperation. The contacts are only for trading!"

"Then this matter, I think you Panyun Pavilion, you should be more careful!"

"thanks for reminding!"

At this time, Li Xiuwen had already taken the blood source stone.

At this moment, Gu Nanwan directly swallowed a large amount of Blood Path Origin Stone, and he fell asleep directly.

Li Xiuwen carried Gu Nanwan on his back, and Mu Yun said at this time: "Two, there is more than one entrance here, and I don't know where it is. I hope you will be careful."

"If the three of us are with you, I'm afraid it will cause you great troubles. Goodbye everyone!"

Qing Miaozhu and Wang Yishan stopped talking, and finally did not hold back.

The three of Mu Yun turned into three streamers and disappeared between the vast mountains.

"Yun Mu, Yun Qing..." Qing Miaozhu just said at this time: "This son is immortal, and he will definitely be a figure in the first heaven in the future!"

Wang Yishan immediately said: "You have heard what he said just now. We need to find the pavilion master and let us know about it."

"If there is any invisible relationship between the Guan Family in Guanshan Realm and Kaiyang Palace, then the so-called Alliance of the Six Realms will exist in name only!"

Why is there no half-step emperor in the six great realms, and the top powerhouses of the quasi-emperor level are sitting here, but can they not obey the Star God Palace, not belong to the dragon clan, and exist safely?

It is precisely because of the strength of the six parties that dominate a lot of realms. Together, although they lack the top power, whether it is the Star God Palace or the Dragon Clan, anyone who wants to swallow them will definitely hurt their muscles and bones!

But now, according to Mu Yun's words, there may be people in the Six Realms who are united with the Star God Palace, so will anyone unite with the Dragon Race?

Such an alliance has lost its most essential meaning!

At this time, the two of them also took more than 20 people from Panyun Pavilion, and left at this time...

at the same time.

Mu Yun and Li Xiuwen took Gu Nanwan and drove three thousand miles in an endless mountainous land. The two of them found a place in a mountain col. Mu Yun set up a large hidden formation and stopped at this time.

Li Xiuwen took out the bedding and other things and let Gu Nanwan lie down.

"Before it was you, this time it is Nanwan, you two..." Li Xiuwen smiled bitterly: "Do you specifically cheat me?"

Mu Yun laughed and said, "Otherwise, why do you have a threesome?"


The two chatted for a few words, and Mu Yun said: "The source stone of the blood path is extremely precious to enhance the dominance. You use this source stone of the blood path first!"

"What you said, despise me?" Li Xiuwen said: "One and a half, Nan Wan, this kid, I don't know why he is sleeping, the two of us, we will simply retreat here."

Hearing this, Mu Yun nodded without delay.

The half-square blood path source stone, coupled with the qi and blood of dozens of three-day alliances, has reached 5,700 meters, and this time it may be possible to go one step further, breaking through six kilometers, and reach the third level of the sealed world!

Once you enter the triple, it will be easier to beheaded in the face of the quadruple and the fivefold.

Therefore, in the mountain stream, Mu Yun and Li Xiuwen retreat, while Gu Nanwan fell into a deep sleep...

The news of the birth of the 13th Palace in the Cang Emperor Palace has completely spread.

In the entire Canglan world, more and more forces knew this news.

The Land of Happy Holy Ruins!

Nowadays, in the land of Xiaoyao Sacred Ruins, the three emperors have returned, their morale has been greatly boosted, and the dominance of the realm martial artist is also relieved to show their fists.


Nangong clan!


Xiao Clan!

These four races are currently in the most difficult situation.

Among them, the Chu clan was almost annihilated. After the death of the patriarch, Chu Xixue, the Chu clan suffered the biggest retaliatory blow from the Ye clan.

The Ye clan cooperates with the monarch and the desert clan, and the three big clans deal with the four big clans.

Without the help of the emperor of the outside world, the four clans understood that the end is coming. Over the years, the Ye Clan led the Huang Clan and the Monarch Clan to constantly erode their strength and destroy them. It was only a matter of time before.

At this time, within the Ye Clan.

Ye Zhutian, Ye Wentian, and Ye Futian took their seats safely.

Emperor Xi Wandan didn't ask about world affairs, so he only appeared last time, and since then, he has never appeared again.

The Three Emperors, once again became the real masters of the Ye Clan.

The throne of the three emperors, seated safely, in the lower Ye Clan, a group of powerful confinement realms lined up on both sides.

In the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins battle, all parties initially fought against the realm as the master, and then gradually came the dominating realm warriors to fight, but it was only at the end that the top powerhouse of the Fengtian realm was dispatched.

But now, in the battle of life and death, the powerhouses of all races of the Heavenly Sealing Realm level often appear on the battlefield.

Ye Zhutian said slowly at this time: "The Cang Emperor Palace was born, but unfortunately, it is in the first heaven."

On the first day of the world, that was the territory of Emperor Star.

The emperor family cannot enter the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins now, but if the Ye people go to the first heaven, it is estimated that the Star God Palace will kill the Ye people at all costs.

"But this time, the emperor star is estimated to be overwhelmed, fancy the top powerhouse of the Cang Emperor Palace, I don't know how much, he has no time to care about Xiaoyao Saint Ruins..."

Over the years, the three tribes of Ye, Jun, and Huang have joined forces to destroy the Xiao, Nangong, Chu, and Tuoba tribes. In fact, it can be done.

But secretly, there are always people making trouble, don't think about it, it must be the handwriting of the emperors.

"This time, Emperor Star cannot intervene in the affairs of the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins. We Ye Clan also need to work harder. Since we cannot enter the secret realm of the Cang Emperor Palace, we will destroy the four great clans and return the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins to the Ye Clan. Hand!"

Ye Zhutian vowed to say.

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