Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4449: This son, I'll kill.

At this moment, the great formation burst out, and the terrifying aura instantly swept across the earth for dozens of miles.

Li Mingcang saw Mu Yun smashing out and saw the big formation swept out, his expression unchanged, with a little calmness and calmness.

The ecstasy in his heart can hardly be suppressed.

Mu Yun.

Right in front of you!

Killing Mu Yun, at this moment.


Between heaven and earth, the roar erupted, shaking people's hearts.

Waves of terror swept out one after another.

Everyone raised their brows and watched this scene.

Wanyuan Ghost Array!

A nine-level array of four million boundary lines.

A large formation of this level is enough to smash the four layers of the Sealed Heaven Realm.

Li Mingcang waved his big hand at this time, and said with a smile: "Yang Chongtian, you took the Yang Family, Yue Family, and Heavenly Demon Sect martial artists, and killed those people in the Martial Family."

"Yue Jinge, Mo Yuncong, you take people to kill Gu Nanwan and Wu Boyi."

Li Mingcang said boldly: "This son, I'll kill."

At this moment, Mu Yun was holding a sword and had already arrived in front of Li Mingcang.

The battle between the two is inevitable.


Between the heavens and the earth, the roar sounded again, and Mu Yun stared at the front with a bit of indifference in his eyes.

Suzaku printed sword.

A sword print turned into a figure of a Vermillion bird, instantly soaring into the air, heading towards Li Mingcang.

At this time, Mu Yun did not intend to fight Li Mingcang in the Ten Thousand Origin Ghost Formation, and the Vermillion Bird Sword Seal rushed straight into the sky, pushing Li Mingcang's body into the sky.

Mu Yun's figure rose up at this moment.

"I have told my father about your matter."

Li Mingcang spread his hands and said without any scruples: "Today, if you kill me, your identity can't be hidden."

Hearing this, Mu Yun smiled.

Since his father told him to be arrogant and arrogant, then he must be more arrogant and arrogant.

"I am Mu Yun, so what?"

Mu Yun shook his hands, and a terrifying aura burst out in an instant.

At the same time, Li Mingcang's body burst out, holding a spear between his palms, with a strong aura.

The Five Layers of Sealed Heaven Realm!

Li Mingcang's strength can completely crush Yuejinge, Demon Yunting and other six sealed heaven realms.

Therefore, even if Mu Yun had reached the third level of the Conferred Heaven Realm, in his eyes, Mu Yun was still just a stepping stone on his way to advancement.

The fourth and third brothers wanted to use Mu Yun to climb higher again.

But those two wastes are forgotten, how could Mu Yun, such a man of great fortune, be able to be beheaded so easily?

If you want to kill Muyun, you must be someone like him to be able to do it.

Others, unworthy!

As the eldest son of Kaiyang Palace Lord Li Kaiyang, and as one of the most famous and prestigious sons of heaven in the entire First Heaven Realm, he, Li Mingcang, has this qualification.


The spear pierced out in an instant, flashing a thousand-meter-long light across the void, clinking, and directly sounded, hitting the body of Mu Yun's sword.

At this time, both of them were extremely careful.

Nowadays, Mu Yun, facing the four and five levels of the Sealed Heaven Realm, there is no pressure at all.

But Li Mingcang, this son, brought him great pressure.

"Suo Tianmao!"

Li Mingcang swallowed, and shook his palm.

The terrifying aura burst out.

The spear is like a meteor ray, straight out to Muyun.

"Xuanwu sword and shield."

Slashed out with a sword, the sword qi was vertical and horizontal, transformed into a basalt tortoise shell, and burst out right away.

Keng Keng! ! !

Between the two, there was an endless roar, the sword and shield, at this moment, was abruptly blocking the power of Li Mingcang's spear.


Li Mingcang smiled.

Mu Yun, it's not that easy to kill!

His expression did not change, he held his palm, and a beam of light appeared in his palm. Then, Li Mingcang opened his mouth and swallowed, and the light was directly swallowed by him.

In an instant, the outside of Li Mingcang's body was like a dark golden armor, making his body look like a king overlord from the darkness.

The spear in his hand was also turned into dark gold, with a bright light.

"Sky Spear!"

Li Mingcang swallowed, and within his body, a terrifying force exploded, and the spear turned into a giant wood of thousands of feet, directly cut down in the air, and killed Mu Yun.


The spear rushed out, and the horrible wave broke out, and the heart-palpiting breath was passed on wave by wave.

The shadow of the spear turned into a sharp thorn, breaking through Mu Yun's sword aura, and came to Mu Yun's body.

There was a bang, and the explosion sounded.

Mu Yun's body retreated hundreds of miles.

On the surface of his body, the Xuanwu Emperor Kai's light even dimmed at this moment.

Li Mingcang is comparable to the extraordinary five-fold realm.

"You have to rely on, but I don't have it?"

At this moment, Li Mingcang dived down again, murderous.

The horrible momentum lingers.

The palpitating light shrouded a hundred li.

This kind of power is really frightening.

Mu Yun fell to the ground, looked up at Li Mingcang who was like a dark sky, and exhaled.

On the surface of his body, the thunder armor condensed, and the Xuanwu Emperor armor gradually brightened.

On the left and right sides, the Donghua Diyin and the Heaven and Earth Oven flashed out one after another.

In his heart, the willpower of the six-forged sword body was released.

He looked at Li Mingcang, and his fighting spirit became intense at this moment.

"There are too many people who want to devour my luck, you Li Mingcang, do you think you are smarter than Li Mingying and Li Mingxuan? In my eyes, you are as dull as them!"

"White Tiger Golden Sword!"

With a sword, like a white tiger of thousands of feet, straight into the sky, towards Li Mingcang to kill.

The terrifying aura burst out in an instant.

At this moment, Mu Yun shook his palm.

"Mountain Conferring Heaven, Conferring God!"

With one word, the palm of the hand, the palm of the hand, turned into a mountain, and when Mu Yun waved his hand out, the mountain turned into a thousand feet, and fell in shock in the air.


At this time, Li Mingcang's breath of invincibility was blocked and cut off.

But Mu Yun's aura was a powerful eruption.

The triple realm, double dominance, is not worse than the quadruple.

After Mu Yun has been in the dominance realm, he has cultivated the Yellow Emperor Scriptures, casting the peculiar way of integrating the gods, and it is not surprising that the power of dominating the Tao is comparable to the fivefold.

Li Mingcang is a genius?

He Muyun is also a genius!

In an instant, everyone saw that above the sky, the bodies of Mu Yun and Li Mingcang were already turbulent, regardless of each other.

At this moment, Wu Boyi and Gu Nanwan are facing Mo Yunting and Yue Jinge. Although they are not supported, with the help of the Muyun formation, it is almost impossible for them to kill Wu Boyi and Gu Nanwan. .

And the rest of the Wu family, with the assistance of Mu Yun's large array, at least not in great danger.

Among the crowd, Wu Xinyao saw Muyun who looked like a **** of war, and couldn't help but remember that more than a hundred years ago, he was also in the deserted mountain range. At that time, Muyun was only in the realm of fusion.


Fengtian realm triple.

And you can fight against Li Mingcang, who is famous in the first heaven.

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