Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4453: The most mysterious is you

"I've seen the stunning Huangdi Palace appear in the Xiaoyao Saint Ruins before, but it only appeared for a short time, and then disappeared again..."

"Including this time, I saw several disciples of Emperor Cang in the secret territory of Emperor Cang."

"From the information I have received, Di Ming is not the kind of person who needs Cangdi and Huangdi's aura to help him improve. He is a monster himself."

Mu Yun said earnestly: "Killing Emperor Cang, Emperor Huang, killing Ye Xiaoyao, there must be other reasons."

Li Xiuwen and Gu Nanwan also listened carefully.

Mu Yun said, "My identity is obvious, the emperor of the nine lives, the son of Mu Qingyu and Ye Yushi, but the three of us, the most mysterious one should be you, Gu Nanwan."


The three said as they walked.

"Where am I mysterious?"

Li Xiuwen said at this time: "Yes, it's you."

"You keep telling me that Gu's family is destroyed, and I have never heard of Gu's in the first heaven."

"Get off the calf!" Gu Nanwan cursed: "Our Gu family was originally just occupying a city, which is ten times weaker than Tianhuang City...Of course you don't know!"

"is it?"

Li Xiuwen said again: "You have been working hard for your Gu family's heirloom. You have worked hard to get the bloodstone back. You are not right. You swallowed the blood and directly swallowed the source stone of the blood path, and reached the fifth realm. , You don’t need to learn Jie Jue, you will know it..."

"This is the biggest problem."

Mu Yun nodded in agreement.

"I..." Gu Nanwan said helplessly: "I don't know, what's going on, now I'm all confused..."

Li Xiuwen approached Mu Yun at this time, with a mysterious expression on his face: "Old Yun, I remember what you said earlier about the Cretaceous disaster, the eighteen ancient gods fought, and the prehistoric no longer exists. Do you think Lao Gu is an ancient god? Descendants of the emperor? Either the reincarnation of the ancient **** emperor, right?"

Mu Yun said with a serious face at this time: "Well, it's possible!"

"Then this kid will be great in the future, he will recover, he will be awakened, he should deny our brothers!"

"It makes sense!"

Seeing the two of them staring at each other, Gu Nanwan immediately cursed: "Fun, you two, deliberately entertain me!"


The three of them kept on their way in this secret realm.

The three of them can only go all the way. After all, the way they find out about the news is nothing more than meeting some people on the road, asking some questions, and sometimes others don't bother to pay attention to them.

In this way, in the secret realm of Tianyang Palace, the three of them traversed tens of thousands of miles. Along the way, they encountered many casual martial artists who were like them, or groups of three or five, or more than a dozen people.

The first day realm, after all, is the strongest realm among the nine heaven realms of Canglan World.

Powerful forces exist, and there are naturally a lot of powerful casual cultivators.

In addition, for more than ten days, the three of them also encountered a lot of the fifth, sixth, and seventh levels of the sealed heaven realm.

However, the eight-fold, nine-fold, and ten-fold levels of the Fengtian Realm are indeed extremely rare.

After surpassing the Seventh Layer, the Conferred Heaven Realm, let alone random cultivators, the forces of the Six Kings Realm, are in the Star God Palace, that is not to say that it is a lot of grabbing.

On this day, the three of Mu Yun inquired about a piece of news.

Star God Palace warriors finally entered the 13th palace of Cang Emperor Palace in large numbers.

Before that, the Tianshan Palace, Lihun Palace, Yuanshen Palace, Mortal Palace, Gutian Palace, as well as the secret realm of Tianyang Palace where they are now, the six secret realms, and the Star God Palace had nothing to do.

But now, the Star God Palace suddenly entered a large number of people into the secret territory of the 13th Palace of Cang Emperor Palace.

On the way.

Mu Yun said: "Since the Emperor Star is now allowing the Star God Palace to enter the 13th Palace of the Cang Emperor Palace in large numbers, it is not allowed. The secret realm of the 13th Palace of the Cang Emperor Palace, and the other seven palaces, may have signs of opening."

"Or, the core area of ​​the Cang Emperor Palace already has signs of appearance."

Judging from the news that Mu Yun has received, the sixth house that is currently open is basically empty.

For example, the half-emperor artifacts Nine Sun God Cauldron and Nine Yin Divine Cauldron, as well as the Fuyao Divine Bow, were actually the fish that slipped through the net.

During this period of time, he, Li Xiuwen, and Gu Nanwan were in the secret realm of Yuanshen Palace and the secret realm of Tianyang Palace, and they did not encounter anything else of value.

Of course, one may be obtained by other forces.

For example, Muyun killed Li Mingcang, and found a lot from Li Mingcang's storage ring, that Li Mingcang had obtained eighth-rank or even ninth-rank world weapons in this secret territory.

Mu Yun didn't know what the other seven houses looked like.

Moreover, each of the eleven disciples of Emperor Cang has a secret realm. In addition, there are two secret realms. What are they?

The secret realm of the thirteen palaces of Cang Emperor Palace, but without the Cang Emperor Palace itself, where is the real Cang Emperor Palace?

These are the reasons why Star God Palace has only entered this place now!

Mu Yun actually had no demand for the Nine-Rank Realm Device.

Tianque Divine Sword itself is a very powerful Nine-Rank Realm Weapon.

The three and a half imperial artifacts currently available, the Nine Sun God Cauldron and the Nine Yin God Cauldron, were extremely suitable for Meng Zimo and Miao Xianyu, while the Fuyao Shen Bow was perfect for Xiao Yuner.

These three and a half imperial artifacts are valuable, but they are not suitable for him.

What Mu Yun needs now is to improve his realm.

If you reach the four-level realm, the mountain confines the sky tactic, and finally the sky is sealed, it may be possible to directly shake the five-level realm to death.

Hercules **** can also exert more power.

"What can be judged right now is that the Star God Palace, including the Four Great Realms and the Six King Realms, are all here, and the Dragon Clan seems to have several sides, and they have entered this place. Except for the forces in the first celestial realm and the external forces, there is nothing. What did you find out."

Li Xiuwen analyzed at this time: "However, the Star God Palace must know the identity of Mu Yun. Next, we have to be careful."


The three of them kept moving forward, and this place was still within the secret realm of Tianyang Palace, which stretched endlessly. The three of them had walked through millions of miles in these days.

Thirteen secret realms, the six secret realms that only appeared, each of them was no less extensive than a realm.


Suddenly, Mu Yun raised his brow as he was on the move.

"what's happenin?"

"There are fluctuations over there, go and see."

The three turned a corner and headed east.

This place is a forest, lush, towering old trees, full of vitality.

Entering the forest, the three breaths veiled and deepened.

At this time, near the deep forest, there was a bare ground.

At this moment, there were a total of seven people around the ground.

Four of them stood on the four sides, three figures in the middle. The man and the woman were very young, handsome men and enchanting women.

In front of the two, stood a middle-aged man, dressed in a robe, slightly fat, with a pair of eyes, staring in front of him.

In front of the middle-aged man, a pit with a diameter of hundreds of feet was drawn.

And in all directions of the deep pit, there are eight long streamers, shining with a faint light.

In the center of the pit, a figure was lying flat in the pit, eyes slightly closed, as if sleeping peacefully.

These seven, four of them looked at the periphery, and all three of them looked at the figure in the pit, appearing extremely cautious.

"Jiang Ningzhu!"

At this moment, Li Xiuwen was slightly taken aback.

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