Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4468: See Young Master

The last blood fire.

At this time, he was thrown out by Mu Yun.

The blood fire son went straight to Su Yuncang. Su Yuncang didn't think there was anything at first, but when the blood fire son came to the front hundreds of meters, the terrifying fluctuation of blood made Su Yuncang's face changed.

He clenched his hands, fists out, and shot out with a terrifying vigor.


The mountains and the sea exploded like cracks, and it swept out in an instant.

At this time, the dozens of warriors were also covered by the blood collapse, were affected one after another, and scattered in all directions.

The rumbling voice sounded again.

Three blood flames were consumed.

This made Mu Yun very heartbroken.

"You **** it!"

However, at the next moment, a voice full of resentment rang from the blood and light.

Su Yuncang's body stepped out at this time.

His arms were **** at this time, looking extremely terrifying and ugly.

A pair of arms are almost **** at this moment.

And his chest is also inexhaustible, flowing out of the internal organs, revealing the dense white bones.

not dead!

Mu Yun's eyes flashed.

If it suddenly broke out in the middle of a fight, this guy might be blown up.

But now that he throws it out, Su Yuncang is prepared, it is difficult to really kill this guy.

After all, it is the Seventh Realm of the Fengtian Realm.

"Damn you!"

Su Yuncang really wanted to release his explosive anger at this time.

What a shame!

Almost overcast.

He had just arrived here, and he didn't know what was going on, so he was almost killed by Yun Mu!

Damn it!

Su Yuncang drank with a single word, his murderous intent broke out, and with a low shout, a machete in front of him floated up under the control of his soul consciousness.

"Even if you don't have your arms, it's easy to kill you!"

Su Yuncang roared, and the scimitar pierced the air in an instant, rushing directly at Mu Yun.

At this moment, Mu Yun shook his palm, and the Lei Di staff appeared in front of him.

He held his breath and looked at Su Yuncang who smashed out, Mu Yun was extremely nervous.

"go to hell!"

At this time, the remaining dozens of people killed Li Xiuwen and Gu Nanwan one after another, and Su Yuncang went straight to Muyun to kill.

However, Mu Yun, who was originally weak in momentum, looked at Su Yuncang's slayed body, but his eyes gradually became clear.

Behind Su Yuncang, a dark Suzaku figure rose into the air, like Yun Ying went straight for nine days and swooped down.

Mu Yun stretched out his finger and pointed at Su Yuncang's back.


Su Yuncang ignored this at all.

Want to lie to him?



However, the next moment, the dark Suzaku figure descended from the sky, instantly penetrated Su Yuncang's body, and landed.

With a bang, it exploded.

Su Yuncang's body was penetrated, and black flames rose from the surface of his body, burning his body.

Even at this moment, Mu Yun's expression was astonished.

Not far away, Jiang Ningzhu stood there with a pretty body. On the surface of his body, there seemed to be a skirt made of black flames, moving with the wind, and Jiang Ningzhu was extremely cold and arrogant.

At this time, Jiang Ningzhu spread his hands, and the flames condensed, killing in all directions.

The bodies covered in flames all burned, and the black flames erupted in terror.

The screams kept ringing.

Li Xiuwen and Gu Nanwan also watched this scene and walked away.

Those figures, covered in flames, gradually burned to ashes, scattered between the heaven and the earth.

More than a dozen of them had no place to bury their bodies in the blink of an eye.


Gu Nanwan and Li Xiuwen looked at Jiang Ningzhu at this time, both of their bodies trembled.

This woman has a sudden change?

At this time, Jiang Ningzhu stepped forward, approaching the ten-zhang position of Mu Yun's three people. The three people felt the hot breath, which made them very uncomfortable.

Moreover, Jiang Ningzhu's injury seemed to be resolved, not only that, but his cultivation level seemed to have undergone earth-shattering transformation.


Li Xiuwen opened his mouth and said a word, but he didn't know what to say.

Jiang Ningzhu said at this time: "I already have the Vermillion Bird Spirit in my body. After fusing this Vermillion Bird's remnant spirit, the soul merges and merges with my own soul. So I have been promoted from the fifth level to the seventh level.



Jumped twice!

Upon hearing this, the three of them were shocked.

But Mu Yun was heartbroken.

It must be the Vermillion Bird Spirit in Jiang Ningzhu's body, which voluntarily attracted the fusion of Vermillion Bird's remnant spirits. He didn't have time to make a move, so Jiang Ningzhu got it.

What a pity!

Suddenly, Mu Yun felt quite empty.

Jiang Ningzhu looked at the black flame on the surface of his body at this time, and then said: "I still can't control it steadily. It will take a while."

"Ha ha……"

Mu Yun smiled helplessly: "Let's go..."

What else can I do?

Kill Jiang Ningzhu and take it back?

He can't do it right now.

Jiang Ningzhu looked at Mu Yun, and suddenly, kneeling on the ground and prostrate on the ground, his voice respectfully said: "Jiang Family, Jiang Ningzhu, see Young Master!"

At this moment, Li Xiuwen was stunned, Gu Nanwan was stunned, and Mu Yun was also stunned.

Jiang Ningzhu raised his head and said, "Father Jiang Baiyan, he used to be a member of the Qingmen God Emperor Qingyu."

"This time my Jiang family entered the secret realm, it was also Master Demu's instruction to help Young Master at a critical moment!"

Li Xiuwen and Gu Nanwan both had scalp tingling.

No wonder Mu Qingyu asked someone to tell Mu Yun that he could be arrogant, don't be afraid.

Have you thought about it?

Jiang family!

One of the kings of the six worlds.

Clan Yangtze River Baiyan, a super powerhouse in the tenfold realm of Fengtian realm.

It is from Mu Qingyu.

The young master screamed Mu Yun dumbfounded.

Mu Yun looked at Jiang Ningzhu, but said, "You said that your Jiang family belongs to my father, so I believe it?"

Jiang Ningzhu said in no hurry at this time: "Master Mu had already said that Young Master might not believe it. So, I was given a sign to seal Master Mu's spiritual sense. Young Master knew it after reading it. Up!"

As Jiang Ningzhu said, he took out a square sign, waved his palm, and the sign floated up at this moment.

Suddenly, within that rune, a body suddenly appeared.

It is the figure of Mu Qingyu.

Within the rune, a force flowed into Mu Yun's body.

Mu Yundeng time only felt that a brilliant voice resounded in his mind.

"Jiang Baiyan was the one I made in the world of Canglan at the beginning of the year. Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, I have developed the Jiang family and supported my father secretly. If you have anything to do, please explain to Jiang Baiyan."

Mu Qingyu's voice was clearly audible.

After a long time, Mu Yun looked at Jiang Ningzhu and said, "Get up."

Li Xiuwen and Gu Nanwan looked at Mu Yun at this time, their eyes widened.

it is true?

Mu Yun nodded.

The two stayed in place for a while.

Mu Yun looked at Jiang Ningzhu, and just about to speak, he felt that as the world turned around, his eyes closed and he passed out.

Too much consumption!

too tired!

Mu Yun just wanted to sleep peacefully at this time.

But at this moment, after being unconscious, Mu Yun felt that his body was light and fluttering, as if appearing between an unknown world.

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