Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4541: Then I am invincible

As soon as this remark came out, everyone raised their brows.

There is something in Guan Yuan's nine words, and everyone is not a fool, and probably all understand a little bit.

But at this moment, Blood Lotus smiled and said: "Clan Chief Guan, I heard that Guan Cong'an, Guan Hanyu, and Guan Yishan all died here in your clan. I don't know what's going on? Can you tell me about it?"

With these words, Guan Yuanjiu's face was obviously ugly.

The death of the three Tianjiao was a big blow to the Guan family.

At the same time, Lu Xian'an, the head of the Lu family, and Su Jianbo, the head of the Su family, also had their expressions cold.

The Lu family and Su family also knew about the deaths of the Guan family’s children.

Naturally, Mu Yun did it!


Yun Mu!

It is Muyun.

This matter is clear to everyone.

Many people died in the Guan family in Guanshanjie, all of whom were killed by Mu Yun.

"Look everyone!"

At this time, Sovereign Yin Ye fell down and turned the topic off.

Everyone looked ahead once again.

Sunrise in the west.

The glorious glow.

The portal, between the buzzing rotations, keeps opening.

But in time, the breath of ancient vicissitudes gradually released from the door.

In the end, the ancient portal was opened, and a sonorous avenue was paved and spread out.

The avenue seems to be true or false, not short or long, just over 10,000 meters.

The Wanmi Avenue stretches out, and the distance from everyone is not very far.

At this time, everyone is looking at the road.

At the end of the avenue is the gateway.

Only at this time, whether to enter or not to enter?

In front, there is the secret realm of Tianyao, Gu Xuan, and Cang, but what is there?

It is half-step Huadi, quasi-emperor level, and it is inevitable that there is some anxiety in my heart at this moment.

After all, no one knows exactly what will happen.

Furthermore, the arrival of the title of God and the title of Emperor is not entirely safe.


At this moment, someone finally couldn't help it.

It was the Dragon Clan that took the lead.

The powerhouses from the early bone dragon clan led hundreds of the Fengtian realm powerhouses from the early bone dragon clan to take the lead.

A terrifying roar sounded at this time, and a shocking breath broke out.

After hundreds of Domination Realm stepped onto the avenue, they immediately felt the overwhelming, tyrannical oppressive force.

The expressions of the leading several powerhouses in the nine-fold and ten-fold realm of the Sealed Heaven Realm changed.

After a while, everyone settled down.

"It's okay."

At the beginning, a strong man of the Bone Dragon clan said: "This way, if it is under the confinement of the sky, it will definitely die!"

At the same time, Long Baiyu, the patriarch of the bone dragon clan in the early days, had a lightning-like divine glow in his eyes.

His eyes are like torches, his gaze is fiery, and his voice is cold, saying: "If you enter the title of God, title of Emperor, you may die."

As soon as this word came out, it could be said that it shocked everyone.

The title of God, the title of Emperor enters, is it sure to die?

Long Baiyu looked around and said, "It seems that Emperor Cang stayed here not for himself."

"The warriors who are restricted to the sealed world can't pass through, because they are worried that the strength of the warriors who enter this place is too low.

"And the title **** title emperor can't enter, because I don't want to give it to those people..."

Long Baiyu's words fell, no longer said anything, turned and left.

He led a group of the Bone Dragon Clan in the early days to move out first to test the danger, and naturally he would enter the front portal first.

Not long after, everyone from the Bone Dragon Clan in the early days had disappeared.

At this time, everyone no longer cared about anything.

The four half-step Hua emperors and two quasi emperors of Star God Palace, without a word, enter directly...

As more and more warriors set off, powerful men from all over the world and all forces entered and disappeared.

Tianyao Palace!

Gu Xuan Palace!

Cang Emperor Palace!

This last secret, the things left by Emperor Cang back then, will finally be seen again.

And what was left of the once epoch-making Cang Emperor after his fall that year?

What is the style of the figure who was arbitrarily arrogant in the time immemorial?

A Cang Emperor!

A yellow emperor!

It is not a **** emperor, but in the history of this world of Canglan, it has an irreplaceable position.

Many figures walked on the main road, entered into it, and disappeared.

And the door of the ancient vicissitudes of life is still open, and the road is still paved above the sea, it seems that something is waiting.

After a few days, during this period, intermittently, some warriors came to this place, through the portal, and entered this place.

Naturally, there was also a warrior who was under the confinement of the world. He was not reconciled and tried to pass the avenue, but all were directly destroyed by the power of the avenue, and no bones were left.

And so and so, until one day.

A team of men and horses appeared here at this time.

The breath of horror broke out.

The three figures headed down one after another at this time.

Desolate Eleven.

Mu Yun.

Xie Qing!

Along with the two, there are Hai Yi and Xie Chong.

The Jiang family martial artist, at this time, consciously dispersed, carefully watching the surroundings.

Jiang Baiyan said at this time: "Inquire for the news."


Immediately a few people scattered around, and after a short while, they rushed back.


A Conferred Heaven Realm Quadruple Warrior directly arched his hands and said, "This is the passage to the last three places, but you must die when you enter the Conferred Heaven Realm, and you cannot enter the title of God and Emperor.

"Star God Palace, the major dragon races, the other five realms of the Six Kingdoms, and the warriors from various forces and races have all entered, probably ten days ago..."

Jiang Baiyan nodded.

Ten days ago?

Those people move extremely fast.

"Young Master..."

"Let's go in too!"

Mu Yun smiled at this time and said: "Title gods and title emperors are not allowed to enter, and they must die under the closed world. This is the battlefield of the closed world, the half-step emperor, and the quasi-emperor."

Mu Yun looked at Huang 11 at this time, and smiled: "Master, there is no title **** or emperor, wouldn't you be invincible?"

"What's this called?"

Huang 11 said immediately: "Even if there is, then I am invincible!"

Xie Qing said with a smile at this time: "Tianyao Palace, Guxuan Palace, Tianyao Female Emperor and Guxuan Female Emperor are said to be first-class women in the Archaic period. I will definitely be convinced by my Xie Qing. Didn't you serve it obediently?"

"Stop bragging."

After a few people exchanged greetings, Mu Yun looked ahead and said: "This time, you can't be preempted by the Star God Palace."

"That is inevitable!"

Everyone, their figures galloped out and entered the door, but their figures disappeared.

But at this time, Mu Yun also understood why his father let himself make a fuss.

No wonder that until now, no one titled **** titled emperor appeared.

Those big figures all understood that in this Cang Emperor Palace, even if Cang Emperor died in the past years, what was left behind was to guard against them.

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