Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4562: Hikatsuyama

Mu Qingyu looked at Mu Yun, and then said: "Okay, you practice hard. If you don't understand, you will gradually understand in the future."

"Don't think so much. Only if you are strong can you live. You have also seen the Lei Di's life. If you don't want to be controlled or live as a pawn, you have to be a chess player and a layman!"

"I know."

Seeing Mu Yun's appearance, Mu Qingyu said again: "It's okay, don't worry, Di Ming can't help you, don't you still have me!"


Mu Qingyu said here again, "The Furong Tower and the Jiang family can use it with confidence, no one will betray our herdsman."


After saying this, Mu Qingyu's blood power disappeared.

At this moment, both Xue Fuying and Huo Ketian looked at Mu Yun.


Mu Yun was a little dumbfounded.

It was true that he hadn't seen his father for a long time, and if he didn't want to, it must be fake.

Every time I meet, I'm in vain.

Moreover, Mu Qingyu always felt very hurried and tired, which made Mu Yun very uncomfortable in his heart.

"Cangdi Tiangang Art... Underworld Dragon Spear..."

Mu Yun whispered: "I will definitely succeed!"

"The Yellow Emperor Scripture is comparable to the Cang Emperor Tiangang Art, but why is it really powerful in my hands, but it is only stronger than the general martial art..."

Mu Yun can clearly judge that he has thoroughly studied the Yellow Emperor Scripture, and these five formulas are also obtained from the records in the Yellow Emperor Scripture.

At this moment, Xue Fuying looked at Mu Yun and said: "Mu Gongzi, what shall we do next?"

Mu Yun raised his head and said: "Let's find the poster of Blood Lotus first. If you can find the Jiang family martial artist, it's better for everyone to gather together."

"If the Cangdi Pavilion is found, all parties must have swarmed in. When the time comes, the stronger the power we gather, the Star God Palace will not be random."


At this time, more than a dozen warriors in Furong Tower began to rectify and rest.

Mu Yun sat on a rock, bowed his head in thought.



"Do you know the Yellow Emperor Jing?" Mu Yun asked casually.

"I know……"

Wen Yuewen said indifferently: "When Emperor Cang was still alive in the past, the Yellow Emperor was going to create a new technique that would facilitate the advancement of martial artists in the dominating realm, and named it the Yellow Emperor Jing."

"Later, I heard that the Yellow Emperor spent a long time working hard to create this method and it has taken shape. I really want to hear Master mention it..."

Wen Yuewen frowned and said, "Oh, yes, it seems that when the Yellow Emperor created the Yellow Emperor Jing, he was in the Cang Emperor Palace. It is said that it was in a martial arts field in Tianyao Palace."

A martial arts field in Tianyao Palace!

Mu Yun's eyes lit up.

His cultivation of the Yellow Emperor Jing completely followed the records, and there should be no problems.

But his father clearly understood the power of the Yellow Emperor Scripture, and he even compared the Yellow Emperor Scripture with the Cang Emperor Tiangang Jue.

In this way, something must be wrong.

If you can cultivate the Yellow Emperor Scripture into a truly powerful one, it will be another powerful killer move in the seventh realm.

"Blood Fuying, Huo Ketian."

At this moment, Mu Yun got up and said directly: "Get ready, let's go to the ancient land of Tianyao Palace!"

Tianyao Palace!

Wen Yuewen originally said that whether it was Tianyao Palace or Guxuan Palace, there was actually nothing left inside before the war.

Mu Yun didn't plan to go.

But now, it is worth a visit.

If you can observe something from the place where the Yellow Emperor created the Yellow Emperor Scriptures, it might make the Five Forms of the Yellow Emperor Scripture stronger.

"Yuewen, do you still remember where the ancient Tianyao Palace is?"

"Let's look for it." Wen Yuewen said lightly: "After all, this secret world is very different from the past."


Since then, more than a dozen people started to set off.

Along the way, Mu Yun was always observing the Yellow Emperor's Sutra, checking whether there were any mistakes in his operation.

Wen Yuewen led the way, stopping occasionally, looking at some ruined places, some dry deserts and other places, standing there alone, not knowing what she was thinking.

From the time when Mu Yun saw her, this woman has always been calm and elegant, gentle and graceful, like a fairy in the moon, she is not arrogant, but she has a hint of indifference.

Moreover, the female emperor Gu Xuan told her that whoever can enter the moon palace, she can help whoever. Until now, Wen Yuewen has done the same, and when it is time to do it, she will help Mu Yun.

At a certain moment, Mu Yun felt that Wen Yuewen seemed to have no feelings.

But when Wen Yuewen stopped and looked at the ruins and wastelands, Mu Yun felt that she was cherishing her memory again.

It's weird.

"this is……"

For more than ten days, more than a dozen people traveled hundreds of thousands of miles in this vast secret world.

On this day, more than a dozen people appeared in front of a broken mountain.

The bottom of each of those mountains is more than a thousand feet in diameter, but all of them are cut off at the height of one thousand feet. The top of the mountain is not visible, only the base of the mountain.

But according to the trend of this mountain base, it can be seen that if these broken mountains reach their peaks, they are at least ten thousand feet high.

At this moment, Wen Yuewen stopped.

"This is Hiking Soul Mountain!"

Hiking Soul Mountain?


At this moment, Xue Fuying thought of something, and suddenly said: "Huihunshan!"

"It is rumored that there was a mountain range in the world of Canglan. When a warrior entered, his body could only stand on the edge of the mountain range, and only the soul could enter it."

"And in Hikihun Mountain, there is a unique power of heaven and earth, and the region formed like a magnetic field can greatly nourish the spirit of the martial artist!"

"It's just that these are all legends recorded in ancient books. After tens of millions of years, no one has seen Hikihun Mountain. Does it really exist?"

Wen Yuewen nodded at this time, and said: "It was the Tianyao Empress who moved the entire mountain range directly and moved it to the vicinity of Tianyao Palace, where she practiced for the Tianyao Palace children.

At this time, Wen Yuewen approached Broken Mountain and said again: "Unfortunately, it has been destroyed by people, and it has no magical effect in the past. This Hikihun Mountain can temper your soul, just like the Mount of Blazing Fire that you stepped into, it is quite peculiar."

Mu Yun looked at the mountains ahead with regret.

If you can polish and polish your soul, it might be much easier to kill ten layers in the seven-fold realm of the Fengtian realm.

After all, to dominate the realm martial artist, the offensive power is mainly reflected in the power of the physical body, the power of the boundary, the power of the power and the soul.

These four, it seems that the martial artist usually takes action, mostly with the power of the boundary and the power to dominate the Tao, but in fact both the physical body and the soul are the most fundamental.

"So, Tianyao Palace should not be far from here?"

Mu Yun looked at Wen Yuewen.

Wen Yuewen looked ahead and murmured: "It's here!"

Tianyao Palace, is it here?

Wen Yuewen said again: "The Tianyao Palace back then was not too close to Fuhun Mountain, but as I said before, the world of Cangdi Palace changed drastically during the First World War."

"Then how are you sure that Tianyao Palace is here?"

Wen Yuewen heard Mu Yun's question, but did not answer, and went straight to the Broken Mountain Range...

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