Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4599: do you died?

"Anxious eye!"

Xie Qing's body was **** at this time, and he laughed and said, "What are you looking for? Can't kill us, are you looking for?"

"This seat makes you die!"

Li Kaiyang let out an angry cry at this time, and his aura burst out from all over his body.

The power of different water!

The power of star tactics!

The flesh of the keel.

This half-step Huadi, till now, has not reached the limit.

At this time, Mu Yun and Xie Qing, one left and the other right, quietly looked at the half-step transforming emperor powerhouse.

Star God Palace, one of the Palace Masters of the Seven Palaces, a powerhouse in the half-step Huadi realm, is so vigorous.


Li Kaiyang drank with a single word, and the broken flesh body burst into blood at this moment, and the light of the surrounding stars suddenly condensed together.

The power of those stars, fused with Li Kaiyang's blood, turned into blood beads, and in a flash, it was overwhelming.



Thousands of blood beads directly impacted Mu Yun and Xie Qing.

At this moment, the two were running their defenses to resist the explosion of blood beads.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Suddenly, the whole world was irrigated by the roar.

Both Mu Yun's body and Xie Qing's body were detonated by the roar and disappeared.

At this time, Li Kaiyang was gasping for breath.

To be able to make him, the Half-Step Huadi Emperor, be so embarrassed, if these two people do not die today, he will be Li Kaiyang in the future, and he will not be an opponent at all.

At this moment, Li Kaiyang gasped and looked at the different waters.

One after another, the blood bead overturned this whole world.

Mu Yun and Xie Qing, can they still live?

"I thought how strong it was!"

At this time, a sneer suddenly sounded.

Xie Qinglong's body appeared on the sea again at this moment.

But at this time, most of the cyan scales fell off, and one of the dragon claws was broken.

But even so, Qianzhang Long's body is still standing proudly.

not dead!

Li Kaiyang looked cold.

"Yes, I didn't die." Xie Qing sneered, "I'm not dead, you have to die!"

Suddenly, a dangerous breath appeared behind him.

Above that mid-air.

Mu Yun's body stood proudly, with golden scales all over, shedding large pieces, almost the same as Xie Qing.

"It's all here, can you still carry it?"

Mu Yun roared at this moment: "Send you to heaven."

When his words fell, Xie Qing suddenly felt like thousands of cyan rays condensed in his body, bursting out of the sky in an instant.

"Ancestral Dragon is destroyed."

In an instant, the blue light turned into a blue dragon figure, rushing out straight.

Li Kaiyang was extremely angry at this moment, but at this time, he still wanted to protect himself.

With a grip of his palm, the overwhelming water came back to him at this time. Then, the water turned into a piece of armor covering the surface of his body.

The ancestor dragon is gone, and the cyan body is killed right away.


A violent roar sounded at this time.

Li Kaiyang stood in the air, letting the cyan dragon body be slashed, but he was still unable to break his different water armor.

"With you, you can't kill me!"

"is it?"

But at this moment, Mu Yun smiled coldly and said: "That's not sure."

He was originally standing high in the sky, overlooking Li Kaiyang, but when Li Kaiyang looked at Mu Yun again, he didn't know when, Mu Yun actually held a tower in his hand.

Cangdi Tower!

The Cangdi Pagoda, which is as high as ten thousand feet, was held by Mu Yun's figure at this time.

"Smash you to death!"

Mu Yun's words fell, and the Cangdi Pagoda directly swept down.

Bang! ! !

The deep cracking sound continued to sound at this time.

The terrifying breath exploded.

The roar kept resounding.

"Smash it again!"

Mu Yun lifted the Cangdi Pagoda again and smashed it down again.

The real emperor Cangdi Pagoda, at this time, seemed to be a hammer in Mu Yun's hands, and was smashed down by Mu Yun time and time again, hitting Li Kaiyang's body time and time again.

The different water armor gradually shattered.

At this time, Li Kaiyang's body was also constantly exploding.

Mu Yun never stopped, smashing it time and time again, time and time again, until in the end, even the Cangdi Pagoda could not be held up, and then he stopped.

At this time, Xie Qing's body appeared, lifted the dragon claw, and grabbed it directly.

Bang bang bang...

The dragon claws shot again and again, shattering the space and beating Li Kaiyang's body.

Until the end, it was exhaustion.

The two dragons were floating in the air at this time, looking at the corpse of Li Kaiyang on the ground.

"do you died?"

Mu Yun gasped for breath.

"I don't know, 80% is dead!" Xie Qing was also pale at the moment.

At this time, Mu Yun was holding the Heavenly Fault Divine Sword, driving the Thunder Emperor Rod and Cang Emperor Pagoda, step by step to Li Kaiyang.

"Be careful."

Xie Qing grinned with his teeth now.


When the words fell, Mu Yun's Lei Emperor rod burst out with thunder, shattering Li Kaiyang's body.

Tianque Divine Sword cut a few more swords in the air.

Both Heaven and Earth Baking Furnace and Cangdi Pagoda were directly smashed down.

In this way, in the end, with no energy at all, Mu Yun collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily.

This time, absolutely dead.

At this moment, Xie Qing was also transformed into a human form, sitting on the ground with a butt, his whole body covered in blood.

Li Kaiyang, dead!

At this time, the palace lord of Xun Yuanshan, who was coming with Li Kaiyang, changed his face greatly, while the expressions of the other powerful people in the Fengtian realm changed in shock.

On the other hand, Jiang Baiyan, Jiang Baijing, Xue Fuying, Huo Ketian and others were even more shocked.

But it was a surprise surprise!

Li Kaiyang, really dead!

Died by the hands of Mu Yun and Xie Qing.

At this time, Jiang Baiyan gave an order and shouted: "Kill, kill all these martial artists in Kaiyang Palace and Yaoguang Palace."

The imposing manner was revealed, and after the time, there were silhouettes, shouting and killing, shaking the heaven and the earth.

At this time, Mu Yun was also aware of Li Kaiyang, the half-step emperor's essence and energy, as the swallowing blood opened and flowed into his body, and he knew thoroughly that Li Kaiyang was really dead!

To be honest, he didn't know how to do it.

But Mu Yun understood that if it were not for Xie Qing to kill the Palace Master of Kaiyang Palace, it would be idiotic.

This is Half-Step Huadi!

It is by no means a level that can be compared to those who dominate Dao.

Xie Qing sat slumped on the ground at this time, but the whole person looked at Mu Yun and suddenly laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

Mu Yun couldn't help saying.

"Hahaha, Lao Tzu is also the one who killed half of the emperor." Xie Qing laughed and said: "One day, Lao Tzu will surpass the old man Baili, so he must be beaten."

Baili old man, naturally Baili cry.

"You want to beat him, I think it's still early!"

Mu Yun smiled at this time: "Half-step Huadi, you and I joined hands, and I was like this. I lost half of my life, the title of God and title emperor... less than half-step Huadi, even the qualifications to fight. No."

"If it weren't for the Cangdi Pagoda, Li Kaiyang might not have died in the last few shots."

Speaking of this, Xie Qing immediately cursed: "Emperor Cang is eccentric, and Lao Tzu can also pass the nine-fold test. This is shameless. Cang Emperor Pagoda gives you such an emperor, isn't it a waste?

Hearing this, Mu Yun looked at Xie Qing and cursed: "Emperor Cang told me straight, he is partial, how can you drop it?"

When Xie Qing heard the words, he looked at Mu Yun, and the two of them looked at each other, but suddenly burst into laughter.

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