Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4605: Father's attitude is very strange

"It's okay, I naturally understand that I won't blame you for this."

Mu Yun patted Long Taixuan on the shoulder and smiled.

Long Taixuan's status makes it difficult for him and Long Taixuan to become good friends.

"What were you doing just now?"

Hearing Mu Yun's question, Long Taixuan looked at Mu Yun curiously.

"Brother Mu, haven't you noticed it?"


Long Taixuan immediately said: "Every mountain here is the origin of the dragon that has banned a dragon's life. In the mountain I just saw, it happened to be the origin of the dragon of a senior of the bone dragon in the early days. I just learned the origin of the dragon."

The origin of the dragon?

Seeing that Muyun didn't understand, Long Taixuan immediately said: "After the death of the Dragon Race, either actively or passively, the essence of condensed, um...It is similar to the inheritance of your human race."

Hearing this, Mu Yun's expression was even more dazed.


I can't get any of them!


Is it because he is not the body of the ten dragons, but is transformed into a dragon based on the origin of the human race?

Long Taixuan also said strangely: "Brother Mu, you can turn into a dragon, can't you feel it?"

Mu Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Perhaps it doesn't fit your dragon origin, patiently look for it, there should be."


Having said that, Mu Yun didn't hold any hope at this time.

It should be difficult.

The two are walking together at this time.

Everyone is separated, and the place looks vast.

"Your father knows that Long Yunteng is dead, isn't it troublesome for you?"


Long Taixuan smiled and said: "It's just that you are not happy. Even if you are angry, you should be angry with you!"

"However, my father's attitude is very strange."



Long Taixuan went on to say: "Since we were young, we have had very little contact with our father, and my father has rarely tested and taught us. He is the crown prince and was also elected by the elders of the clan."

"My father just nodded and agreed."

"And for so many years, my father has been going deep and simple. I can't remember how long he hasn't appeared in front of everyone."

Really a strange person.

Mu Yun said again: "I heard Xie Qing say that your father used to be extremely talented and his personality was also proud, but now he can't see it..."


Long Taixuan sighed and said, "My father used to be very arrogant. Now it seems that he has changed himself, but everyone is used to it."

"For a while before, my father was suddenly very concerned about me and my nine sisters. At that time, I was quite moved, but changed..."

Mu Yun was also secretly surprised.

What's the situation with this Long Baiyu?

In fact, he didn't really care about Long Baiyu's character, he just wanted to explore his style and see the attitude of the Bone Dragon Clan towards herdsmen and emperors in the early days.

"In our Taichu Bone Dragon Clan, my mother is the third wife married by my father. I, and my late eighth brother, and Nine Sister Long Fuling, were born to one mother."

"Eldest brother Long Yunteng, second brother Long Yunao, you killed them, they were born to the same mother as third brother Long Yunxiao."

"The fourth sister, Long Yunzhi, the fifth brother, Long Baifeng, and the sixth brother, Long Yunhan, were born to a mother."

Long Taixuan sighed and said: "My mother is not from the early bone dragon clan, but from the dragon clan, so we three brothers and sisters, the status is not high, my eighth brother in the past..."

Speaking of this, Long Taixuan immediately said: "It's all old things, not to mention it."

"Brother Mu, you can transform yourself into a dragon. I will take you to the dragon world in the future. The dragon world is very vast, no less than the first heaven, and not only the ten dragon races, but also various other kinds of dragons. The dragons, humans, etc., are very lively."

"Everyone says that Xiaoyao Saint Ruins is a shrinking world of Canglan. In fact, I think the Dragon Realm is the same, but the Dragon Realm is respected by the Dragon Clan, and you humans are not used to it."

Long Taixuan is actually a very talkative person, but he doesn't like to talk too much when facing strangers.

After getting acquainted with Mu Yun, seeing Mu Yun, I felt a little more intimate and talked more.

And hearing this, Mu Yun also understood why Long Taixuan would be engaged to Wu Xinyao.

Dragons attach importance to blood inheritance.

Long Taixuan's mother did not come from the bone dragon clan in the early days. Naturally, the distance between Long Taixuan and the prince was far away.

At the moment, Long Taixuan was talking about many things in the dragon world with Mu Yun, and also talked about Xie Qing's reputation in the dragon world over the years.

"In fact, Xie Qing has been very difficult in the dragon world over the years. The three dragons tried to deal with him and almost killed him several times. If it weren't for the help of senior Jin Zhengyuan, Xie Qing might have died several times."

"Besides, there seems to be a force that is also helping him."

"But he is now as good as you, with a great reputation."

"Don't look down on Senior Kim Jong-yeon. In fact, it's not just Jin Xuaner who likes him, but Jin Yuanbao admires him. Senior Kim Jong-yeon also cares about Xie Qing. If you can protect him, try to protect him.

"Maybe this is personality charm... No, this should be the result of Xie Qing's own efforts..."

Speaking of this, Long Taixuan felt bitter in his heart.

He also thought about changing his destiny.

However, his elder brothers are proud of their talents. He has not been treated since he was a child, and his mother family can’t bring him anything. Even though he has worked hard, his talent is not enough. The scheming methods are not as good as the elder brothers. .

Just as Long Yunteng scolded Long Fuling at the time, as his elder brother, he was extremely angry, but on the surface, he could only be complacent.

In fact, Long Yunteng Long Yun proudly died, but there was a sense of relief in his heart.

Although his father did not register a prince, no matter who it was, he was better than Long Yunteng and Long Yunao.

It is only now that Mu Yun really understands this friend's past and character.

There are a lot of things that never happen in life.

As the son of God Emperor Qingyu and the son of Emperor Qing, he should have been in the world of Canglan.

But by the way, fate is like this.

And this fate is not what he should have, but someone puts it on him.

And he will not admit his fate.

A conversation with Emperor Cang made Mu Yun firmer.

The Cangdi, Huangdi, Xiaoyao Divine Emperor, Lei Di and other people at that time were all settled by others and were not their own destiny, struggling for a lifetime.

But he is not trying to struggle, but to overturn this chess game.


At this moment, Long Taixuan suddenly stopped, and the two of them turned a corner. At the foot of a mountain range in front, a figure sat cross-legged. At this time, they slowly got up and looked at the two of them.

"Yuwen Mansion!"

Seeing that person, Long Taixuan suddenly became nervous.

But Mu Yun was looking at the young man in front of him, wearing a purple-gold gown, set off a somewhat refined and easy-going manner.

Long Taixuan whispered at this time: "This guy is the son of Yu Wei, the prince of the dragon family of purgatory."

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