Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4609: Endless blood

"You want to kill me!"

Long Taixuan looked at his third brother at this time, his eyes changed in shock.

Even if he was not born to a mother, he never thought that a few brothers and sisters would have murderous intentions among each other.

Even Su Rili, Long Yunteng and Long Yunao are quite arrogant and defiant, and they are not very friendly to their brothers and sisters, but they have never had a murderous intention.

Long Yunteng died, Long Yun died proudly, Long Taixuan felt more relieved, but he did not say that he was happy.

But looking back at Long Yunxiao, he seemed extremely happy about it, that was his brother of the same father and mother!

"What about killing you?"

Long Yunxiao coldly hummed at this time: "Bad my good deeds, you are not sorry for your death."

Long Yunxiao drank a word, shook his palm, and shot Long Taixuan straight away.


But at this moment, a sword aura swept across in the air, and instantly rushed to Long Yunxiao's palm.

With a puff, Jian Qi cut off Long Yunxiao's arm.

At this moment, a figure came between the two like a thunder and lightning.

Long Taixuan was still in shock at this time.

Long Yunxiao was holding the blood hole in his wrist, his face pale.

"Mu Yun!"

When Long Yunxiao saw Mu Yun's figure appear, he was taken aback.

"Bastard stuff."

Mu Yun shook Long Yunxiao's neck with his palm, and hummed: "Even if you are not the same father and mother, Long Taixuan is your brother. If he didn't let me take the shot, you should have been killed by Xu Kun, and now you still want to take it. Kill him."

"Such a person is a scourge to live!"

At this time, Mu Yun clamped Long Yunxiao's neck with one hand, but did not kill him.

"I will save them first, and then deal with you!"

When the word fell, the Heavenly Que Divine Sword flashed a ray of light at this time, and a sword pierced Long Yunxiao's chest and nailed it to the mountain wall. Mu Yun even set up a series of border patterns to ban a dozen people around him.

"Are you OK?"

Mu Yun looked at Long Taixuan and asked.

"It's okay, Brother Mu, my sister and them..."

"do not worry."

At this moment, Mu Yun stepped forward, his figure flashed, and instantly appeared among the warring mountains.

At this moment, when Hai Yi saw Mu Yun appearing, he was immediately astonished. He laughed and said, "Brother Mu, you are here, that's great."

"This blood is endless, but it is very arrogant. It kills Long Yunzhi, Long Baiyu and others. I happened to be passing by, and I drew my sword to help each other."

Mu Yun looked at Hai Yi and said, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, if it wasn't for this guy to reach the 9th level, maybe I could kill him." Hai Yi said nonchalantly.

Hearing this, the blood was endless, he wore a blood shirt, moved with the wind, his eyes were as weird as blood stained, and he was shocked when he saw Mu Yun appear.

"Mu Yun..."

Xue Hentai snorted and said, "Bad my good deeds, I remember you."

When the words fell, endless blood turned and left.

"What are you running?"

At this moment, Mu Yun waved his hand, and thousands of boundary lines condensed, spreading out, and all the space around him was blocked.

Xue Hentai's face suddenly turned ugly.

Xu Tian!

You Jiujue!

All this was dead in the hands of Mu Yun and Xie Qing.

This guy doesn't care about their identities.


"The **** devil dragon clan has such a good relationship with the Star God Palace. Your father will kill me before. It's rare to meet you here. Do you still want to run?"

Mu Yun looked at Blood Endless and pointed out.

Hercules fingering.

Finger marks flew out in the sky, and instantly came to Xue Wujin's body.

"Bloodly Transforming Heavenly Dragon Technique!"

But at this time, the blood is endless, he drank a word, held his palm, and watched the time, his whole body condensed.

It's just that, between those qi and blood condensed, it instantly turned into a blood dragon of thousands of feet, and went straight to the finger marks.

Bloody Heavenly Dragon Technique!

The secret technique of the **** dragon clan.


Finger marks burst, and the blood dragon still hovered steadily around Blood Endless.

At this moment, Endless Blood was taken aback.

Mu Yun and Xie Qing jointly smashed the half-step Hua Emperor Li Kaiyang, they already knew.

But now it seems that Mu Yun is not that strong either!

At this moment, Mu Yun looked towards Blood Endless.

"The secret technique of the **** dragon clan is quite powerful, but how can you compare it with the blood dragon curse?"

While Mu Yun smiled slightly, his palms formed a seal, and his body at this moment was constantly approaching Blood Endless.

"Blood Dragon Curse."

The curse seal of the two Dao Pin glyphs, one on the left and the other on the right, rushed out at this moment, pushing the blood away.

Boom... boom boom...

They are all dragon secret arts, and they are all extremely powerful.

The blood dragon curse broke out in an instant, and the terrifying aura converged at this moment, igniting the surroundings.

Hai Yi, Long Yunzhi, Long Baiyu, Long Yunhan, Long Fuling and others stopped at this time.

"Brother Mu has reached the ninth realm, and it's even more powerful!" Hai Yi said with a proud face.

Anyway, Mu Yun is the brother of Xie Qing, Xie Qing is his elder brother, and Mu Yun is also his elder brother.

The eldest brother is great, of course he should be proud of.

At this time, the blood dragon curse broke out, the blood dragon beside Xue Wu Endless collapsed, and the whole person looked quite pale.

Mu Yun stepped forward and came in front of him, with a flick of his palm, an ethereal cut, directly cut down.

Puff, it sounded at this moment.

A bloodstain appeared on his chest with endless blood, and the whole breath was even more sluggish.

The breath of horror erupted at this moment.

The rumbling voice kept ringing.

At this time, Mu Yun punched and kicked, causing Blood Endless to be greatly suppressed, and his entire face became paler and paler.

It's all Kunou.

But no one could see that Mu Yun was completely suppressing the endless blood.

"Mu Yun, even if I am dead, don't you want to walk out of the Cang Emperor Palace alive!"

"You still worry about my affairs when you die, how much do you miss me?" Mu Yun sneered: "Don't worry, you princes will be company first, and I will send your laozi one by one afterwards."

"Son of a bitch!"

The blood is endless and incompetent.

Mu Yun hummed: "You are only allowed to kill me? Ridiculous!"

With a word, Mu Yun shook his palm, and Shen Lingji broke out.

The power of the Void God Art, not to mention the nine-fold realm, even the ten-fold realm, could not be resisted.

That spatial vortex will have an endless body of blood, swallowing it in strands, until in the end, there is no flesh and blood, and the soul is shattered.

At this time, the dozens of masters of the Heavenly Sealing Realm who had come with endless blood changed all of them.

The prince is dead.

Mu Yun looked at those people, without leaving his hands, Hercules showed his **** skills, pointing one at a time, sending them to the west.

A dozen people were quickly killed.

At this moment, Mu Yun's figure fell, and Hai Yi immediately greeted him, smiling and saying, "Brother Mu is getting better and better. I guess he can kill Half Step Huadi by himself now."

"Stop blowing."

At this time, Long Yunzhi also walked over with Long Baiyu, Long Yunhan, and Long Fuling.

"Thank you, Master Mu."

Long Yunzhi looks a bit more mature than Long Fuling, the whole figure is plump, and the appearance is also good.

"You're welcome."

"Fourth elder sister, fifth elder brother, sixth elder brother, and ninth elder sister."

Long Taixuan also appeared at this time.

"Seven brothers."

Seeing Long Taixuan also appear here, several people were very surprised.

Mu Yun looked at a few people, and then said: "There is one more person, you need to deal with it yourself."

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