Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4614: No one can leave

There are such things!

Long Baiyi did not die, but turned into Long Baiyu, and has always served as the patriarch of the bone dragon clan in the early days!

The big lie of this day confuses them all.

At this moment, Long Taixuan's eyes flushed, and he scolded: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Little baby, what are you sad about?"

Xun Yuanshan smiled and said, "In those days, after Long Baiyu died, Long Baiyu took his place, and just married two wives, Xu Ningyin and Wang Shuanghua from the bone dragon clan in the early days!"

"Xu Ningyin gave birth to three sons, Long Yunteng, Long Yunao, and Long Yunxiao, and Wang Shuanghua gave birth to a daughter, Long Yunzhi, Long Baifeng, and Long Yunhan."

"Later, I married Yan Yeqing of the Tianzhulong clan, who is your little child, your father, who was originally Long Baiyi."

"Up to now, there is nothing worth concealing. Today, the five of me joined forces and killed the three of them, Long Baiyi, you can continue to hide your identity, and at the critical moment, give a fatal blow to the shepherd and the Ye family!

At this moment, Xu Cangzi, You Tianque, and Xue Qiuwei were also shocked and speechless.

Everyone knows that Mu Qingyu is fully prepared. Over the years, he has cultivated a lot of his confidants.

But the emperor family, how simple is it?

Nowadays, four of the ten dragon clan are driven by the emperor's family.

Mu Qingyu is sinister?

Di Ming is even more sinister!

At this time, not only Long Taixuan, but the three of Long Yunzhi, Long Baifeng, and Long Yunhan standing beside Long Baiyu also all looked terrified.

They thought the uncle who died was their biological father Long Baiyi.

And Long Baiyu, who they always thought was his father, had long since died.

This... is too shocking.

The most important thing is that for so many years, no one knew about the bone dragon clan in the early days.

At this time, Mu Yun frowned.

No wonder Long Taixuan mentioned his father and sighed, his father's personality changed drastically.

It turned out to be a different person.

The imperial family's methods are incredible!

But at this moment, Long Baiyu, who was standing in the air, suddenly smiled slightly, with an arc of his mouth, looked at Xun Yuanshan, and said, "On this matter, only Lord Emperor Star, the five palace lords, and Emperor Wen Tinghe Di Wenque knows, Xun Yuanshan, you have a half-step realm, but you are not qualified to know!"

Xun Yuanshan didn’t care either, and said helplessly: “I didn’t have the right to know, but this time, the blood patriarch’s beloved son was killed. Long stable and stable mood."

"Patriarch Blood, are you satisfied now?"

Xun Yuanshan looked at the blood feud Wei and smiled.

Xie Qiuwei looked at Long Baiyu at this time and couldn't help saying: "Long Baiyi, what a peach for a plum, we will all be cheated! Good, good!"

The ten dragon clan, the four clan all belong to the emperor clan, which makes the three of the blood enmity Wei, Xu Cangzi, and Youtianque, all of them are very strong!

You know, once the four dragon races unite, and with the help of the Star God Palace, they can not only swallow the Primordial Flame Dragon Race and the Sea Shaking Dragon Race, but also the Five Claw Golden Dragon Race, the Colorful Sky Dragon Race, the Purgatory Dragon Race and the Abyss Ming Dragons.

At that time, the dragon world will be unified, and the first heaven will be unified!

How can this not surprise people again and again!

At this time, Long Baiyi stepped forward and came to the side of Xue Chouwei, You Tianque, Xu Cangzi, Xun Yuanshan and others.

The five strong stood firm.

That kind of pressure made Mu Yun feel extremely sanctioned.

Yes, my father has always been prepared. The eight sons and eight heavenly emperors under the seat of Emperor Ming, are they ordinary people? Isn't it not prepared!

Gu Yanzhong and Haiyuan had to smile bitterly.

This time, it was really planted!

"Taixuan, Fu Ling!"

Long Baiyu said, "I am your father, and Long Baiyi is your father!"

When Long Baiyu's words fell, his face began to change slightly, and his posture seemed a bit taller at this time.

The juvenile posture turned into a middle-aged man at this time, still thin, but a bit more aggressive.

At this moment, Long Yunzhi and Long Taixuan were completely frightened.


What Xun Yuanshan said is true!

Their father is not Long Baiyu, but Long Baiyi who killed his brother!

This not only deceived them, but also deceived the entire primordial bone dragon clan.

Suddenly, Long Taixuan and Long Fuling trembled.

Xun Yuanshan said at this time: "Long Baiyi, since your identity has been revealed, they won't be able to live today!"

"This is natural!"

Long Baiyi's voice was somewhat indifferent at this time.

He is in an improper position and needs help!

But the emperor was the only one who could help him.

At this time, the breath of the five strong men was scattered.

The tyrannical oppression made Gu Yanzhong and Haiyuan feel tremendous pressure.

Hai Yi also appeared at this time, standing beside his father, looking up and down his father.

"Father, I remember the second uncle was also killed in the battle..."

Bang! ! !

Hai Yuan hit it with a punch, and Hai Yi fell into the mud.

"When is it, still thinking about it!" Hai Yuan shouted angrily.

At this time, Gu Yanzhong looked at Mu Yun and said, "I and Hai Yuan can't leave today. You take Hai Yi and leave."

"Ancient Patriarch..."

"Don't talk nonsense, this kind of situation is very difficult to deal with even after the eleventh drought, aside from Xun Yuanshan, the four of them are all of the quasi-emperor's strength level."

"The two of us can't protect you, but to keep you away, you can try desperately."

Gu Yanzhong continued: "Remember, the identity of Long Baiyi must be passed on. He is not in position. In the early days, there would be many people in the Bone Dragon Clan who would not accept it."

"At that time, it must not cause civil strife."

Gu Yanzhong also understood that even if it caused civil strife, Long Baiyi would be able to suppress it with the support of the Star God Palace.

However, after all, it can make this **** upset.

Gu Yanzhong went on to say: "Back then, Master Zulong unified the ten dragon tribes. Zulong treated us not badly, and Ye tribe treated us very well. I will wait for the two people and will not forget our roots. Even if we die, we will let you go. "

Hearing this, Mu Yun felt very uncomfortable.

"Old Patriarch, Patriarch Hai, I..."

Hai Yuan shouted at this time: "Smelly boy, mother-in-law, **** off, you want to die, my son doesn't want to die yet."

Hearing this, Mu Yun was startled.

Hai Yi hummed, "Father, die together."

"Die you a ball!" Hai Yuan shouted: "Follow Muyun and go back to inherit the position of the patriarch, and protect me to shake the sea **** and dragon clan!"



At this moment, Xun Yuanshan sneered: "Four people, none of them can leave today!"

Long Baiyi stepped forward and sneered: "No one can leave."

At this time, Xue Qiuwei also took a step forward, and smiled coldly: "Then what nonsense, kill my son, Mu Yun, I will kill him."


Ascending time, five half-step emperors, four of which were comparable to the quasi emperor's strength, broke out instantly.


But at this moment, almost for an instant, a roar that shook the sky and the earth suddenly broke out...

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