Supreme God Emperor

Chapter 4636: Lu Qingfeng and the emperor Yifan

At this time, in the depths of the Hirayama Mountains, standing on the top of a high mountain, stood a figure in purple clothes, carrying three long swords, wearing a long cloak, and wearing a hood, like a statue, standing on the top of the mountain with a gale blowing past. , Rolled up his clothes.

"Lu Qingfeng, you are really not afraid of death..."

A murmur sounded at this moment, and smiled: "This first heaven, you dare to come."

Hearing this, the figure in Ziyi raised his head, revealing a slashed face, looking at a person walking out of the void.

He was dressed in a yellow robe, with a crown of feathers on his head, boots on his feet, and a robe that showed off the flames and appeared in front of him.

"Di Yifan."

Lu Qingfeng said at this moment: "You will come."

Di Yifan smiled and said, "Do you know I will come?"

"Mu Qingyu said, although the Cang Emperor Palace said that the ban is strong, it has existed for so many years, and many places inside are rotten. Although he is constantly consolidated, there are many secret treasures on the side of the emperor. If the two heavenly emperors work hard, they may be able to break the ban , To enter it, Mu Yun will be very dangerous when that happens, so here I am!"

"You are extremely confident. Don't think that you have inherited Ye Xiaoyao and become the unparalleled sword god. In this Canglan, you will be fearless!"

The two stood still a hundred meters apart, talking like old friends.

"To be honest, according to Mu Qingyu's temperament, Mie Tianyan is dissatisfied with Mu Yun's destiny. He wants to kill Mie Tianyan."

"And you, getting Ye Xiaoyao's inheritance will make Mu Yun grow more slowly, and Mu Qingyu's heart is probably also killing you."

"I still know a little bit about him. For him, his wife is the first and his son is the second. Di Yuan's fault lies in the imprisonment of Ye Yushi. Back then, our brothers all said He tried to kill Ye Yushi, but Diyuan was confident that he could imprison Ye Yushi, fish out Mu Qingyu, and be able to kill Mu Qingyu together, but in the end... he was played to death by Mu Qingyu. Up!"

Di Yifan went on to say: "For Ye Yushi, Mu Qingyu can kill Muyun, and for Muyun, Mu Qingyu can kill everyone except Ye Yushi."

"Mu Qingyu, is such a person, do you think he values ​​so-called feelings?"

"Why be with him, my emperor will win, this will not change, you shouldn't die together with the herdsman."

Hearing this, Lu Qingfeng smiled and said, "I didn't do it for him."

"In my life, Lu Qingfeng, there is only one sword in my heart, only my junior sister, my junior brother, by my side, nothing more."

Di Yifan couldn't help laughing: "Do you think that the herd is right? Is my emperor wrong? What if my emperor is right?"

"I am right or wrong." Lu Qingfeng said: "Even if my junior is wrong, you can't kill him."

"Whether it's right or wrong..." Di Yifan murmured, "It's so good, then I'll see, you, who became the unparalleled sword god, how capable you are."

Di Yifan fell, waved his palm, and between the void and trembling, the whole world became a sea of ​​fire at this time. In the sea of ​​fire, the bodies of beasts came straight out towards Lu Qingfeng.

But at this moment, the surroundings were silent, and the earth was turned into dust, and the mountains and trees disappeared.

At this time, Lu Qingfeng had **** and swords, three long swords behind his back, and the Richen Divine Sword swept out in the air at this time, like a ten thousand-foot divine monument, standing proudly between the world.


The Richen Divine Sword was cut down in the air, like a pillar of heaven and earth, falling down at this time, a sword aura, straight out of the emperor.

When the sword gas rushed out of time, it was like a beast of floods, making the world and the earth change in color, the sea of ​​clouds rolled, and the mountains within a hundred miles disappeared.

The breath of horror erupted at this moment.

With one sword out, among the thousands of voids, there seemed to be thousands of Lu Qingfeng figures, directly cut out.

When Di Yifan saw this scene, he smiled coldly.


He drank it, and the flames roared in front of him. Suddenly, a frightening aura swept out.

Under its feet, a huge body suddenly appeared between them.

The terrifying and terrifying suffocation engulfed him.

Looking closely, his body is like a flaming red rock with no rules at all, and its sharp claws seem to tear the world apart.

In Lu Qingfeng's eyes, the giant beast was like an abyssal dragon, born from the abyss, with a fierce aura.

However, this giant beast's body is somewhat similar to the Abyssal Dragon, but it has nine heads, and each head is domineering.

Di Yifan sneered and said, "The Sun Moon Star Sword, I knew it was very powerful."

"It's just that the Jiu Ying, a beast that has been extinct in the prehistoric period, has been united with me physically and mentally for so many years I have carefully cultivated it."

"Lu Qingfeng, I'll give you a choice. If you don't choose, then in that case, you have to die!"

Di Yifan stepped out in one step, Jiuying's huge body, full of fierce appearance, and nine heads, instantly swept the world, and at this moment, it hit Lu Qingfeng.

A wild beast!

Just like those prehistoric species in the Ninth Celestial Realm...

Lu Qingfeng's expression remained unchanged at this time, with his feet on the void, and the Yuechen Divine Sword behind him, bursting out of the sky in an instant.

Richen Divine Sword and Yuechen Divine Sword, one left and the other right, slashed at Jiu Ying's nine heads.

Puff puff puff!

The long sword crossed, the space was torn apart, and Jiuying's two heads were cut off.

But between the blood squirming, the two heads gradually grew out again.

Di Yifan snorted, his hands seemed to condense thousands of seals in an instant, and the time, hundreds of miles in the sky, the rocks, engulfed in the fire, erupted at this moment.

"Wan Shizhen!"

Di Yifan drank with a single word, and the huge stones slammed into Lu Qingfeng instantly, wrapping Lu Qingfeng's body.

Suddenly, a huge rock with a diameter of ten thousand feet was suspended in the air.

Di Yifan saw this scene and said coldly: "There is a gap between the title of God and the title of Emperor!"

"You're right."

As Di Yifan's voice fell, the crackling sound of Ka Ka Ka sounded at this time, and the huge rock gradually cracked at this time.

Lu Qingfeng wore a purple dress, his cyan cloak moved with the wind, and three divine swords hovered in front of him, exuding an impenetrable aura.

"There is a gap between the title of **** and emperor!"

Lu Qingfeng stepped out with **** together, recording the time, that Sunchen Divine Sword, Yuechen Divine Sword, and Star Divine Sword, all three were one.

In an instant, on both sides of the sword hilt, surrounded like the sun and the moon, above the sword body, it was like stars emitting a heart-palpitating light.

The combination of three swords is the true sun, moon and stars sword, one of the prestigious thirteen treasures!

At this moment, Lu Qingfeng was holding a divine sword and slashed out with a single sword, as if opening up the world.

A sword body artistic conception burst out at this moment, and went straight into the nine days, and the sword body artistic conception, after sprinting to the limit, condensed nine rushing breaths, until in the end, the nine forging, becoming the ten forging!

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